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Terms for subject Business containing 的运费 | all forms | in specified order only
以整船计算的运费lump-sum freight
免费空运的free air delivered
分等级的运费taper freight rates
到船边的货运费cartage to shipside
到达目的地支付运费payment of the freight at destination
可供选择的运费alternative rate
应偿付的运费freight to be repaid
应补付的运费freight to be repaid
按体积计算的运费指采用英制的船舶公司,货物体积以 40 立方英尺为一吨,重量未达 1680 磅,作为按容积货收取运费的标准。未采英制的船公司,如远东地区则由船公司自定标准measurement freight
按提单重量计算的运费freight on bill of lading weight
按最后卸货量计算的运费freight on final outturn
按比例计算的运费pro rata freight
按货的价值计算的运费freight by ad valorem
按递远递价比例计算的运费tariff on tapering scale
整车和不足最低载货量的一批货物或运费率carload and less than carload lot or rate
未列明运费率的货物cargo not otherwise specified
牟运至船边的运费cartage to shipside
目的地付运费freight paid at destination
目的地付运费freight at destination
船方不负担装卸的运费free in and out freight rates
货物到目的地卸货后付运费freight to be paid after discharge at destination
运费付至指定目的地交货价carriage paid to named point destination
运费抵目的地支付freight destination