
Terms for subject Business containing 第三 | all forms | in specified order only
第三国货币汇兑比率cross ratio
第三者代管的现金cash held on behalf of third party
代收第三人款cash collected on behalf of third party
代管第三人物资material held on behalf of third party
合同不涉及第三者原则指合同约束签约双方,不涉及第三方privity of contract
第三债务人下达的扣押令garnishee order
向责任第三方追索recourse against the responsible third party
向责任第三者追索recourse against the responsible third party
善意第三third party acting in good faith
善意第三bona fide third party
第三者付款third party payment
汽车第三方责任保险motor vehicle third party insurance
第三方履行合同contract to be performed by the third party
第三者偿还的信贷reimbursement credit
第三产业tertiary production
第三产业指不生产商品只履行劳务的行业,如贸易、 银行、保险、运输和个人劳务等,与 service industry 同义tertiary industry
第三人的权利要求claim of third person
第三份样品triplicate sample
第三国市场third-country market
第三国承运人指既不挂出口国国旗,也不挂进口国国旗的船只承运者third flag carrier
第三国汇票third-country bills
第三季度quarter three
证券第三市场指既不通过交易所,也不利用非挂牌市场,而是经纪人私下和客户进行挂牌证券交易的市场,即第三市场third market
第三张汇票指汇票第三联third of exchange
第三托运人third party shipper
第三账户银行间转账用语loro account
第三方所开的货物符合合同的证明书expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods
第三方电子预订系统third party computer reservation system
第三档齿轮third speed gear
第三次四分位数third quartile
第三midnight shift
第三mid-night shift
第三窗口贷款third window
第三c grade
第三类业务条件third window term
第三级相互作用third order interaction
第三intermediate party
第三者人身伤害third party bodily injury
第三者付款电话call charged to another number
第三者代理商escrow agent
第三者参加付款payment by the intervention
第三者参加承兑指汇票拒付后,第三者为维护出票人信誉而代为承兑payment supra protest
第三者提单third-party bill of lading
第三者权利jus tertii
第三者权益租赁third party equity lease
第三者条款third-party clause
第三者法定责任third party legal liability
第三者补偿third party reimbursement
第三者责任third-party liability
第三者责任保险third-party insurance
第三者责任法定保险如汽车compulsory third party insurance
第三轮估计量third-round estimate
英镑美元第三国外汇牌价sterling-dollar cross rate
证券交易所沟通买卖双方的第三市场经济人block trader
货物符合合同的第三方鉴定人证明书expert in third party certificate of confirmation of the goods
转让给第三assignment to third party
转让给第三assignment to third
雇主第三者责任保险employer's third liability insurance