
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
三尖瓣下Ebstein anomaly
人工角膜植术artificial keratoplasty
先体外后体内基因转ex vivo gene transfer
全厚皮肤full thickness skin grafting
全层角膜植片full thickness corneal graft
内脏幼虫行症visceral larva migrans
卵巢植术transplantation of ovary
卵迁migration of ovum
同种植免疫homograft immunity
同种植物反应homograft reaction
同种植物排斥反应homograft rejection
同种牙植术homotransplantation of tooth
声带外固定术lateral cordopexy
大网膜grafting suing greater omentum
家族性卵磷脂胆固醇酰基转酶缺乏症familial lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency
宿主抗植物反应host-versus-graft reaction
小皮片small autografts transplantation
尺侧偏ulnar deviation
巨噬细胞动抑制因子macrophage migration inhibition factor
巨噬细胞动试验macrophage migration test
幼虫行症larva mi grans
异位植物heterotopic graft
异种牙植术allogenic tooth transplantation
心肺植术heart and lung transplantation
心脏heart transplantation
除法manual removal
板层角膜植术lamellar keratoplasty
板层角膜植片lamellar corneal graft
桡侧偏radial deviation
正常淋巴细胞转反应normal lymphocyte transfer reaction
气管tracheal displacement
注意转transference of attention
淋巴细胞转反应lymphocyte transfer reaction
transposition of teeth
玻璃体植术vitreous transplantation
病理pathological migration
白细胞动抑制因子leukocyte migration inhibitory factor
皮肤幼虫行症cutaneous larva migrans
动性浊音shifting dullness
植性骨折displaced fracture
植物排斥反应graft rejection
植肾病transplant nephropathy
行上皮transitional epithelium
行期migratory stage
行细胞transitional cell
行细胞癌transitional cell carcinoma
穿透角膜植术penetrating keratoplasty
结膜植术transplantation of conjunctiva
结膜植片conjunctival graft
缺口位nick translation
植护理nursing care of homotransplantation of liver
肝脏liver transplantation
植术lung transplantation
肺下缘动度mobile degree of inferior border of lung
肺部转metastatic cancers of lung
植护理nursing care of renal homotransplantation
植术renal transplantation
肾脏kidney transplantation
胎肝fetal liver transplantation
植术tendon transplantation
自体异体皮肤混合intermingled transplantation of skin
苍白植物反应white graft reaction
血管植术vascular transplantation
角膜cornea graft
角膜植术护理nursing care of keratoplasty
角膜植片corneal graft
超声频诊断diagnosis techniques of Doppler ultrasound
性视网膜炎metastatic retinitis
transfer coping
输卵管植术implantation of tube
输卵管内zygote intra-Fallopian transfer
遗传性葡萄糖醛酰基转酶缺乏症hereditary deficiency of glucuronyl transferase
颅内转intracranial metastasis tumour
植术bone transplantation
植术bone grafting
植法bone grafting
骨折displacement fracture
鸟氨酸氨甲酰转酶缺乏症ornithine transcarbamoylase deficiency