
Terms for subject Water resources containing 的 量 | all forms | in specified order only
产生的标准摩尔吉布斯能量standard molar Gibbs energy of formation
人工湖泊和水库的蒸发量evaporation from artificial lakes and reservoirs
农业取水量占实际可再生水资源总量的百分比agricultural water withdrawal as % of total renewable water resources actual
农业取水量占总取水量的百分比agricultural water withdrawal as % of total water withdrawal
农业需水量占农业取水量的百分比agricultural water requirement as % of agricultural water withdrawal
受条约保护的实际地表水入流量surface water: inflow secured through treaties actual
可调节水量的管gated pipe
地下水的安全开采水量safe yield of groundwater
城市取水量占总取水量的百分比municipal water withdrawal as % of total water withdrawal
境内产生的地下水量groundwater: produced internally
境内产生的地表水量surface water: produced internally
处理废水的再利用量treated wastewater reused
实际的土壤水分蒸发蒸腾损失总量actual evapotranspiration
将通过条约规定的地表水出流量surface water: outflow to be reserved through treaties
工业取水量占总取水量的百分比industrial water withdrawal as % of total water withdrawal
已提出条约议案的实际地表水入流量surface water: inflow submitted to treaties actual
已提出条约议案的地表水实际出流量surface water: outflow submitted to treaties actual
未提出条约议案的地表水实际出流量surface water: outflow not submitted to treaties actual
未提出条约议案的地表水入流量surface water: inflow not submitted to treaties
枯水年10年一遇境内产生的水资源量water resources: produced internally in a 10th dry year frequency
水系统的安全产水量safe yield of water systems
淡水开采量占境内可再生水资源的百分比freshwater withdrawal as % of internal renewable water resources
淡水资源开采总量占实际可再生水资源总量的百分比total freshwater withdrawal as % of total renewable water resources actual
潜在的土壤水分蒸发蒸腾损失总量 PETpotential evapotranspiration
灌溉粮食产量占粮食总产量的百分比irrigated grain production as % of total grain production
边境河流形成的地表水自然流量surface water: accounted flow of border rivers natural
边境湖泊形成的地表水自然流量surface water: accounted part of border lakes natural
雨量计的量雨罐measuring jar for rain gauge