
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing | all forms
等破intermediate crushing
中等破medium crushing
中间破粒度median fragment size
二次破secondary fragmentation
井下破underground crushing
众所周知、不同类型岩石的破特点差别很大、尤其在破碎曲线的细端变化大、因为岩石破碎受自身的内在属性控制、而不是受岩石自身的大缺陷和结构的控制The breakage characteristics of different rock types are known to vary over a wide range, especially at the fine end of the fragmentation curve where breakage is controlled by the inherent properties of the rock substance itself, rather than being controlled by its larger scale flaws and structure
体积破volumetric fracture
冲击振动破impacts. vibration crushing
冲击破impacts. crushing
冲击破功指数work index of impact crushing
分段破stage reduction
initial fracturing
剪切破公式该公式认为,拆除爆破中炸药的能量消耗应包括两部分:介质内层面产生流变或塑性变形的能量和破碎介质所消耗的能量。据此所建立的公式称为剪切破碎公式。参见 area and volume formulashear crush formula
剪切破公式拆除爆破中炸药的能量消耗应包括两部分:介质内层面产生流变或塑性变形的能量和破碎介质所消耗的能量。据此所建立的公式称为剪切破碎公式。参见 shear crush formulaarea and volume formula
加化学溶液破chemical fragmentation
动力破dynamic breakage
动力破dynamic fracturing
单位炸药破的岩石量specific extraction of rock broken
单位面积炸药裂量每平方米碎裂面积的炸药量,单位为 kg/m²。该量在控制光面爆破中有其意义。它是估算每孔预裂药量的一个判据。通常,单位面积炸药碎裂量为0. 5kg/m²specific splitting mass of explosive energy per area
单孔岩石破volume of rock broken per blasthole
单孔岩石破rock volume broken per blasthole
单层破single-layer crushing
即便在爆破完全封闭且岩石没有破的情况下、穿行在岩层的压力脉冲会继续向前进人大气Pressure pulses traveling through the rock continue onward into the atmosphere even when the blast is completely confined and the rock is not broken
crushed (crush 的过去式和过去分词)
crushed zone
区指数crushed zone index
压缩粉当炸药爆炸后,形成每秒数千米速度的冲击波,伴之以高压气体在微秒量级的瞬时内作用在紧靠药包的岩壁上,致使近区的坚固岩石被击碎成为微小的粉粒,将原来的药室扩大成空腔,称为粉碎区, 如果所爆破的岩石为塑性岩石,则近区岩石被压缩成坚固的硬壳空腔,称为压缩区crushed area
压缩粉当炸药爆炸后,形成每秒数千米速度的冲击波,伴之以高压气体在微秒量级的瞬时内作用在紧靠药包的岩壁上,致使近区的坚固岩石被击碎成为微小的粉粒,将原来的药室扩大成空腔,称为粉碎区, 如果所爆破的岩石为塑性岩石,则近区岩石被压缩成坚固的硬壳空腔,称为压缩区compressed area
受激stimulated fracture
唯有近来建立的这个破模型才在爆破行业内广为人们接受Only this recent fragment model has won general acceptance across the blasting industry
因为缺乏成熟的机械破模型、爆破行业只好依赖经验方法The blasting industry has had to rely on empirical approaches in the absence of a proven mechanistic fragmentation model
地下破underground crushing
试验impact test
试验drop weight test
试验drop test
deadline fill
多段破multi-stage crushing
多药包破multiple charge breakage
大块二次破breaking-up of boulders
大块二次破chunk reduction
如果岩石片抛到容许的范围之外、就会造成人员伤亡和财产损坏These rock fragments result in human injuries, fatalities and structure damages when they are thrown beyond the allowable limits
安全爆破距离是指抛掷的片不会越出预定的范围、对周围人和物不造成伤害的最小距离A safe blasting distance is the minimum distance beyond which the throw of fragments does not affect the surroundings significantly
实际破working reduction ratio
密集closely-spaced fracturing
对所预测的岩粒度分布的粗端往往给以过高估计、这是因为碎岩最大粒度不受模型中岩体结构的影响The coarse end of the predicted fragmentation size distribution is often over-estimated because the fragment top size is not influenced by the structure of the rock mass in the model
对水分的极端敏感和对基本的岩石结构及其破特性钝感表明、这种评估方法只可找到有广泛代表性的值The extreme sensitivity to moisture content and insensitiveness to the basic rock texture and breakage characteristics suggests that only quite broadly representative values are likely to be generated by this estimation approach
对水分的极端敏感和对基本的岩石结构及其破特性钝感表明、这种评估方法只可找到有广泛代表性的值The extreme sensitivity to moisture content and insensitivity to the basic rock texture and breakage characteristics suggests that only quite broadly representative values are likely to be generated by this estimation approach
对爆破振动和岩体破的控制control of blast vibration and fragmentation
岩体大规模破的最佳延时序列optimum delay sequences for fullscale fragmentation
岩石rock fragments
岩石胀性岩石〈体〉破碎后具有膨胀的特性rock swelling
岩石胀性岩石〈体〉破碎后具有膨胀的特性rock bulking
岩石及混凝土爆破时的破特性blast fragmentation behaviour of rock and concrete
岩石爆破时的自然破特点natural breakage characteristics NBC of rocks in blasting
岩石爆破的破模式及费用预测prediction of fragmentation patterns and cost in rock blasting
岩石的内在破特点rock's inherent breakage characteristic
岩石破rock breakage
岩石破力学mechanics of rock fragmentation
岩石破机理rock disintegration mechanism
岩石破机理mechanism of rock failure
岩石破模型rock breaking model
岩石破比能耗破碎单位体积岩石所消耗的能量。用规定的方法来破碎不同岩石,所测得的破碎比能耗可用来衡量岩石的坚固性,其中凿碎比能可作为岩石可钻性指标,爆破 Im³矿岩所消耗的炸药量可作为岩石可爆性指标specific energy consumption for rock breakage
岩石破程度对迟发间隔的依赖性dependence of fragmentation on delay interval
岩石破系数rock breaking coefficient
岩石破能量energy of rock fragmentation
岩石破volume of fragmented rock
岩石粉过程中的能量优化energy optimization during rock comminution
巷道部测量为绘制大比例尺巷道图和硐室图所进行的测量工作detail survey for mine workings
平均破mean reduction ratio
平均破粒度average fragment size
影响岩石破的岩体特性rock mass properties influencing fragmentation
径向裂法评估爆破时因径向裂缝自炮孔壁延展并止于岩体软弱面而形成破碎的一种方法。径向裂缝和软弱面产生的碎块构成大部分破碎,但不包括炮孔附近破碎带产生的极细物料radial cracking method
总破overall reduction ratio
意外飞石的产生、是由于爆破过程或岩体中出现异常、致使破岩石出乎意料地飞越爆破禁区之外Wild flyrock occurs due to the unexpected propulsion of rock fragments,when there is some abnormality in a blast or a rock mass, that travels beyond the blast clearance exclusion zone
把某物炸得粉blast sth. to pieces
把碉堡炸得粉blow a fortress into pieces
spalling resistance
抗破crushing strength
抛掷是破岩石在爆炸区内形成爆堆的一种根据计划安排的前向运动T-is a planned forward movement of rock fragments that form the muckpile within the blast zone
振动破vibration crushing
排放系数用来估算因爆破释放到大气中的飞尘量、而这里所报道的模型则估算爆堆为尘粒后的整个比例The emission factors are intended to estimate the amount of dust liberated into the atmosphere by the blast, whereas the modeling reported here estimates the total proportion of the muck pile broken to dust sized particles
岩石抵抗连续密集向下冲击外力的破坏能力。参见“脆性〈柔性〉试验S20”friability value
固体brittle solid
材料brittle material
松软岩层brittle and softer rock formation
最佳片负荷optimum fragmentation burden
最佳破状态optimum fragmentation
最佳破粒度能够达到将岩石碎裂成符合要求的表面大小的装药量下的崩落距离,单位为moptimum fragmentation size
最佳破粒度optimum break
最大破粒度碎片尺寸分布中最大的方形碎片尺寸,单位为m。由于很难有明确的定义,因此建议采用如下方式来确定最大碎片尺寸:将最大的碎片放在水平面上对其表面进行投影,找到能够刚好使该投影通过的最小网目,该网目即定义为最大碎片尺寸K100maximum fragment size
最小破粒度minimum fragment size
有人证明使用这种破带模型、遇到各种岩石和爆破环境时、能可靠地估算过筛直径为1mm 碎岩的比例The crushed zone model has been shown to provide a realistic estimate of the proportion of fragments passing 1 mm for a wide variety of materials and blasting situations
有限性破arrested crushing
本文介绍将爆炸破粒度分布估计在 1 微米的方法、以便在各种岩石爆破时、对空气中有可能产生的可呼吸的浮尘作以定量比较This paper describes an approach to the estimation of blast fragmentation size distributions down to 1 micron so that quantitative comparisons can be made of the likely generation of air-borne, inhalable and respirable dust when different types of rock are blasted
极限破limiting reduction ratio
―次破工段preliminary crushing section
液力fluid fracturing
激光破laser crushing
火药系数与定时对岩石冲击破的影响effect of powder factor and timing on the impact breakage of rocks
炮泥诱发当炮孔底部药包起爆所致的空气压力到达炮孔的堵塞炮泥时折射冲击波引发的碎裂stem-induced fracturing
热力破heat spall
热力破thermal fragmentation
然而在约束爆破中、装了炸药的炮孔覆盖了诸如破岩石那样的炮泥In confined blasting, however, the borehole in which the explosive material is placed is capped with material such as crushed rock
然而、大规模减少单位炸药消耗量是不可取的、因为这样反倒影响破作用和排石量It is not recommended, however, to reduce the powder factor significantly because it will adversely affect the fragmentation and
爆后post-blast fragments
爆炸破blasting fragmentation
爆破产生的气体会沿着炮孔将孔口周边的堵塞物和/或块抛出Blast gases can vent up along the blasthole to launch stemming material and/ or fragments from the collar region
爆破喷泄的气体渗人与炮孔轴线垂直的裂缝面、将岩石破后抛向空中G-venting from the blast penetrates the fracture planes perpendicular to the hole axis and breaks the rocks up and propels them up to the air
爆破对粉和研磨的影响blasting for crushing and grinding
爆破破blaster-fractured zone
爆破破模型blast fragmentation model
爆破诱发破爆破过程中产生新的裂隙和裂隙扩张的炮孔周围岩体。爆破产生的破碎带是岩石主要特性、炸药线密度、约束〈如抵抗线、间距〉、孔间延时和耦合率等因素复杂内部作用的结果。破碎带的程度可以通过振动测量、地震波反射技术、声发射和金刚石钻孔等方法来确定blast induced damage zone
理想破desired fragmentation
由于岩石破不理想、影响到开采计划的实施、进而影响到开采成本、常用的爆破破碎模型只能对破碎曲线进行粗略分析Current blast fragmentation models tend to focus on the coarse end of the fragmentation curve because of the impact of poor fragmentation on excavation performance, and hence excavation costs
由爆破效应引起的且未加控制的石飞片是爆破事故的主要原因之一The uncontrolled flying fragments generated by the effects of a blast are one of the prime causes in blasting-related accidents
界面破韧性interface fracture toughness
直观破数据fragmentation data from visual observations
短距closely-spaced fracturing
作业size reduction operation
作业crushing operation
作业breaking-down operation
作用shattering action
作用spalling action
作用目前主要有两种破碎方法: 1. 借助爆破使岩石碎裂的作业,称为爆破破碎, 2. 用混凝土破碎器破碎矿岩,是一种非爆破的破碎fragmentation
全貌fracture mapping
shattering power
splitting force
disintegrating force
动力学comminution kinetics
区半径crushed zone radius
半径radius of rupture
原理crushing principle
参数comminution parameter
和凸起抛掷过程fragmentation and heave process
因数breaking factor
岩石rock fragments
岩石crushed rock
岩石的三维粒度分布fragmented rock 3D-size-distribution
岩石的三维粒度曲线zone size-distribution curve of fragmented rocks
crush belt
在岩石爆破中通常是指与已经装填、直接接触炸药的炮孔部位相邻的岩石材料带。破碎带中的材料由于应力超过材料的动压强度而破碎。破碎带直径取决于岩石的强度。在完全约束的条件下,硬岩中的破碎带半径约为炮孔直径的2倍zone of fracture
在岩石爆破中通常是指与已经装填、直接接触炸药的炮孔部位相邻的岩石材料带。破碎带中的材料由于应力超过材料的动压强度而破碎。破碎带直径取决于岩石的强度。在完全约束的条件下,硬岩中的破碎带半径约为炮孔直径的2倍rupture zone
在岩石爆破中通常是指与已经装填、直接接触炸药的炮孔部位相邻的岩石材料带。破碎带中的材料由于应力超过材料的动压强度而破碎。破碎带直径取决于岩石的强度。在完全约束的条件下,硬岩中的破碎带半径约为炮孔直径的2倍fracture zone
在岩石爆破中通常是指与已经装填、直接接触炸药的炮孔部位相邻的岩石材料带。破碎带中的材料由于应力超过材料的动压强度而破碎。破碎带直径取决于岩石的强度。在完全约束的条件下,硬岩中的破碎带半径约为炮孔直径的2倍crush belt
在岩石爆破中通常是指与已经装填、直接接触炸药的炮孔部位相邻的岩石材料带。破碎带中的材料由于应力超过材料的动压强度而破碎。破碎带直径取决于岩石的强度。在完全约束的条件下,硬岩中的破碎带半径约为炮孔直径的2倍crushing zone
在岩石爆破中通常是指与已经装填、直接接触炸药的炮孔部位相邻的岩石材料带。破碎带中的材料由于应力超过材料的动压强度而破碎。破碎带直径取决于岩石的强度。在完全约束的条件下,硬岩中的破碎带半径约为炮孔直径的2倍crush zone
带半径破碎带的半径定义为在炮孔或球状药包周围岩石充分破碎成粉状或细块状区域的最大半径radius of crashing
degree of breakage
强度shatter strength
性能crushing property
性能breaking property
性能breaking behavior
指数comminution index
效果effect of fragmentation
效果crushing effect
曲线fragmentation curve
机理fragmentation mechanism
模型fragmentation model
degree of size reduction
size reduction ration
rate of reduction
degree of breakage
流程crushing flowsheet
特性crushing characteristic
特点breakage characteristic
ratio of size reduction
率量化评估quantitative assessment of fragmentation
理论comminution theory
的目的goals for fragmentation
矿石crushed ore
矿量测量crushing throughput measurement
程度fragmentation degree
粒度crushing size
被炸岩石的粒度分配fragment size distribution of blasted rock
粒度合成分布曲线受原位岩体结构的影响、也受岩体内炸药空间分布的影响The coarse end of the resulting fragment size distribution is influenced by the insitu rock mass structure and the spatial distribution of the explosive within the rock mass
岩石粒度测量fragmentation size measurement
系数crushing coefficient
fracturing energy
能力fragmentation capacity
能量fracturing energy
能量crushing energy
crushing chamber
试验fragmentation experiment
负荷力crushing load
crushing face
面积crushing area
顶板节理裂隙十分发育、整体强度差、自稳能力低的顶板fractured roof
预测fragmentation prediction
块体模型将被结构面分隔的碎裂岩块形状,理想化为某种规则的几何形状,再按一定的方式排列堆砌起来的模型clastic block model
块体理论用各种有规律的非连续介质的碎块体模型,代替无规律的不连续介质,探讨其应力、应变规律和稳定性等力学性能的理论clastic block theory
块平均尺寸50%质量或体积的碎片物料通过的方形网目尺寸,单位为mmean fragment sizeK50
屑岩各种母岩受物理风化后产生的机械碎屑物质经搬运、沉积、固结成岩等作用形成的一大类沉积岩。碎屑颗粒按其大小可分为卵石〈直径 10 clastic 100mm>、砾石〈直径2clastic10mm〉、砂〈0.1 clastic2mm〉、粉砂〈0. 01 clastic 0. 1mm〉clastic rock
屑崩落deadline avalanche
屑沉积岩clastic sedimentary rocks
屑流机制认为在滑坡过程中形成的碎屑物质与空气混合呈“波状运动”,使块体间摩阻力降低,细粒碎屑漂浮,使有效应力降低而形成高速滑坡的假说clastic flow mechanism
broken rock
岩最大粒度fragment top size
岩比例proportion of fragments
岩粒度分布曲线fragment size distribution curve
岩粒度分布曲线的细端受岩石固有破碎特点的控制、而且受炸药爆轰施加的应力性质的控制The fine end of the fragment size distribution curve is controlled by the rock's inherent breakage characteristics and the nature of the stresses imposed by the detonation of the explosive
成大块的岩石blocky rock
成细粒的炮孔间距diced spacing of boreholes
片在飞行中相互碰撞in-flight collisions of fragments
片散落fragment scattering
K100片最大尺寸maximum fragment size
石块的轨道trajectory of fragments
石机由破碎锤冲击破碎大块岩石的二次破碎机械。按使用的破碎锤型式分为落锤碎石机、气动碎石机、液压碎石机rock breaker
石遍地abundant with scattered rock
胀系数coefficient of bulk increase
1. 同轴向压缩纵向分裂。 2. 压缩波在自由面反射产生高抗张应力,使岩片〈碎石〉从岩石自由表面碎解spalling
裂临界值与不致发生破坏相对应的临界应力振幅和脉冲宽度之积incipient spall threshold
裂结构各类结构面均较发育,结构体呈碎块状的复杂岩层的结构类型cataclasis structure
部测量确定地物、地貌、井巷等目标物特征点位置的测量detail survey
移动破用于矿山和采石场初碎矿石、工程制备石料以及与带式输送机配套实现露天和地下连续采矿mobile crushing plant
空气阻力对片抛射轨迹的影响influence of air drag on fragment trajectories
立方体抗强度cube crushing strength
fracture 的 ing 形式fracturing
参见 compressedcrushed zone
扰动波wave of pulverizing disturbance
模型size reduction model
经流雨水冲刷矿区地面破岩石堆而引起的污染Pollution from run-off rain water from surface dumps of broken rock at mines
经过多次实地测试、他们的结论是、如果药量的增加、破量和飞石的速度也随之剧增After repeated field experiments, they drew a conclusion that as the charge increases, the fragmentation and the velocity of the broken material increases as well
考虑破块度的经验公式对于混凝土试块无夹制爆破,均以径向爆生裂隙的形式破坏。此时,裂隙条数 N 与单耗 q 的关系为:N =Kₙ q²/³ 式中:TV 为裂隙条数, Kₙ 为与炸药性能及材料的临界断裂速度有关的系数, q为单位炸药消耗量crack formula
聚能炸药粉用聚能炸药制的定向〈向下〉装药。用电缆下于爆破物顶上,炸碎落物后用打捞篮捞出shaped charge fragmentizer
表观破apparent reduction ratio
表面破surface spalling
表面破surface fracture
解离破liberation crushing
超细破ultrafine crushing
超细粉superfine breakage
轴径向边界裂缝和破axi-radial boundary cracks and spalling
辅助破auxiliary breaking
区域在预期界限之外的岩石排放区域,单位为 m²overbreak area
近来、人们把研究的重点大多放在破曲线的细端、以探索爆破的潜力、因为爆破的结果会影响到含金属矿石随后的粉碎和加工制造过程More recent focus has been provided on the finer end of the fragmentation curve to explore the potential of blasting to influence the subsequent crushing and nulling performance of metalliferous ores
通常用于爆破设计和破模型中的这些参数、都是静态的、而非动态性质、只不过在用于模型时经验因素弥补了这种反常The parameters that are generally used in blast design and fragmentation modeling are the static rather than the dynamic properties, but empirical factors used in the models compensate for this anomaly
邦德岩石可磨性公式K。= - 式中, W 为炸药爆破岩石的有效功,kW・h/ t, P为爆破后的合格块度尺寸,mBond formula
邦德岩石可磨性指数1959年美国人邦德F.C. Bond在他所提出的粉碎功指数基础上,提出爆破功指数 Kb 作为岩石可爆性指标Bond work index
重体自落破barodynamics fragmentation
铝热破按铝热反应原理设计的一种静态破碎剂。靠高热使固体产物气化的气体快速膨胀,形成高热、高压,使目的物受应力作用而破碎thermite demolition agent
阶段磨stage grinding
阻塞破choked crushing
静态破以硅酸盐和氧化钙为主要成分的混合物。利用水化反应产生的膨胀力传递到物体上,实现无声响、无振动地破碎混凝土和建筑物等。参见 expanding agentnon-explosive demolition agent
静态破参见 non-explosive demolition agentexpanding agent
顶板破长壁工作面无支护暴露面积顶板冒落高度超过100mm 的面积与总面积的比值roof flaking rate
顶板破长壁工作面无支护暴露面积顶板冒落高度超过100mm 的面积与总面积的比值roof fracture rate
顶板破指数无支护区宽度为 lm 时的顶板破碎度index of roof fracture
飞溅片下落的控制范围controlled range of fall of the fragments in flight
飞石产生的机理及岩飞溅的方向性mechanism of flyrock generation and the directivity of the fragments
飞石的定义是、由爆炸现场的爆炸力掀起的且不可预测的岩石Flyrock is defined as any rock fragments thrown unpredictable from a blasting site by the force of explosion
高破效率炸药high breaking efficiency explosives