
Terms for subject Finances containing 第三 | all forms | in specified order only
VPN第三代中央结算系统的虚拟专用网络CCASS/3 virtual private network
第三代自动对盘及成交系统第三代自动对盘系统Automatic Order Matching and Execution System/Third Generation
第三债务人扣押令garnishee order
第三受益人third party beneficiary
第三季度quarter 3
第三证券市场third market
第三抵押权third mortgage
第三方代理商escrow agent
第三方保管协议escrow agreement
第三方信用证third party credit
第三方基金管理公司third-party fund managers
第三方担保贷款loan with third party's guarantee
第三方担保风险third-party guarantee risks
第三方支付pay with escrow
第三方支付third-party payments
第三方确认书confirmation form third party
第三方网站基本报价服务third party website basic market prices service
第三方补偿third party reimbursement
第三方责任保险third party liability insurance
第三方账户third party account
第三方费用分担third-party cost sharing
第三次量化宽松quantitative easing 3
第三者交易third party transaction
第三者代承兑act of honor
第三者代管债券escrow bond
第三者参加付款payment by intervention
第三者担保third party guarantee
第三者结算third party clearing