
Terms containing 租条款 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.为了执行现有租约中赋予双方的权利和权力,该租约中的任何条款不得违反In pursuance of the rights and power vested in both parties by the now existing lease, any of the terms in the lease shall not be breached
tech.租条款off-hire clause
commer.租条款off hire clause
econ.租条款an off-hire clause
tech.租条款breakdown clause
shipb.光租船条款demise clause
interntl.trade.光船租船条款demise clause
busin.光船租赁条款demise clause
tech.净运费租船条款net charter terms
oil反租借条款antileasing provision
tech.外交人员租用房屋条款diplomatic clause
commer.定期租船燃料条款bunker clause
tech.房地产租赁契约中的条款demising clause
tech.承租人支付可能增加的财产税条款tax stop clause
tech.按房产的直接支出自动调整租费条款direct expense escalation
econ.按照本协议的条款,租赁者应承担大楼的修缮费The tenant shall bear the cost of repairs to the building pursuant to the provisions of this agreement
econ.故障条款或船舶租条款breakdown or off-hire clause
busin.故障条款或停租条款breakdown or off hire clause
econ.本协议的条款之一要求如期支付租金One of the terms of the agreement calls for punctuality of the payment of the rent
proj.manag.泊位包租条款berth clause
busin.由卖方代为租船、订舱或投保的启运地船上交货条款free on board clause providing for additional duties for the seller
busin.租船的租条款detention clause
econ.租约中的绝对责任条款a hell or highwater clause
tech.租船中止条款off-hire clause
interntl.trade.租船合同删除条款charter party deletions
tech.租船支付条款hire and payment clause
tech.租船支付条款freight clause
China, law租购条款lease purchase clause
shipb.租费支付条款hire and payment clause
China, law租赁条款terms for the lease
busin.租赁者条款tenant's clause
textile租金条款rental covenant
textile租金条款rental clause
busin.租金条款hire clause
interntl.trade.期租船租条款relet claus
textile租条款relet clause
busin.租船租条款relet clause
securit.退租条款recapture clause