
Terms for subject Cables and cable production containing | all forms
以上验证措施证明,我们多芯电缆已达到国际先进水平Through the above test measures, it proves that our multicore cables come up to the advanced international standards
如果我们对你方双轴电缆感到满意的话,我们将继续订货If the quality of your twinaxial cabling is satisfactory, we may place regular orders
屏蔽电缆中屏蔽材料能够使数据信号免受外来杂讯以及缆线内部电气讯号产生的杂讯的影响The shielding material of a shielded cable could protect the data signal from external sources of noise and from the noise generated by electrical signals within the cable
带式电缆就是一组平行排列电线外加胶套Ribbon cable is a kind of plastic-coated cable in which the lines lie parallel to each other
我公司尼龙电缆软管有多种型号,可用于不同的电缆保护领域Our nylon cable hose contains a variety of series for cable protection in different areas
我公司正在考虑在贵国中西部加工我们的漆包线We’re thinking of having our varnished wire processed in the middle and west of your country
我很遗憾地告诉你,你方运来电缆软接头与合同不符I regret to tell you that the flexible joints you sent us are not in conformity with the specifications in the contract
我来想跟贵方谈谈购买电缆编织机I’ve come to discuss the possibilities of purchasing your cable braiders
紧固互联单芯电缆系统solidly bonded single-core cable system
金属屏蔽层特殊互联special bonding of shields
金属屏蔽绝缘电缆系统insulated shield cable system