
Terms for subject Nautical containing | all forms
世界动通信global system for mobile communications
世界动通信大会Mobile World Congress
个人动时间individual travel time
中国动通信集团公司China Mobile Communication Corporation
井架动机构derrick mobile structure
式水密滑门horizontal sliding door
式舱盖end or side-rolling hatch-board
侧斜轴向位skew-induced rake
克努森液管Knudsen pipette
全球动通信系统global system of mobile communication
全球动通信系统联盟Global System for Mobile-communications Alliance
动式厠所portable lavatory
式压缩机组portable compressor
式泵mobile pump
式泵portable pump
式消防泵机组portable fire fighting unit
式灭火装置手提式灭火器portable fire extinguisher
式螺旋卸船机portable helical un-loader
式风机portable fan
固定相fixed phase-shift
国际动卫星组织International Mobile Satellite Organization
国际动电话漫游International roaming
坏境转条件environmental transit condition
巴塞罗那世界动通信大会Barcelona Mobile World Congress (WMC)
操纵试验parallel shift maneuver test
废弃物越境转transboundary movement of waste
总灾难转费用gross cost of averting a fatality
抗滑稳性anti-sliding stability
Basel Convention《控制危险废料越境转及其处置巴塞尔公约》Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal
side slip
横向动探traversing probe
水平位补偿装置horizontal displacement compensator
浅水动波solitary wave
浅水动波wave of translation
海上动平台mobile offshore unit
式舱盖translation type rolling hatchboard
相位漂phase shift
道路测量系统mobile mapping system
动交换局mobile switching center
动式平台mobile unit
动式栈桥mobile trestle
动式起重机操作员学徒mobile crane operator apprenticeship
动式钻井平台mobile offshore drilling unit
动式钻井平台mobile drilling unit
动操作系统mobile operating system
动智能终端mobile intelligent terminal
动电话漫游mobile phone roaming
动电话运营商mobile phone operator
动综合业务数字网integrated services digital network
动网与公用电话交换网public switched telephone network
动网络运营商mobile networks operator
动设备应用程序application program for mobile device
动通信moving communication
动通信基站mobil phone bases
动通信运营商mobile telecom carrier
动通信运营商mobile networks operator
动通信运营商mobile communications operator
坞装置dock moving equipment
注泵shifting pump
船锚kedge anchor
轨道平式船台railway type horizontal berth
轴向位保扌装置axial thrust failure protective device
轴的位shaft displacement
辅汽轮机转负荷试验auxiliary steam turbine load turn-over test
工况transit condition