
Terms for subject Wind Energy containing | all forms
一维动量理论1-D momentum theory
交替弯alternating bending moment
仰俯力pitching moment
低头力nose down moment
低转low torque
低速高扭low speed high torque shaft
俯仰力pitching moment
俯仰力平衡pitching moment balance
俯仰力的线性变化pitching moment linearity
俯仰力系数pitching moment coefficient
倾侧力rolling moment
倾斜力dip moment
倾覆力tilting moment
倾覆力capsizing moment
偏航力yaw moments
偏航力yawing moment
偏航力系数yawing moment coefficient
偏航惯性yawing moment of inertia
偏航惯性moment of inertia in yaw
停转力breakdown torque
共振弯resonant bending moment
冲击扭impact torque
准静态弯曲力quasistatic bending moments
制动力braking moment
制动转brake torque
制动转retarding torque
副翼方向弯曲力flapwise bending moment
force moment
不平衡moment unbalance
moment diagram
moment block
导数moment derivative
导纳moment admittance
平衡moment balance
扳手torque spanner
moment method
矢量moment vector
系数torque coefficient
系数moment coefficient
moment arm
动力dynamic matrix
动摩擦力kinetic friction torque
动量定理moment of momentum theorem
动量方程moment of momentum equation
升力lifting moment
升力lifting force moment
形箱桥梁single rectangular box girder bridge
形箱梁twin rectangular box girder
反扭counter torque
反扭力antitorque moment
变桨力pitching moment
变桨力系数pitching moment coefficient
可调极限扭摩擦离合器slipping clutch
基底力base moment
塔基前后弯tower base fore-aft bending moment
失步转pullout torque
失速力stalling moment
实际转actual torque
对a点取力take moment about a
对称symmetrical matrix
峰值转peak torque
崩溃转breakdown torque
平衡力balancing torque
平面弯out-of-plane bending moment
广义气动力generalized aerodynamic moment
底部弯base bending moment
moment of deflection
moment curve
恒定转constant torque
恢复力restoring moment
惯性inertia moment
moment of torsion
传感器torque transducer
天平元件torque balance element
峰值torque spike
平衡torque balance
平衡装置torque balance device
耐力曲线torque-endurance curves
torque arm
torque meter
扭转力twist moment
扭转力moment of torsion
抗扭力antitorque moment
抗转resisting torque
抬头力nose up moment
moment of deflection
损坏力breakdown torque
摩擦力moment of friction
摩擦力frictional moment
摩擦式扭friction type torque
摩擦扭frictional torque
断裂力breaking moment
旋转力rotating torque
最低起动转pull up torque
最初起动转breakaway torque
最大力系数maximum torque coefficient
最大扭maximum torque
最大理论转maximum theoretical torque
最小起动扭pull up torque
机械力mechanical torque
机械转暂态mechanical torque transient
polar moment
极惯性polar moment of inertia
极限设计抗力ultimate design resisting moment
极限转breakdown torque
桨距角气动力增益pitch angle to aerodynamic torque gain
横摆惯性yawing moment of inertia
切割flame cutting
气动力峰值peak aerodynamic torque
气动力惯性aerodynamic moment of inertia
气动铰链力aerodynamic hinge moment
气隙转air-gap torque
液力变hydrodynamic torque converter
液力恒转变矩器hydrodynamic constant torque converter
滚珠轴承扭ball bearing torque
滚转力rolling moment
满载转full load torque
牵入扭pull in torque
牵出扭pullout torque
电磁转magnetic torque
电磁转electromagnetic torque
瞬时倾覆力instantaneous overturning moment
形条叶片rectangular bar blade
形母线rectangular bus bar
形涡环rectangular vortex ring
形翼rectangular wing
形翼尖rectangular wing tip
形螺纹square thread
风洞形试验段rectangular working section
形试验段风洞rectangular wind tunnel
阵列rectangular array
阵化简matrix reduction
阵变流器matrix converter
阵法matrix method
阵行列式determinant of matrix
magnetic moment
离心铰链力centrifugal hinge moment
稳定moment of stability
空气动力基准点moment reference
空气动力扭aerodynamic torque
空转扭idling torque
空载齿槽转no-load cogging torque
等俯仰力constant pitching moment point
纵倾力trimming moment
纵摇力pitch damping
线性阵不等式linear matrix inequality
翘曲力warping moment
脉动力fluctuating moment
脉动转pulsating torque
自激励空气动力self excited aerodynamic moment
襟翼铰flap hinge moment
规定的最初起动转specifies breakaway torque
触动力fluctuating moment
谐振根弯resonant root bending moment
负载转load torque
质量惯性mass moment of inertia
起动力start-up torque
起动力starting torque
起动力系数starting torque coefficient
起动转start-up torque
rotative moment
rotation moment
一转速特性torque speed characteristic
允许误差torque allowance
torque force
均衡换流器torque balance converter
密度torque density
扳手torque wrench
波动torque fluctuation
特性torque characteristic
系数torque coefficient
脉冲torque spike
torque arm
闭环控制torque control loop
限制器torque limiter
限制齿轮箱torque limiting gearbox
转子的力风速增益rotor torque to wind speed gain
转速力特性曲线speed-torque curve
转速力特性曲线speed torque curve
轴向力理论axial moment theory
轴扭shaft torque
轴重力shaft gravity moment
速度转特性speed torque characteristic
配平力trimming moment
铰接力hinged moment
铰链力天平hinged moment balance
锁定转子转locked-rotor torque
锁定转子转locked rotor torque
随机塔弯stochastic tower bending moments
零升力zero-lift moment
零升力zero lift moment
零速力zero-torque speed
面积一次area moment
面积area moment
面积二次area moment of inertia
面积惯性area moment of inertia
顿转扭cogging torque
额定力系数rated torque coefficient
额定力系数rated power coefficient
额定扭nominal torque
额定转rated load torque
额定转nominal torque
颤振力flutter moment
风力wind moment
风轮转rotor torque
风载力wind moment
马尔可夫Markov matrix
驱动力drive torque
高速低扭high speed low torque shaft
齿轮箱转从动杆torque reaction bar of gearbox