
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing 碎片 | all forms | in specified order only
如果岩石碎片抛到容许的范围之外、就会造成人员伤亡和财产损坏These rock fragments result in human injuries, fatalities and structure damages when they are thrown beyond the allowable limits
安全爆破距离是指抛掷的碎片不会越出预定的范围、对周围人和物不造成伤害的最小距离A safe blasting distance is the minimum distance beyond which the throw of fragments does not affect the surroundings significantly
岩石碎片rock fragments
最佳碎片负荷optimum fragmentation burden
爆后碎片post-blast fragments
由爆破效应引起的且未加控制的碎石飞片是爆破事故的主要原因之一The uncontrolled flying fragments generated by the effects of a blast are one of the prime causes in blasting-related accidents
碎片在飞行中相互碰撞in-flight collisions of fragments
碎片散落fragment scattering
K100碎片最大尺寸maximum fragment size
空气阻力对碎片抛射轨迹的影响influence of air drag on fragment trajectories
飞溅碎片下落的控制范围controlled range of fall of the fragments in flight
飞石的定义是、由爆炸现场的爆炸力掀起的且不可预测的岩石碎片Flyrock is defined as any rock fragments thrown unpredictable from a blasting site by the force of explosion