
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
一个表选项的键Option key
一家领先外国投资银行的德国主管表、 许多中国企业正在调查并购目标The German head of a leading foreign investment bank says that many Chinese companies are investigating acquisition targets
三原色显RGB display
主动式点阵显active-matrix display
交通警标记traffic warning board
他表:"任何一个最初以对冲为动机的人、最终都会变成一个赌徒。我在对冲上损失了太多的钱、因此我不会再这么做了""Anybody that starts off as a hedger becomes a gambler and I have taken too many losses from hedging, so I don't do it anymore," he says
他还不能支付得起一台电脑和互联网连接的费用、但是他表这至少也是一个开始He still cannot afford the price of a computer or an Internet connection, but, he says, at least it is a start
以二进制形式表的数binary number
以全屏视图演一系列绘图并在各绘图之间浏览、就如同幻灯片放映一样Present a series of drawings in full-screen view and navigate between them, as in a slideshow
以百分率表的增加指数percentage inflator
以货币值表的期限monetary term
兆像素显megapixel display
兆像素显megapel display
光栅扫描显raster-scan display
全页显方式full-page display
证据tender evidence
单元格中的内容居中显、并且通常通过单元格来输入数据Display is centered on cells, and data entry is often performed through cells
反射式液晶显reflective liquid-crystal display
反白显inverse video
发送含有源叉的文件时、系统会提您是否要包含源叉When sending a file that includes a resource fork, you will be asked if you want to include it
口 头指oral instruction
可编程减震器可以保证显数值的精确性和可读性、 防止抖动或压力峰值造成的影响A programmable damper ensures a precise readability of the indicating value in case of pulsation or if pressure peaks occur
含蓄默implied tacit
告警提chimes of doom
在你认定了某一记录后、有关商号的业务名称及商业登记号码便会在画面上展After you have identified a record, the name of the business and its business registration number -will be displayed
她表、向全球市场经济开放、不一定带来更多的就业机会Opening up to the global market economy did not necessarily bring greater employment opportunities, she said
如图所牢固地连接并固定分接头Attach and fix the tap securely as illustrated
OSI/RM 将计算机网络体系结构划分为应用层、表层、会话层、传输层、网络层、数据链路层和物理层七个层次OSI/RM classify the structure of the network into application layer, presentation layer, session layer, transport layer, network layer, data link layer and physical layer
广告媒体exhibition media
设计display design
设计的典型环境手法typical background manner to display design
工作告系统job-posting system
店内展in-store display
快速点阵显TFT display
快速点阵液晶显TFT LCD
总统表、他希望国会在 8 月开始的传统夏季长假开始之前能够完成立法工作The president has said he wants Congress to finish work on the legislation before its traditional long summer recess in August
您不需要指定限价、 您的指令会以处理指时的市场现价执行You do not need to set a limit price and your order will be executed at prevailing market price at time of execution
我们用黑体形式表矢量We use boldface type for vectors
扁屏幕显flat screen
扁平面显flat-panel display
打印机设置实用程序中的打印机列表显有您的电脑已配置的打印机的信息The printer list in printer setup utility displays information about the printers that have been set up for your computer
授权authorization by direction
提供一个表用于顺序访问的内存映射文件的安全句柄Provides a safe handle that represents a memory -mapped file for sequential access
整页显full-page display
新闻显实时更新的起始网页News that display real-time updates on the start page
施工变更指construction change directive
无法通过基于 MS-DOS 的程序或MS-DOS 命令提符进行打印You cannot print from an MS-DOS-based program or from the MS-DOS command prompt
早期的估计数字显、 人们认为光是经济损失可能就相当严重Early estimates suggested that the economic cost alone might be grievous
协议express agreement
弃权书express waiver
承诺express undertaking
条款expressed terms of contract
RGE 显RGB display
PostScript 显display PostScript
器件选用 LED 七段数码管Display component selects seven-segment numerical tube LED
器和图形宽度对其高度的比率aspect ratio
所有未保存的文件、并允许用户有选择地保存特定文件Displays all unsaved files, and allows the user to optionally save specific files
明细数据drill down
暂停执行批处理文件、 并显一条消息Suspend processing of a batch file and display a message
橱窗展window display
例显示如何创建加密密钥备份副本、 并将其保存到软盘中密码保护的文件中This example shows how to create a backup copy of the encryption key and save it to a password-protected file on a floppy disk
气体放电显gas-discharge display
气体等离子显gas-plasma display
海氏指图表个人能力分析法Hay Guide Chart-profile Method
版本crippled version
然而、如果有一种语言已经使用一个简单的数据结构表、那么这种情况就可以简化了However, this might be simplified if there was a language already represented with a simple data structure
范协议model agreement
系统软件执行像从内存传输数据到磁盘、或者将文本递交给显设备这样的任务System software performs tasks like transferring data from memory to disk, or rendering text onto a display device
给承包商的指instruction to contractor
背光显back-lit display
苹果电脑中的错误指图标Sad Mac
虚拟显设备驱动程序virtual display device driver
被动式阵列显passive-matrix display
被打印的输出称做硬拷贝、 显在屏幕上的输出称做软拷贝Output that is printed is called hard copy and output that is displayed on a screen is called soft copy
装船指shipping instructions
视频显video display adapter
角色定位演given role playing
请观看演、看看向文本添加维度和效果有多轻松Watch the demo to see how easy it is to add dimension and impact to your text
资产项目按扣除减值准备后的净额列、 不属于抵消The presentation of the net amount of an asset item minus the impairment provision is not an offset
这种电脑设计简洁、配备大尺寸液晶显屏、融入了 PC 机的所有功能These machines are distinguished by their compact design and large liquid crystal display panels that also incorporate the guts of the PC
选择合适的结构表图、在此基础上实现拓扑排序算法Choose a suitable structure that maps, in this based on the topological sort algorithm
随着光栅显器的广泛使用、逐点算法已成为目前图形学基础算法中的一个研究热点With the widely use of raster display, pixel-level algorithm becomes a research hotspot of fundamental algorithms of Computer Graphics now
隔行扫描显dual-scan display
马瑟表、一个地方的人口趋势将对当地造成很大的影响、它与劳动力市场的供求情况以及经济增长紧密相关He said regional population trends matter, because they fre closely linked to labor supply and demand一and economic growth
高盛表、巴菲特50亿美元的注资将以配售永久优先股的形式进行Mr. Buffett's $5bn infusion comes in the form of a private placement of perpetual preferred stock, the company said
工作implied work
鼠标指mouse pointer