
Terms for subject Law containing 的过去式 | all forms
私心、偏见等造成的不公正的判断warped judgement
不动产买卖时的产权保险title insurance
不可抗拒的压力force majeure
不可缺少的原因causa sine qua non
与法有关连的服务para-legal service
严格的训练〔纪律〕exact discipline
严重的后果grave consequence
争端的解决dispute resolution
争端的解决resolution of disputes
人权的不可分割性indivisibility of human rights
人类的充足食物权human right to food
人类的充足食物权right to food
人类的充足食物权right to adequate food
人类的充足食物权human right to adequate food
人类的食物权human right to food
人类的食物权right to adequate food
人类的食物权right to food
人类的食物权human right to adequate food
以人权为基础的发展human rights centred development
以人权为基础的发展human rights based development
以人权为基础的综合战略integrated human rights based strategy
以人权为导向的政策human rights oriented policy
以同样的方式in like manner
以权利为基础的rights based
以权利为基础的战略rights based strategy
以权利为基础的模型utiliarian model
以权利为基础的模型virtue based model
以权利为基础的模型rights based model
以权利为基础的监督rights based monitoring
以权利为基础的评估rights focused assessment
以权利为基础的评估rights based assessment
以适当〔规定〕的形式in due form
伊斯兰教的土地权利sharia land rights
〔拉丁语〕作必要的修改后mutatis mutandis
依据合同的诉讼action ex contractu
充分、有效和快速的补救措施adequate, effective and prompt remedy
充分的证据independent evidence
充足食物的获得access to adequate food
免于恐惧和匮乏的自由to be free from fear and want
免于恐惧和匮乏的自由freedom from fear and want
免于饥饿的权利right to be free from hunger
免遭残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处罚的权利freedom from cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
全球共有的财富global commons
全球共有的财富common heritage
公正的获得access to justice
公认的universally received
具有法律效力的legally-binding effect
具有法律效力的binding legal effect
具有法律约束力的legally-binding effect
具有法律约束力的binding legal effect
具有法律约束力的文书legally binding instrument
利益的平衡balance of interests
动产的让渡bargain and sale
协议已到期的事实fact that the agreement has lapsed
受保护的租借权regulated tenancy
受保护的租借权protected tenancy
受某人的请求at sb.'s behest
可使用的in commission
可获得的公正accessible justice
可起诉的补贴actionable subsidies
合同一方当事人的一方one-contracting party
同…不协调的out of accordance with
同原文有出人的文本corrupt text
同样〔类似〕的例子parallel instance
名义上的prima facie
商业上的不可实现性commercial impracticability
商定的结论agreed conclusion
商定的解释agreed interpretation
国家对土地的垄断权state monopoly over land tenure
国家的指示性原则directive principle of state
在争论中的be at issue
在审理中的sub judice
在考虑中的sub judice
〔拉丁语〕在被告缺席的情况下absente reo
增订的revised and enlarged
声称的权利alleged rights
处境较差的地区less favoured areas
多方当事人合并的诉讼joinder of parties
大量的in the gross
天然放射系的母体natural parent
如果必要的话if necessary
如果需要的话if need be
守信的bona fide
〔拉丁语〕完全相同的另一个alter idem
官方承认的认证制度officially recognized certification system
宪法上的规定constitutional provisions
对人权的侵犯human rights violation
拉丁语 判决,诉讼对人的in personam
对极度饥饿的蓄意利用deliberate use of starvation
对见证人、陪审员的预先审核voir dire
对食物权的侵犯violation of the right to food
对食物权的侵犯right to food violation
对食物权的宪法保护constitutional protection of the right to food
少数服从多数的原则majority rule
尚未决定的sub judice
就一方的辩论所做的判决judgment rendered by default
〔拉丁语〕已作必要〔适当〕的变更〔修改,修正〕mutatis mutandis
已准备好可出海执行任务的in commission
已盖戳的邮票cancelled stamp
形同虚设的规定dead letter
待解决的be at issue
待讨论的be at issue
律师费的裁定award of attorney's fees
总的说来in the gross
悬而未决的问题moot point
意见不一致的be at issue
考勤卡片插人考勤机记录来上班的时间clock in
按条约所承担的义务treaty commitment
按照…的命令〔要求〕at sb.'s behest
按照章程第VI条设立的机构Article VI body
控制危及野生动植物物种的国际贸易公约Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
提出诉讼的资格standing to sue
无价值的东西flotsam and jetsam
〔法语〕无需讨论的事情chose jugee
既定的事情chose jugee
显而易见的prima facie
最理想的是it is most desirable that
有力的使人信服的理由compelling reason
有尊严地养活自己的权利right to feed oneself with dignity
有尊严生活的权利right to dignified life
有效的prima facie
有权处理自己的事务的sui juris
有…的倾向liability to
有空白待填写的in blank
"有立刻执行力"的文书instrument "immediately executory"
〔拉丁语〕有自主权的sui juris
未增加的资本价值unimproved capital value
本组织的特权和豁免权privileges and immunities of the Organization
根据损害赔偿提起的诉讼action ex delicto
〔拉丁语〕根据权利的de jure
根据《粮农组织章程》第XIV条缔结的文书Article XIV instrument
正当〔合法〕的de jure
正当的de jure
汇兑的套利arbitration of exchange
法律的条文letter of the law
法律的理想成分ideal element of law
注重权利的监督rights-focused monitoring
注重权利的监督right-based monitoring
派生的权利derived right
现役的in commission
…方面的协议agreement for
in……的增加〔升高〕a rise
目的是要〔在于〕for the purpose of...
据初次印象是实的prima facie
研究的对象object of study
确切的意义precise meaning
确认的权利jus standi
禁止种植的作物prohibited crop
答应某人的请求comply with sb.'s request
精神上不适于处理事物的non compos mentis
精神失常的non compos mentis
经判决的债务judgment debt
经诉讼取得但尚未实际占有的动产权利chose in action
美国的联邦法规守则Code of Federal Regulations
股东人数有限的公司closely held corporation
获得相当生活水平的权利right to an adequate standard of living
表〔字〕面上的prima facie
表面上确凿的证据prima facie evidence
被委任的in commission
被法院宣告破产的当事人party adjusted bankrupt
要求纠正的办法seek redress
见票即付的汇单bill at sight
谨慎和勤勉的义务duty of care
负连带责任的担保joint and several guarantees
资产的获得access to assets
越权ultra vires
转让的权利transferred rights
达到目的achieve one's aim
达成共识的解释agreed interpretation
这就是要找的quod erat inveniendum
追索赔偿权的事实cause of action
逐步实现的义务obligation of progressive realization
逐步实现的义务progressive obligation
重叠的权利overlapping rights
重叠的权利multiple rights
附有条件的安排tying arrangement
陈述的权利alleged rights
限制付款地点的承兑acceptance qualified as to place
限制收款时间的承兑acceptance qualified as to time
非婚生的born out of wedlock
食物权的内容content of the right to food