
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
保偷盗提货不insurance against TPND (theft, pilferage, non-delivery)
保偷窃及提货不insurance against theft, pilferage and non-delivery
正确的方向行进move in the right direction
在泡沫和硬陆之间走钢丝walk a tightrope between bubbles and a hard landing
奔跑逃,忙,走,波on the run
…的目的with the intention of
实现软achieve a soft landing
"摸石头过河"crossing the river by feeling the stones
政府引导的软government-engineered soft landing
建设性、合作性和互利性的态度in a constructive, cooperative, and mutually beneficial manner
建设性、合作性和互利性的态度积极解决双边投资争端work proactively to resolve bilateral investment disputes in a constructive, cooperative, and mutually beneficial manner
相互尊重和合作的精神in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation
正在走向经济硬be heading towards a hard landing
应对国际金融危机冲击coolly respond to the impact of the global financial crisis
力推进循环发展endeavor to promote circular development
力推进改革开放和自主创新press ahead with reform and opening up and with independent innovation
眼长远take a longer-term perspective
经济硬hard landing in the economy
经济硬economic hard landing
经济软economic soft landing
soft landing (指经济增长足以防止衰退但不足以引发高通胀)
防止经济硬prevent an economic hard landing
时间的推移而上升rise over time