
Terms for subject Technology containing 稳态流 | all forms | in specified order only
下流稳态膜downflow stationary film
不稳定状态流动unsteady state flow
二维河流稳态水质模型基本方程basic equation of two-dimensional steady water quality model of river
稳态流量分析quasi-steady flow analysis
平流层臭氧稳态stratospherical ozone steady state
平流层臭氧稳态stratospheric ozone steady state
平稳流态化床steady fluidized bed
无界河流二维稳态水质模型two-dimensional steady water quality model of non-boundary river
水流条件的稳定状态steady-state of flow condition
流态稳定性flow stability
液流不稳定状态hydraulic transient
稳定流态steady-state of flow condition
稳定流态steady flow state
稳态三相短路电流permanent three-phase short circuit current
稳态均匀流steady-state uniform flow
稳态流steady-state current
稳态非均匀流steady non-uniform flow
稳态流unsteady state flow