
Terms for subject Environment containing 禾本科 | all forms | in specified order only
禾本科植物graminaceous plant A very large family of plants including cereals such as wheat, maize, etc. (一个很大的植物家族,包括谷物,如小麦,玉米等。)
禾本科,稻科植物grass A very large and widespread family of Monocotyledoneae, with more than 10.000 species, most of which are herbaceous, but a few are woody. The stems are jointed, the long, narrow leaves originating at the nodes. The flowers are inconspicuous, with a much reduced perianth, and are wind-pollinated or cleistogamous. The fruit in single-seeded, usually a caryopsis. Grasses are the most important of all plants for food (一种大而散布广泛的单子叶科植物,有超过10000个品种,大多为草本植物,但有少数是木本的。莖間連接,在結點長出長而窄的葉子,花不顯著,非常小的花被,是風傳花粉或閉花受精,單種果實,通常一個穎果。草是所有植物中最重要的食物來源。茎间连接,在结点处长出长而窄的叶子,花不显著,非常小的花被,是风传花粉或闭花受精,单种果实,通常一个颖果,是所有植物中最重要的食物来源。)