
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing | all forms
个人免personal exemptions
使用美国对一种商品在初次使用时征收的一种税use tax
仓库bonded storage
偿还所得income tax reimbursement
偿还所得reimbursement of income tax
待遇duty-free privileges
特权duty-free privileges
进口duty-free importation
免纳zero out
单边关unilateral duty
可从所得中扣除的项目deductions from income tax
商品免通关卡ECS carnet
增效节支efficiency savings tax
应缴tax assessment
应缴所得income tax liability
强制征enforcement of taxes
强制征tax enforcement
归还tax refund
rate of taxation
惩罚关penalty duty
所得偿还income tax refund
所得扣减deductions from income tax
所得条约income tax treaties
所得申报书tax return
所得申报书income tax return
所得负债income tax liability
所得退款income tax refund
排外关exclusionary duty
后薪金after-tax salary
收减除tax relief
收均等化tax equalization
收基础tax base
收率rate of taxation
tax payment
负减免tax relief
金补偿方法grossing-up procedure
职工薪给staff assessment
职工薪给收入staff assessment income
职工薪给staff assessment rate
职工薪给的统一比例common staff assessment scale
enforcement of taxes
tax enforcement
进口由买方负担imposts borne by the Buyer
Zero Haven
zero rate