
Terms containing 税收政策 | all forms | in specified order only
IMF.以税收为基础的收入政策tax-based incomes policy
IMF.以税收为基础的收入政策tax-based income policy
commer.优惠税收政策preferential taxation policy
econ.农业税收政策agricultural taxation policy
textile国家税收政策national tax policy
tech.地县税收政策prefectural tax policy
China, law实行税收优惠等扶持政策apply supportive policy such as preferable tax policy
textile干预经济的税收政策tax dirigism
tech.干预经济的税收政策tax dirigation
securit.应税收人政策tax-based income policy
fin.有针对性的税收政策targeted tax measures
hydroel.st.税收优惠政策preferential tax policy
environ.税收政策taxation policy The use of government tax and spending policies to achieve desired macroeconomic goals. Accordingly, they involve discretionary efforts to adjust governmental tax and spending to induce changes in economic incentives and, hence, to stabilize fluctuations in aggregate demand (政府的税收和支出政策,以达到理想的宏观经济目标。因此,它们努力酌情调整税收和政府开支,导致经济刺激的变化,以稳定总需求的波动。)
textile税收政策tax policy
busin.税收政策taxation policy
IMF.税收政策Tax Policy Division
busin.财政税收政策fiscal and tax policy
China, law运用税收等政策use taxation and other policies
cust.进口税收减免优惠政策import tariff preferences and exemptions