
Terms for subject General containing 的时候 | all forms | in specified order only
一定不要大声地喝汤或嗫汤。喝汤的时候要小口地、安静地进行Never sip or slurp your tea or soup loudly. Take small, quiet little mouthfuls
今天市场上的抗衰老护肤品比以往任何时候都多There are more anti-aging skin care products on the market today than ever before
他回来的时候给我们买了一些华而不实的工艺品He bought us some gingerbread works as present
你什么时候开始学英文的?when did you begin English?
你知道这实验是什么时候开始的〔开始的准确日期〕吗do you know the exact date when the experiment began
几乎每个人在其一生中都有过考虑要节食的时候Almost everyone considers going on a diet sometime in his or her life
M 到M的时候已经by the time (that, of)
到适当的时候in due course
只有在…的时<#0>only when
喝汤的时候要使用小汤勺。不要直接从汤碗里喝汤o Always use a spoon to drink soup. Never just drink from the bowl
M 在 M 的时候on the occasion of
在一个新世纪开始的时候at the turn of the century
在一切可能的时候whenever possible
在余暇的时候at odd times
在候机室时要看管好自己的随身行李Keep a close eye to your carry-on when you are in the departure lounge
在做任何尝试以达到某目的的时候in any attempts to (+ inf.)
在喝汤的时候是否要一杯雪利酒?Would you care for a glass of sherry with your soup?
在天快黑的时候towards evening
在…将到的时at the approach of
在恰好的时候in time
在恰好的时候in the nick of time
在情况最好的时候at the best of times
在…最激烈的时in the heat of
M 在M正起劲最激烈的时候in the thick of
在紧急的时候in case of need
在紧急的时候in time of need
在进人一个新世纪的时候at the turn of the century
在适当的时候at the proper time
在适当的时候in due season
在适当的时候at the right moment
在适当预定的时候in the fullness of time
在适当的时候时机in due time
在适当的时候in due course (of time)
•在音乐生涯早期,她曾在一个乐团演唱,但事业真正腾飞是在她转入独唱的时候In the early part of her career, she sang for an orchestra but her style really took off when she went solo
在飞机上睡觉的时候,记得盖毯子Remember to cover yourself with a blanket when you sleep on the plane
如果您被拒签,您可以在任何时候再次申请。如果您的情况与上次申请时大致相同,或无法对上次拒签信中列明的拒签原因做出解释,您的申请可能会再次被拒If you have been refused a visa, you can reapply at any time. But if your circumstances have not significantly changed since your last refusal, or if you cannot address the reasons for your refusal, we may refuse your application again
将来总有…的时the time will come when
M 将近 M 的时候be at the point of
将近…的时on the eve
M就要开始的时候at the threshold of
平静的时候a calm
当… 的时when
M 当M 的时候at the time (that, of)
当…不在的时in one's absence
当M不在的时候in the absence
当他被抬上救护车的时候我看到他了。事情发生得太快了! 一辆客货车拐过弯来直接撞向了公共汽车的一侧I saw him when they carried him into the ambulance. It happened so fast! The van came around the corner and crashed right into the side of the bus
当你喉咙疼痛的时候,就会感到十分不舒服You feel very uncomfortable when you have a sore throat
当情况最恶劣的时候when things are at their worst
当然可以,女士。我会转告夜班服务员。到时候她们会来的Certainly, madam. I'll let the overnight staff know. They will come then
必胜客经理说,他正要把钱放在夜间存款箱子里的时候,那个持枪歹徒从黑暗中闪出,用手枪指着他,抢走了银行帆布袋A manager of Pizza Hut said, when he was about to drop the money in a night depository, the gunman stepped out of the shadows, pointed a pistol at him and grabbed the canvas bank pouch
您开会的时候史密斯先生来电话了Mr. Smith called you during the meeting
情况最好的时候the top of the tide
我在马德里的时候正赶上狂欢节While I was in Madrid, there was a carnival
按照传统,情人节这一天也预示着春天的来临,小鸟们会在这个时候选择它们的伴侣。在英国的苏塞克斯郡,人们称情人节为“百鸟成婚节”Traditionally, spring begins on St. Valentine's Day February 14th , the day on which birds chose their mates. In parts of Sussex, Valentine's Day was called “the Birds,Wedding Day”
时代的征候〔标志〕signs of the times
时机成熟的时候high time
是告别的时候了,飞机要起飞了It's time to say bye. The plane will take off
有时候,我们在过于关注杯子的同时却忘记了去品味咖啡Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee
有空的时候at odd times
有空的时候spare time
正当… 的时just as
正当恰恰在…的时even as
正当的时候in the very act of (+ ing)
正当…的时just as
正该做某事的时候it is high time to (+ inf.)
正该…的时high time
汤很烫喔!吃的时候要小心!The soup is very hot. Be careful when you take it!
沙子在湿的时候称起来较重sand weighs more when wet
甚至在形势最有利的时候even at the best of times
紧急的时候in the hour of need
订金要在您办理入住手续的时候交纳You pay the deposit just when you are checking in
该… 的时high time
谢谢等待,先生,我们能为您提供9月25至28号带飘窗的单人间。您能告诉我您计划什么时候到达酒店吗?Thank you for waiting. Yes, sir, we can offer you a single room with a bay window on Sep 25th to Sep 28th. Can you tell me when did you plan to arrive at our hotel?
达到最高潮的时候high tide
这关系式在任何时候都是成立的this relationship obtains at all instants of time
这实验是什么时候开始的when did the experiment begin
进食的时候不要吃得太快。慢慢吃,要细嚼慢咽。进食的速度越慢,就显得越有教养Never eat too quickly. Take your time. The slower you eat, the more polite you seem
远古时候的... of high antiquity