
Terms containing 税费 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.上交税费turn over taxes to the state
tech.不包括税费free from duty
busin.不同税收管辖权之间的收入和费用分配jurisdictional allocation of income and expenses
hydroel.st.东道国税费tax and fee of host country
textile个人消费税personal expenditure tax
econ.为租用店房所花的租金、税款、维修费和类似的费用,应由双方公平分担All rents, taxes, upkeep and similar costs for the rented store shall be fairly shared by both parties
commer.从工薪中扣减所得税与保险费deduction from pay for income tax and insurance
tech.以费挤税replace taxes by charges
econ.保税关栈费the bonding fee
proj.manag.保费税项premium tax
textile保险费税premium taxes
tech.保险费税premium tax
tech.免征消费税exempt from consumption tax
interntl.trade.免消费税输入申报单free consumption entry
busin.免消费税进口申报单free consumption entry
econ.公司个人直接税及费用direct taxes and charges on corporations (persons)
tech.公司直接税及应付费用direct taxes and charges on corporation
interntl.trade.税费customs fees and charges
brit., busin.关税及国内消费税务司Commissioner of Customs and Excise
interntl.trade.关税和国内消费税customs and excise duties
commer.其他关税和费用缩写为ODCother duties and charges
auto.分等级的车辆消费税graduated vehicle excise duty
oil到岸价加兑换费和关税CIFE duty paid
textile到岸价格加关税价,成本、保险费、运费加关税价cost, insurance, freight duty paid
textile到岸价格加关税价,成本、保险费、运费加关税价格cost, insurance, freight and duty
gen.包含服务费和税吗?Does that include service charge and tax?
interntl.trade.单级消费税single-stage consumption tax
proj.manag.含征税成分的收费tax-loaded fee
busin.商品消费税commodity excise
interntl.trade.国内消费税excise duties
fin.国内消费税excise tax
interntl.trade.国内消费税excise duty
account.基于财务报表的所得税费income taxation based on financial statements
econ.备用费税deferred duty
gen.大多数情况下,人们通常按账单总额的15%减去税费以后的标准给小费People usually tip 15% of the overall bill, minus the tax, in most cases
interntl.trade.对使用费征税taxation of royalty
busin.对…征收消费税levy excise duty upon
tech.对环境有害的消费征税levy on environmentally harmful consumption
tech.小额消费品税nuisance tax (美国)
busin.小额消费税nuisance tax
interntl.trade.小额消费税nuisance tax
econ.小额消费税the nuisance tax
busin.消费者所缴小额消费税nuisance tax
busin.工资税费payroll tax expense
econ.工资减去所得税、保险费等以后的净收入the spendable income
econ.应纳消费税的商品goods liable to excise
econ.征收企业资源差别费税levy a raw materials differential tax on enterprises
tech.成本一保险费一运费加关税价cost-insurance and freight duty paid
interntl.trade.成本、保险费、运费加关税价cost, insurance, freight duty paid (C.I.F. duty paid)
el.成本、保险费、运费加关税价cost, insurance freight duty paid (C.I.F. duty paid)
econ.成本、保险费、运费加关税价cost, insurance, freight, duty paid (C. I. F. duty paid)
avia.成本、保险费、运费和捐税cost, insurance, freight, and charges
busin.所得税费income tax expense
tech.所得税费income tax expenses
fin.扣除利息、税项、摊销及例外项目费用前收益earnings before interest, tax, amortization and exceptional items
econ.抚养费免税exemption for dependents
econ.抚养费免税dependant exemption
econ.抚养费的税收优惠减免credit for child and dependent
busin.按滑动费率支付专利权税sliding-scale royalty
econ.捐税及应纳各费tax and dues
econ.普通消费税general excise
fin.未获免税之开支费用unallowed expenditure
fin.本地劳动费,税金和保险费local labor, tax and insurance
busin.本金、利息、税款、保险费principal, interest, taxes, insurance
tech.本金、利息、税金和保险费tax and insurance
proj.manag.死亡税及费用death duties and costs
econ.残疾人费用的税收优惠减免credit for handicapped person
proj.manag.殡殓费的免税额allowance for funeral expenses
tech.海关保税仓库费用bonding fee
busin.消费品税expenditure tax
tech.消费品零售税purchase tax
interntl.trade.消费支出税expenditure tax
tech.消费支出税expenditure taxes
busin.消费税outlay tax
commer.消费税consumption tax (其中包括 sales tax 销售税, turnover tax 周转税)
commer.消费税consumption duty (其中包括 sales tax 销售税, turnover tax 周转税)
econ.消费税internal tax on commodity
econ.消费税excise duties
econ.国内消费税excise tax
econ., agric.消费税consumption taxes
IMF.消费税consumption tax
environ.消费税tax on consumption A sum of money demanded from businesses by a government, usually based on a percentage of total sales of select goods and services, and generally passed on to consumers with each individual purchase (政府要求企业的一笔钱,通常基于对选择商品和服务销售总额的百分比,且通常转嫁到消费者的每一个人购买中。)
interntl.trade.消费税consumption duty
interntl.trade.消费税tax on consumption
busin.消费税consumer tax
textile消费税expenditure tax
IMF.消费税excise tax
exhib.消费税excise duty
tech.消费税tax on expenditures
gen.消费税加在账单上Consumption tax is added to the bill
interntl.trade.消费税退税excise drawback
busin.消费者所付小额税款private nuisance tax
tech.消费者所付小额税款nuisance tax
busin.消费课税excise taxation
interntl.trade.港务税费harbour dues
textile滞纳税款催交费用charge for demand for tax in arrears
adv.税费royalty fee
IMF.特种消费税excise tax
tech.特种消费行为税tax on special consumption behaviour
tech.特种消费行为税tax on special consumption behavior
tech.特种消费行为税excise tax
IMF.特种货物消费税selective excises on goods
water.res., ecol.环境税费environmental taxes and fees
tech.环境税费environmental taxes and fee
tech.理顺税、费、价三者关系straighten out the relationships among taxes, charge, prices
econ.盐的消费税consumption tax on salt
econ.直接消费税direct consumption
interntl.trade.直接消费税direct consumption tax
interntl.trade.直接消费税direct tax on consumers
busin.直接消费税direct tax on consumer
econ.税务执行费用compliance cost
busin.税务执行费用compliance costs
textile税务费expenses of taxation
textile税务费expense of taxation
interntl.trade.税契登记费official fee for registering documents
econ.税契登记费the official fee for registering documents
busin.税捐及应纳各费tax and dues
busin.税收稽征费用compliance and collection cost of taxes
econ.税收费用方式revenue cost model
fin.税费expense of taxation
interntl.trade.税费expenses of taxation
hydroel.st.税费tax and fee
tech.税费taxes and duties
tech.税费不保free from duty
busin.糖类消费税sugar excise tax
tech.纳税时各项费用的冲销tax write-off for all the expenditures
commer.统一费率关税flat-rate tariff
econ.育儿费支出的税收优惠减免credit for child care expense
busin.船方不负担装卸费和税款free in and out and free taxes
logist.船方不负担装卸费用和税款free in and out and free taxes
econ.船方不负担装卸费用和税款free in and out and taxes
interntl.trade.船方不负担装货费用和税款free in and free taxes
securit.评定印花税额手续费adjudication fee
fin.费改税transform administrative fees into taxes
econ., int. law.费用和特种税fees and charges
econ.车辆消费税vehicle excise duty
interntl.trade.运费税freight tax
commer.运费补贴税primage duty
econ.这些费用是不减税的These expenses are not tax deductible
hydroel.st.进出口税费import and export tax
interntl.trade.进口劳务费,税金和保险费imported labor, tax and insurance
adv.重播复映版税或使用费SAG fee
busin.间接消费税indirect consumption tax
textile零售消费税retail excise
busin.食住消费税eating, drinking and lodging tax
interntl.trade.饮食旅店业消费税excise on eating, drink and lodging
econ.饮食旅店业消费税excise on eating, drinking and lodging