
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
期贷款short and medium-term loans
供应in short supply
允许溢more or less allowed
后者为期债券government bill
装而索赔2,000英镑claim £ stg. 2,000 for short shipment
因此次发货量提出索赔人民币5,000元lodge a claim
因此次发货量提出索赔人民币5,000元raise a claim
因此次发货量提出索赔人民币5,000元file a claim on the shipment for CNY 5,000 on account of short weight
国内期资金市场domestic money market
国内domestic shortage
库存inventory shortage
允许率more or less allowed
亦缩为 MLmore or less
装条款ML clause
现金run out of cash
卸证明short-landed memo
卸货差short landing
卸货物short landed cargo
卸货物单short landing account
short ton
少通知advice of shortage
开汇票金额short drawing
循环minor cycle
时应用定额short time rating
short term (与长期 (long term)相对)
外汇short dates
期专项贷款short-term loans earmarked for a particular purpose
期价格协定short-term price agreement
期保险费率short-period premium rates
期借款short-term borrowing (指 short loan 短期贷款)
期借款short money (指 short loan 短期贷款)
期债券short bonds
期债务unfunded debt
期债务short-term liabilities (与长期债务 (long-term liabilities) 相对)
期倾销short-term dumping
外汇期到期short maturities
期国库券市场treasury bill market
期失效short duration failure
期息票short coupons (债券)
期成本short-period costs
期成本short-run costs
期投资temporary investment (指有价证券 (marketable securities) 的投资)
期投资short-term investment (指有价证券 (marketable securities) 的投资)
期投资current investment (指有价证券 (marketable securities) 的投资)
期投资组合short-term investment pools
期抵补short covering
期拆放市场call market
期放款short-term loan (与短期借款(short-term borrowing) 相对)
期放款call money on call
期效果short-run effects
期汇票short dated bill
期汇票bill at short date
期结算in and out
期融通资金short-term financing
期行为short-term behaviour
期负债超额excess current liabilities
期贷款综合担保comprehensive ST guarantee (系英国岀口信贷担保署(缩为 E.C.G.D.= Export Credits Guarantee Department) 对半年以内短期信贷的担保)
期贷款综合担保comprehensive short term guarantee (系英国岀口信贷担保署(缩为 E.C.G.D.= Export Credits Guarantee Department) 对半年以内短期信贷的担保)
期费率short rate
期资本short-term capital (与长期资本 (long-term capital) 相对)
期资本收支平衡short-term capital balance
期资金拆借市场short-term money market
期资金清偿能力short-term funds solvency
期趋势short time trend
期远期外汇汇率short forward rate
线产品deficient products
线工程项目short-term project
缺寸头tight position
装条款short shipment clause
私有期资本流动private short-term capital movement
货源渐趋Supplies are running short
货物量险risk of shortage
货物损害量索赔人a claimant to goods damage and shortage
资金scarcity of funds
跟单信用证short-circuiting of documentary credit
通知最期限minimum period of notice