
Terms for subject Mathematics containing | all forms
三角lower triangular matrix
不完全incomplete moment
对角线bidiagonal matrix
两个阵的和sum of two matrices
两个阵的积product of two matrices
中央阶乘central factorial moments
中心central moment
二次二阶second moment
交易transaction matrix
优先dominance matrices
信息information matrix
Fisher信息Fisher information matrix
光可达到的晶体管light accessible transistor matrix
克罗内克阵的积Kronecker product of matrices
中心centre of a range
共变量covariance matrix
典型陈,标准矩阵canonical matrix
准则估计criteria estimation matrix
分块partitioned matrix
分数coefficient matrix
column vector
column matrix
初等阵基本动作elementary matrix
加边bordered matrix
半内四分位数semi-interquartile range
半内四分位数quartile deviation
协方差dispersion matrix
协方差covariance matrix
博弈支付game pay-off matrix
raw moment
双随机doubly stochastic matrix
阵简化法matrix reduction
阵解法matrix inverter
可相乘conformable matrix
回收pay-off matrix
因素factor matrix
均勻分布,形分布uniform distribution
均勻分布,形分布rectangular distribution
埃尔米特Hermitian matrix
埃尔米特共轭Hermitian conjugate matrix
基本fundamental matrix
增广augmented matrix
复共轭complex conjugate matrix
多元joint moment
多元multivariate moment
多元product moment
奇异singular matrix
字体character matrix
完全排列complete permutation matrix
完全相关complete correlation matrix
对称symmetric matrix
对角线diagonal matrix
巴特利特阵恒等Bartlett's matrix-identity
hat matrix
,功效矩moment coefficient
,功效矩power moment
投入-产出input-output matrix
报酬pay-off matrix
抽样sampling moment
抽样sample moment
拉丁Latin rectangle
损失loss matrix
未调整unadjusted moment
校正corrected moment
样本sampling moment
样本sample moment
positive matrix
正交orthogonal matrix
正则regular matrix
正定positive definite matrix
正规转移regular transition matrix
特征character matrix
状态阵法method of transition matrices
电流引导二极管current steering diode matrix
相关matrix of relationship
相合congruent matrices
产生函数moment generating function
估计量moment estimator
形体格设计cuboidal lattice design
形格rectangular lattice
形相连法rectangular association scheme
形磁带回线rectangular-hysteresis loop
心方法centroid method
母函数moment generating function
母函数moment generating function
moment ratio
method of moments
生成函数moment-generating function
系数moment coefficient
系数power moment
量矩阵moment matrix
阵与标量的积product of a matrix by a scalar
阵乘式matrix multiplier
阵代数matrix algebra
阵优先matrix dominance
阵元素elements of matrices
阵博弈matrix game
阵抽样matrix sampling
阵求逆matrix inverter
阵的标量乘法scalar multiplication of matrices
阵的范norm of a matrix
阵的阶order of matrix
阵秩matrix rank
阵简化matrix reduction
阵表示法matrix notation
阵运算matrix notation
磁芯core matrix
离差deviation matrix
multivariate moment
joint moment
product moment
相关Pearson coefficient of correlation
相关product moment correlation
结局pay-off matrix
结局out come matrix
绝对absolute moments
联合共变量pooled-covariance matrix
自伴厄密self-adjoint matrix
莱斯利Leslie matrix
row vector
row matrix
行列单位identity matrix
设计design matrix
negative moments
跳跃jump matrix
系数moment coefficient
系数power moment
转换过渡,跃迁transition matrix
转移transition matrix
转置transpose of a matrix
转置transpose matrix
inverse moment
inverse matrix
通讯communication matrices
单式,幺正unitary matrix
unitary matrix
阶乘factorial moment
阶乘母函数factorial moment generating function
随即stochastic matrix
zero matrix