
Terms for subject Air defense containing | all forms
PIN 二极管相器PIN diode phase shifter
二进制相键控binary phase-shift keying
二进制相编码binary phase shift coding
二进制编码频键控binary code frequency shift keying
互易相器reciprocal phase shifter
交错正交相键控offset quadrature phase shift keying
介质相器dielectric phase shifter
介质片相器dielectric slab phase shifter
伸缩线相器stretch line phase shifter
信号发生器displacement generator
寄存器shift register
式操作deviation operation
信号频器signal shifter
信号频signal frequency shift
多普勒波门offset Doppler gate
失真deviation distortion
波导管bias offset wave-guide
目标指示系统offset target indicator system
偏离误差offset error
偏转误差displacement error
频率频偏deviation frequency
偏心off-centerline shifting
先进先出位寄存器first-in first-out register
光纤通道-电子漂控制fibre channel-electron drift control
全偏full excursion
副载波副载频subcarrier frequency shifter
加密偏ciphering offset
动式semi mobile
动窗口检测器binary moving window detector
双模互易相器dual mode reciprocal phase shifter
双相相键控biphase phase-shift keying
双频double frequency shift
动全固态高频天波后向散射超视距雷达ROTHR (radar)
动发射机transportable transmitter
动式可重布站超视距雷达relocatable over-the-horizon radar
喷焰相exhaust phase shift
噪声调频有效频noise FM effective frequency shift
四相相键控quarternary phase-shift keying
固定相网络constant-phase-shifting network
圆扫相器circular sweep phase shifter
地上动式无线电设备land mobile
地面动式雷达ground mobile radar
地面动目标指示ground moving targeting
地面动雷达ground move-' ment radar
式隔离器field displacement isolator
增强型动情报处理单元enhanced mobile intelligence processing element
声电荷转acoustic charge transport
多次偏multiple deviation
多路multiple frequency shift
天线相单元定向器antenna phasing unit
天线罩插人相insertion phase of a radome
定向方向性相器directional phase shifter
定阻相器constant-resistance phase shifter
对空动拦阻射击antiaircraft throw-off firing
层间信号转layer-to-layer signal transfer
差动相器differential phase shifter
差动相键differential phase shift keying
差动相differential phase shift
差相误差difference error of phase shift
带外噪声带宽out-of-band noise bandwidth movement
并行位加载parallel load
并行位加载parallel shift
异质结构高电子迁率晶体管pseudomorphic high-electromobility transistor
微波位测量系统microwave displacement measuring system
微波铁氧体相器microwave ferrite phase shifter
快速人工频fast manual frequency shift
按零转指令branch-on-zero instruction
插人介人insertion phase shift
数字射频相器digital RF phase shifter
斑点区迁migration of spot zone
方位偏azimuth bias
无线电定位动站radiopositioning mobile station
无线电导航动站radio navigation mobile station
时间相time phase displacement
机载雷达的多普勒频等值线isodop in airborne radar
杂波多普勒频补偿clutter Doppler frequency compensation
极化不灵敏相器polarization insensitive phase shifter
校准相器calibrated phase shifter
桥式相器bridge-type phase shifter
模拟相器analog phase shifter
模拟式铁氧体相器analog type ferrite phase shifter
正交幅键控quadrature amplitude-shift keying
正交相键控quadrature phase-shift keying
水平偏准确度horizontal deviation accuracy
波瓣lobe shifting
混合位位错mixed dislocation
电抗加载相器reactive loading phase shifter
直流偏direct current bias
一致性phase shifter equalization
常数phase shift constant
延迟phase shifted delay
延迟phase shift delay
畸变失真phase shift distortion
相干振荡器phase shift coherent oscillator
鉴别器phase shift discriminator
频率曲线phase shift frequency curve
位距离显示器side-by-side display
活动雷达目标mobile radar target
动中心值shifting mean
动互动远程激活系统mobile interactive remote activated system
动式三维作战雷达mobile and three-dimensional operating radar
动式三维防空雷达mobile and three-dimensional air defense operations radar
动式卫星通信链终端transportable satellite communications link terminal
动式地面辐射源自动定位与识别系统automatic ground transportable emitter location and identification system
动式无线电测向台movable direction finding station
动式显示单兀mobile display unit
动式电磁脉冲模拟器transportable electro magnetic pulse simulator
动式脉冲多普勒雷达mobile pulse Doppler radar
动式雷达进场控制mobile radar approach control
动情报处理单元mobile intelligence processing element
动探测器traveling detector
动电站movable electric station
动电站mobile power supply station
动管理mobility management
动选通脉冲walking strobe pulse
动通信对抗mobile communication countermeasure
相器驱动功耗phase shifter driver power loss
相式环形器phase shifting circulator
相键控/脉码调制phase-shift keying/pulse-code modulation
频键控法frequency shift keying
红外动通信ir mobile communication
线性反馈位寄存器linear feedback register
线性频频率稳定性linear frequency drift frequency stability
经济可承受的动地面目标交战affordable moving surface target engagement
联合动红外对抗测试系统joint mobile infrared test system
脉冲偏干扰pulse drift interference
脉冲重复间隔漂PRI drift
脉冲重复频率偏pulse repetition frequency shifting
脉间频率偏pulse-to-pulse frequency shift
视频动探测video moving detection
调谐后偏post-tuning drift
贋配高电子迁pseudomorphic high-electron-mobility
距离门转range gate dumping
干扰displaced jamming
式干扰transition jamming
软件software transplantation
输出偏电压output offset voltage
连续相调制continuous phase-shift modulation
速度偏干扰velocity drift interference
速度门转velocity gate dumping
随机多普勒频率偏random Doppler frequency shift
零调相器zero setting phase shifter
零轴漂zero axis draft
非互易相器nonreciprocal phase shifter
非相于频键控noncoherent frequency shift keying
frequency shift transmitter
传播frequency shift transmission
frequency shift system
振荡器frequency-deviation oscillator
数据frequency shift data
deviation ratio
测量frequency drift measurement
编码frequency shift coding
补偿frequency drift compensation
调制接收机frequency shift receiver
通信frequency shift communication
通信系统frequency shift communication system
附加器适配器frequency shift adapter
频率偏倍增deviation multiplication
频率偏frequency deviator
频率推系数frequency pushing figure
频率转系统frequency transfer system
高斯频键控Gaussian frequency shift keying