
Terms for subject Economy containing 税务 | all forms | in specified order only
减除税款及贷款利息后的业务收入equity income
包税业务税farm tax
!国内税收服务处internal revenue service
国家税务法庭national tax tribunal
国税服务处State Tax Service
履行税务duty of performance
扣除税收后的净额编制财务报表net-of-tax reporting
撤销或免除纳税义务discharge of tax obligation
根据税法要求,你应将50%的额外收入缴纳给税务机关The law requires you to submit 50% of your extra income to the tax authorities
清理未了债务和税务事项the settlement in full of the outstanding obligations and taxes due
用于特定纳税人的税务裁决private ruling
税务tax bearing
税务会计a tax accountant
税务制度fiscal system
税务an excise-man
税务inspector of taxes
税务the tax administration
税务revenue office (署)
税务tax office
税务fiscal administration
税务a taxation bureau
税务tax bureau
税务扣押证书tax lien certificate
税务执行费用compliance cost
税务机关tax authorities
税务条款tax clause
税务条款dues clause
税务条约专家组expert group on tax treaties
税务条约特设专家小组Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Tax Treaties
税务核査audit inspection
税务检査结果result of the tax examination
税务法院tax court
税务监査tax audit
税务稽査员inspector of tax
税务稽査员inspector of taxes
税务稽核the auditor inspection
税务revenue (局)
美国税务Internal Revenue Service
税务调查investigation for tax
税款扣缴义务人withholding agents
税款扣缴义务人withholding agent
纳税义务the tax liability
纳税义务the obligation to pay tax
纳税义务人tax payer
适用于特定纳税人的税务裁决the private ruling