
Terms for subject Project management containing 程序 | all forms | in specified order only
一个 FTP 客户程序中的命令input
一个客户端程序whois client
一个较小的 Java 程序servlet
一种 UNIX 程序uuencode
一种硬件、软件或两者的结合、用户可通过它与系统、程序或设备相互配合并完成操作Hardware, software, or both that allows a user to interact with and perform operations on a system, program, or device
上诉程序procedure for appeal
与UNIX 系统相关的后台程序daemon
与各种应用程序、工具、附件和网络周边设备无缝集成、减少您对 IT 职员的需要Seamless integration with a wide variety of applications, tools, accessories and network peripherals, reducing demands on your IT staff
与各种应用程序、工具、附件和网络周边设备无缝集成、减少您对 IT 职员的需要Seamless integration -with a wide variety of applications, tools, accessories and network peripherals, reducing demands on your IT staff
临时解雇程序layoff process
交互程序interactive program
从操作系统尤其指 Macintosh 系统的用户界面激活程序launch
付款程序disbursement procedure
付款程序payment procedure
仲裁使用的程序procedural law for arbitration
会计与审计程序accounting and auditing procedure
会计与核数程序accounting and auditing procedure
传真程序fax program
但是、通过设备仿真程序可以使您更直接地了解在本演练中使用的控件的功能However, a device emulator can enable you to see more directly the functionality of the controls you -will use in this walkthrough
使用卸载实用程序、您可以卸载数据库、并将一组数据文件放在指定的目录中With the unload utility, you can unload a database and put a set of data files in a named directory
公共网关接口程序索引簿common gateway interface-binaries
公开发售的程序software package
公用对象请求代理程序体系结构common object request broker architecture
内存驻留程序RAM-resident program
初始程序载人initial program load
初始装人程序initial program load
单项工作程序individual job procedure
原始数据必须按照明确规定的程序处理Raw data must be managed by defined procedures
变更命令的程序variation of order procedure
变更控制程序variation control procedure
可以在 "调试位置"工具栏或"进程"窗口中设置活动程序You can set the active program in the Debug Location toolbar or the Processes window
可接受的当地程序acceptable local procedures
合同程序contractual procedure
合同前的程序pre-contract procedures
后台程序也可用、它警告你什么时候 NTFS 磁盘被安装、而且如果没有启用写盘、它将询问您是否要启用它、或者可以自动启用它A daemon is also available, it warns you when a NTFS disk is mounted and if writing is not enabled it asks you if you want to enable it, or can enable it automatically
后台打印程序print spooler
因此、微软办公应用程序获得最易配置套装软件的头衔绝对不是偶然的It is, thus, not on a -whim that Microsoft office applications are among the most configurable shrink-wrapped software titles available
国家超级计算应用程序中心National Center for Supercomputing Applications
土木工程程序civil engineering procedure
土木工程师学会调解程序Institution of Civil Engineers'Conciliation Procedure
在屏幕的顶端是应用程序的可视化图像、 源代码在底端A visual image of the application is at the top of the scree and the source code is at the bottom
在这些汇编语句中通常不包含嵌套语句、分程序There are usually no nested statements, blocks, and so forth in assembler statements
在那些系统中、你要提供一些安装程序端口来安装驱动In those systems, you would have provided some sort of setup program to install your driver
基于 Windows 的应用程序Windows-based application
基于服务器的应用程序server-based application
复制功能的程序copy program
失责处理程序default proceeding
失责处理程序default procedure
它是一种结构化程序设计语言、非常适合结构化程序设计It is a structured programming language, is very suitable for the structure of the program design
它的最初形式是 DOS 实用程序、可以从单个备份映像中提供多个安装In its original form, it -was a DOS utility that provided multiple installations from a single backup image
安装程序setup program
FTP 客户程序FTP client
对于在程序和最终用户之间的在线交互、 很少会用到几百行以上的数据Rarely will more than a few hundred rows be useful for an online interaction between a program and an end user
对于理解编写检测器的逻辑流程和方法名、Java 反汇编程序是非常有用的工具The Java disassembler is a very handy tool for understanding the logic flow and method names for writing detectors
对系统注册表的操作、及相应的程序代码的实现The operation of the system registry, and with the realization of the corresponding programming code
导入与导出普通电子邮件程序、个人信息管理器和标准文件格式Import from and export to popular email programs, personal information managers, and standard file formats
小端口驱动程序miniport drivers
工作分析程序job analysis program
工作流应用程序workflow application
帧抓取程序frame grabber
帮助程序helper program
帮助应用程序helper application
帮助用户执行简单财务会计任务如余额支票簿和支付账单的一种应用程序软件personal finance manager
应用程序app (application)
应用程序处理器application processor
应用程序开发语言application development language
应用程序快捷键、 也作application shortcut key (keyboard shortcut)
应用程序文件application file
应用程序网关application gateway
引导程序boot loader
当一个程序装入了扩展存储器页中时、 EMM <-> 就将一个标志回复给这个请求程序When a program allocates expanded memory page, the EMM returns a handle to the requesting program
当可执行程序的文件图像无效时、引发此异常This exception is thrown when the file image of an executable program is invalid
当教学时、我使用电子表格作为定等级的程序While teaching, I used a spreadsheet as a grading program
必须运行服务器服务才能运行安装程序。请检查此服务是否已经启动、然后重新运行安装程序The Server service must be running in order to run Setup. Verify that the service is started, and rerun Setup
怎么编译一个 C 程序How to compile a C program?
我们将要创建的驱动程序不会那么复杂、 而只是一个在堆栈中简简单单的驱动而已The device driver we will be building will not be that complex and will basically be the only driver in the stack
我们的程序使用了一条较长的输出语句、 重写程序、 使用单独的语句打印每一个操作数We wrote the output in one large statement. Rewrite the program to use a separate statement to print each operand
打印机设置实用程序中的打印机列表显示有您的电脑已配置的打印机的信息The printer list in printer setup utility displays information about the printers that have been set up for your computer
DOS 扩展程序DOS extender
扩展程序管理器extension manager
投标程序bid procedure
投资和资产保管程序investment and safekeeping procedure
抗病毒程序antivirus program
抱怨程序grievance procedure
摊还债款程序dividend programme
改变订单程序change order procedure
数据加密是帮助应用程序开发人员满足更高安全性要求的重要工具Data encryption is an important tool to help application developers meet the need for greater security
无法通过基于 MS-DOS 的程序或MS-DOS 命令提示符进行打印You cannot print from an MS-DOS-based program or from the MS-DOS command prompt
PLC 是一种固态电子装置、 它利用已存入的程序来控制机器的运行或工艺的工序PLC is a solid-state device used to control machine motion or process operation by means of a stored program
最简单的程序集是具有简单名称并载入单个应用程序域的单个文件The simplest assembly is a single file that has a simple name and is loaded into a single application domain
有些程序有自动保存功能、有些程序甚至还能恢复你没保存过的材料some programs have an auto save feature, and some programs can even recover material you never saved
有些 PCI 网卡具有相同的 PCI 标识、但却由不同的驱动程序支持There are various PCI network cards that have the same PCI identification, but are supported by related, but different drivers
有可能是触摸屏驱动程序版本过低、请安装最新的驱动程序It is possible that the setup program is of too low an edition, please install the latest setup program for the touch screen
木马程序一般都作为电子邮件附件分布或捆绑其他软件程序Trojans are generally distributed as email attachments or bundled with another software program
未被应用程序使用的文件closed file
标准操作程序standard operation procedures
标识了程序的输人点label prefix
每一版本的应用程序都具有独立于其他版本的数据目录Each version of an application has its own data directory, which is isolated from other versions
法律诉讼程序legal proceedings
用户会话已准备好安装应用程序User session is ready to install applications
PDA 用户希望能够运行新的应用程序、存储数据并以后再使用这些程序和数据PDA users want to be able to run new applications, store data, and play around
由于设备驱动程序的前一个范例仍在内存中、因此 Windows 无法加载设备驱动程序Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware because a previous instance of the device driver is still in memory
电子方式开标程序electronic bid opening procedures
电子方式投标程序electronic bid submission procedures
电脑审计程序computer audit programme
电脑核数程序computer audit programme
监事会的议事方式和表决程序由公司章程规定The method for conducting business and voting procedure for the board of supervisors shall be prescribed by the articles of association
监察程序monitoring procedure
破产法律程序bankruptcy proceeding
确认你的行为在程序范围内、 从而强制实行串行访问制度访问共享文件描述符号和其他的外部资源Make sure you take steps within your program to enforce serial access to shared file descriptors and other external resources
程序语言Visual Basic for Applications
FTP 程序FTP program
程序买卖program trading
程序program card
程序员开关programmer's switch
程序爆毁blow up
程序界面programmatic interface
程序program cartridge
签订合同的程序procedure for concluding a contract
简易程序清盘案summary liquidation case
终止并驻留程序terminate-and-stay-resident program
绝大多数模拟器允许查看在工作站本地安装的应用程序Most emulators enable you to view applications installed locally on your workstation
缔约程序contractual procedure
网际包探测器程序Packet Internet Groper (ping)
胖型应用程序fat application
自举程序bootstrap loader
自动取消程序cancel robot
虚拟打印机设备驱动程序virtual printer device driver
虚拟显示设备驱动程序virtual display device driver
虚拟计时器设备驱动程序virtual timer device driver
要求有编写机顶盒应用程序或曾开发机顶盒 UI 和界面的经验Experience of writing STB application program, UI interface is required
要消除操作系统文件碎片问题、请定期运行可用的磁盘碎片整理实用程序之一To eliminate operating system file fragmentation problems, periodically run one of the available disk de fragmentation utilities
计算机启动时自动运行的程序bootstrap loader
设立海事赔偿责任限制基金程序的有关问题on procedure for constitution of limitation fund for maritime claims
评判程序adjudication procedure
调解程序conciliation procedure
谈判程序negotiating procedure
输人驱动程序input driver
这个程序可以在运行时调整控件和窗体的大小All the functions to resize your controls and forms at runtime
这个应用程序允许你增加监听程序、 并在运行时通报事件The app allows you to add listeners and notify them of events at run time
通信程序communications program
CAN 通信程序主要包括3个模块:初始化模块、发送数据模块和接收数据模块CAN communications program mainly includes three modules: initialization module, sending data module and receiving data module
通信应用程序messaging application
键盘增强程序keyboard enhancer
长久以来 Microsoft Office Word一直是世界各地办公环境中常用的文字处理程序Microsoft Office Word has long been the word processing program commonly used in offices around the world
附加程序也作 add-inadd-on
项目程序手册project procedure manual
驻留程序resident program
验证硬盘驱动器和硬盘驱动器控制器的驱动程序和固件是否最新Verify that the drivers and firmware for the hard disk drives and the hard disk drive controller are up to date
黑客用专门的计算机语言写程序、软件A hacker is usually a person who writes software programs in a special computer language