
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一般general tariff
一般general rate
一般优惠关general preferential duties
一般减general tax reduction
一般性的overhead tax
三级率系统three-rate tariff system
三重treble tariff
上交taxes and profits to be delivered to the sate
上交turn over taxes to the state
下一纳年度subsequent taxable year
不包括free from duty
不可资产inadmissible assets
不同国籍进口货附加flag surtax
不满一年的纳年度short tax year
不计列应缴所得额exclusion from taxable income
不预课tax exclusion
两次double tax system
个人收减免personal tax relief
个人personal tax rate
个人所得income tax for individual
个人捐charge on money
个人直接direct taxes and charges on person
中非关经济同盟Central-African Customs and Economic Union
临时temporary duty
临时关证书temporary duty certificate
企业tax on enterprise
企业所得corporate income tax
优惠benefit tariff
价值assessed value
价值assessed valuation
价格assessed valuation
估定assessed tax
估计额申报declaration of estimated tax
估计应付所得estimated income tax payable
伸缩关flexible tariff
伸缩关elastic tariff
倾销dumping exchange duty
允许免限度exempt allowables
先行性行业减relief for pioneer industry
system of dividing taxes
tariff subheading
分别计算纳separately compute and pay tax on each category
分别计算纳be computed and taxed separately
分季预缴tax to be paid in advance in quarterly instalments
分成shared tax
分摊所得income tax allocation
分期缴instalment payment of tax
分等graded tax
分等印花class stamp tax
分等递进征bracket progression
分类classified tax
分类schedular system of taxation
分类所得tax on separate income
分类所得classified or scheduled tax
分类所得classified income tax
分级graduated taxation
分级graduated tax
分级graded tax
分级制上层税率upper end of the schedular system
分级graduated tax rates
分级收入graduated income tax
分遗产legacy duty
分部split tariff
分配apportioned tax
分配环节课taxation of distribution link
initial tax on land per-mu
利和interest and tax
利得tax on profit
利息预扣interest with holding tax
利改profit change into taxes system
到期应纳tax due
tax farmer
区别对待性关discriminating duty
合同tax on a contract
合同contract tax
合法减legal tax cut
同海关common customs tariff
名义apparent tax
名义crest speed
名义nominal rate
名义apparent tax rate
名义上的nominal tax
名义关nominal tariff rate
tonnage duty
缴款单tonnage dues memo
tonnage dues certificate
吨位tonnage dues
吨位通知书note for payment of tonnage dues
商品与率的详细分类specialization of commodities and duty rates
商品进口duty on imported goods
商定国境border tax arrangement
土产excise duty
土地增价land increment value duty
土地增值increment in land
土地增值inclusion fee
土地增值canal advantage rate
土地闲置vacant land tax
土地闲置unused land tax
地产property tax
地县收政策prefectural tax policy
地方local taxation
地方local duty
地方和国家税rates and taxes
地方款缴纳local tax payment
地方local tax law
地方传递local transfer tax
地方分配local allocation tax
地方分配收补贴local allocation tax grant
地方杂local miscellaneous taxes
地方转移local transfer tax
地租rent charges
备付provision for taxes
备付所得provision for income tax
double taxation
复关税率double line tariff
复合compound duties
复合关税complex tariff
复合multiple tax system
复合关compound tariff (税则)
复式multiple tariff
复式multilinear tariff
外国foreign revenue
外国foreign tax
多级grade tariff
多边收协定multilateral tariff treaty
夜间night-only tariff
夜间night-only tariff
失业保险unemployment insurance tax
将利润、收益用于投资等用途以推迟纳tax shelter
小额消费品nuisance tax (美国)
市政municipal tax
布鲁塞尔关商品分类Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
开业许可occupational tax
开支expenditure taxes
开采和保护severance and conservation taxes
强迫纳compulsory assessment
强迫缴lay under contribution
total taxes
成本一保险费一运费加关cost-insurance and freight duty paid
house tax
房产taxes on buildings
房产taxes on house
房产housing property taxes
房地产real estate tax
房地产urban real estate tax
房地产property tax
房地产课价值assessed value
房地产过户documentary transfer tax
房屋的转嫁shifting of house tax
房租收优惠rental allowance
所得以外其他捐税taxes other than income
所得减免income tax credit
所得减免deduction from income tax (额)
所得减免界限marginal relief of income tax
所得合并申报consolidated income tax return
所得杠杆作用income tax leverage
所得income tax law
所得income tax rate
所得申报表income tax return
所得的累进度progressiveness of income tax
所得税率表income tax rates table
所得缓冲额income tax cushion
所得费用income tax expenses
所得附加额income tax surcharge
所得预扣表income tax withholding table
所得income tax liability
所得额减少decrease of income tax
所得及利润tax on income and profit
指定目的地完后交货delivery duty paid (价)
按价ad valorem duty
按年计yearly taxation
按营业额征收之turnover tax
摊派apportionment tax
摊派apportioned tax
摊派捐收入assessment receipt
摊派apportioned tax
摊派款清册assessment rolls
摊派捐基金assessment fund
摊派捐收入assessment receipt
摊派的捐估价assessment valuation
支出课outlay tax
receive tax
tax collection
levy duties on
toll booth
tax collector
tax receiver
公路toll highway
duty-paid certificate
toll gate
tax collector
tax receiver
收通行税的卡门toll gate
toll bridge
turnpike road
道路turnpike road
道路toll road
隧道toll tunnel
马力taxable horsepower
收入调节regulatory in come tax
收通行toll bar
收通行地区toll area
改善betterment levy
最低应所得额minimum taxable income
最低应限度minimum taxable ceiling
最低课限度lowest taxable limit
最惠国most favoured nation tariff
最惠国most favored nation tariff
最适关optimum tariff
最适当出口optimal export tax
最高maximum tariff
最高地方征收额maximum rating
最高最低maximum and minimum tariff
dutiable goods
有关收的规定tax-related provisions
服务成本课原则cost-of-service taxation principle
期望expected revenue
未分配利润tax on undistributed profit
未利用土地unused land tax
未预付估计outstanding advance for estimated tax
本年度current year's tax levy
本期current tax
本期收损失估计estimated uncollectible current taxes
本金、利息、金和保险费tax and insurance
机场airport tax
miscellaneous tax
标准收结构normative tax structure
标准standard tax rate
标准率范围standard tax rate zone
样品免通关卡Commercial Samples Carnet
欠交back duty
欠缴或滞纳款利息interest on tax underpaid or postponed
次总缴的人头lump-sum tax
水渠收益canal advantage rate
流动资金占用liquid funds tax
流动资金占用liquid funds tax rate
port rates
港口rate of port dues
港口port rates
漏报应交货品evade declaration of dutiable goods
copying royalty
理顺、费、价三者关系straighten out the relationships among taxes, charge, prices
用实物缴taxes paid in kind
用实物缴taxes in kind
用户确定的关user-defined tariff
由于矿藏量衰竭而减depletion deduction
申报关customs declaration
申报纳身份filing status
申请退claim for tax refund
电流electrical current tariff
电流electric current tariff
码头wharf dues
码头berth dues
码头dock dues
码头吨dock tonnage dues
码头完ex quay
社会保险social security tax
book of rate
则的精细分类refinement of tariff classifications
制修改tax revision
制改革tax reformation
前利润pretax profits
前所得income before tax
前收入net before taxes
前收入pre-tax income
前收入before-tax income
前收益额earnings before tax
前现金流动cash throw-off
前现金流量cash flow before tax
前现金流量财产价值before-tax cash flow to equity
前账面收益pretax accounting income
务功能tax function
务地图talk map
务地图tax map
务地图revenue map
务官员revenue officer
务局customs bureau
务所tax office
务所revenue office
务扣押权tax lien
务机构tax agency
务检查tax search
务监察tax audit
务管理tax administration
务缉私人员water guard
务缉私人员customs officer
务缉私人员customs guard
grand list
duty memo
后净利net profit after tax (润)
后可支配收入disposable income
后收入disposable income
后收益额earnings after tax
后现金流量after-tax cash flow
tax title
tax certificate
捐信贷tax criterion
捐减免tax relief
taxi levy
收共付票据tax anticipation bills
收减免reduction and exemption of tax
收减免的纳税人persons eligible for tax exemption
收减让tax incentive (指对投资的鼓励)
收减让tax concession (指对投资的鼓励)
收削减tax cutback
收印花revenue stamp
收合同revenue bond
收审计tax audit
收差别tax differentiation
收抵免tax criterion
收收人tax revenue
收机构revenue office
收条例tax regulation
收滞纳tax delinquency
收率tax burden ratio
收直接抵免direct tax credit
收裁决adjudication of tax
收间接抵免indirect tax credit
tax money
款减除数tax criterion
款清算settlement of tax
款的征收collection of tax
款计算tax computation
款预算taxes estimating
tariff law
source of revenue
tariff rate
rate of taxes
率优待反污染投资tax allowances for anti-pollution investments
率等级grades of tax rates
率结构tax rate structure
率表tax schedule
率表tax table
率表scale of tax
率高的high duty
taxation categories
category of taxes
item of taxation
tax categories
category of taxes
结构tax structure
burden of taxation
负率tax burden ratio
负能力tax bearing capacity
taxes and duties
费不保free from duty
金在内的价格price including tax
amount of tax to be paid
额减免tax criterion
符合收抵免条件eligibility for tax credit
紧急关emergency duty
紧急进口emergency import duties
累积aggressive tax
累计progressive tax system
累进progress taxation
累进progressive taxation
累进结构progressive tax structure
缓减法作为除污手段moralization tax as pollution abatement tool
前净收益net income before tax
考绩征办法merit rating plan
船用保食物报关单victualling bill
船用保食物报关单victualing bill
营业taxes on business
营业business taxes
营业act of business taxes
营业利润退税business profit tax return
营业执照tax on licenses
调和关制度harmonized system
调节regulatory business tax
调节regulatory tax
调节adjustable tax
tax bearer
收计划negative tax plan
能力ability to pay
能力原则ability-to-pay principle of taxation
能力基准ability to pay basis
计划negative tax plan
负值所得negative income tax
负工资negative wage tax
负所得negative income tax
负担tax loading
负数negative tax
负有纳义务be obligated to pay tax
负的应利润negative taxable profits
负缴义务subject to taxation
负缴义务subject to tax
负责缴纳遗产person accountable for an estate duty
负赋negative tax
负项所得negative income tax
财产charge on assets
财产留置权property tax liens
财产出租property rental tax
财产增值accession tax
财产应课价值rateable value
财产评assessable value of property
财产转移统一抵免额unified transfer tax credit
财富转移课wealth transfer taxation
财政fiscal taxation
财政revenue tax
财政financial taxation
财政收杠杆the lever of finance and taxation
财政性关税率revenue tariff
财政收入revenue tax
账面金差额book tax difference
货物报declare goods for duty
贴印花put on stamp duty
贸易协定trade agreement rate of duty
贸易及关总协定General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
贸易及关Trade and Tariff Act of
资产重估asset revaluation tax
资产重估增值tax on the write-up
资本课capital levy
资源占有taxes on the possession of resources
资源平衡resource equalization tax
资源耗竭补偿resource depletion allowance
资源耗竭补偿rate of depletion allowance
优惠期tax holiday
分担tax sharing
分担burden tax
分担burden of taxation
分配tax remission
漏洞tax loophole
负担法则law of incidence
负担者tax bearer
退drawback (for duties paid)
退计划negative tax plan
退伍军人财产免veterans's tax exemption
退回已付drawback (for duties paid)
退回超额进口证书over-entry certificate
退还以前年度refund retroactive to the past taxable years
退还已缴drawback (for duties paid)
退还缴纳的部分所得refund of a part of the income taxes already paid
侦查员tax ferret
避税evasion and avoidance
逃避evasion of tax
逃避evade tax
逃避纳tax dodger
选择性优惠关制度selective system of preference
通常租customary rent
通行transit dues
通行toll charges
通行征收所toll house
通行征税关卡toll gate
通行征税员toll man
通行征税员toll keeper
通行征税所toll house
通过passenger duty
逾期deferred payment
阶式cascade tax
附加earmarked tax
附加减免surtax exemption
附加敏感性supplementary tax sensitivity
附加additional tax rate
附加调查表surtax survey
附加调查表supplementary tax survey
附加additional duty
附加关contingent import duty
附加所得additional income tax
附加所得申报表additional income tax return
附加比例additional percentage tax
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