
Terms for subject Environment containing 电力 | all forms | in specified order only
架空电力线路overhead power line Suspended cables by which electrical power is distributed throughout a country (电能被传输的缆绳。)
水力发电厂hydroelectric power plant Power station which operates with the free renewable source of energy provided by falling water (使用落下的水力所产生的免费可再生能源进行发电的电厂。)
水力发电能源hydroelectric energy The free renewable source of energy provided by falling water that drives the turbines. Hydropower is the most important of the regenerable energy sources because of its highest efficiency at the energy conversion. There are two types of hydroelectric power plants: 1. run-of-river power plants for the use of affluent water; 2. storage power plants (power stations with reservoir) where the influx can be regulated with the help of a reservoir. Mostly greater differences in altitudes are being used, like mountain creeks. Power stations with reservoirs are generally marked by barrages with earth fill dam or concrete dams. Though hydropower generally can be called environmentally acceptable, there exist also some problems: 1. change of groundwater level and fill up of the river bed with rubble. 2. Risk of dam breaks. 3. Great demand for land space for the reservoir. 4. Diminution, but partly also increase of value of recreation areas. As the hydropowers of the world are limited,the world energy demand however is rising, finally the share of hydropower will decrease (由流下的水推动涡轮机产生能量。因水力的高能量转换率,故成为最重要的再生能源。有两种型式的水力电厂:a.利用丰沛的河水发电的电厂;b.储存式电厂(水库电厂),进流水水量可经由水库的调节控制。大部分是利用高度差,如高山溪流。水库电厂通常是有土壤或水泥建造的水坝。虽然水力发电的环境相容性高,但仍有一些问题:1.改变地下水水位,并将河岸填充碎石;b.水坝溃决的危险;c.对土地空间的需求大;d.缩小但也部分增加了休閒地区。世上的水力发电有限,但世上对能源的需求却不断上升,造成水力发电的分配量将会降低。)
潮汐水力发电站tidal power station Power station where the generation of power is provided by the ebb and flow of the tides. The principle is that water collected at high tide behind a barrage is released at low tide to turn a turbine that, in turn, drives a generator (由低潮和潮汐流提供能量的发电站。原则就是在高潮时抽取海水在退潮时反过来被释放来转涡轮,以驱动发电机。)
电力electric power The rate at which electric energy is converted to other forms of energy, equal to the product of the current and the voltage drop (电能转换为其他形式能量的速率,等于电流和电压变化的乘积。)
电力供应electric power supply
电力公司power company Company which is responsible for the supply and distribution of electric energy to a given area (公司负责某一特定地区的电力供应和分配电能。)
电力公司electricity company Company which is responsible for the supply and distribution of electric energy to a given area (负责给特定区域提供电力供应和分配的公司。)
电力工业electrical industry Industry for the production of electric energy (生产电能的工业。)
电力工程electrical engineering Engineering that deals with practical applications of electricity; generally restricted to applications involving current flow through conductors, as in motors and generators (有关电的实际应用的工程,一般限于电流通过导体应用,如用于发动机和发电机。)
电动力学electrokinetics The study of the motion of electric charges, especially of steady currents in electric circuits, and of the motion of electrified particles in electric or magnetic fields (电荷运动的研究,尤其是电路中稳定电流以及电厂或磁场中带电粒子的运动。)
风力发电站wind power station Power station which uses wind to drive a turbine which creates electricity (利用风驱动涡轮机来发电的电站。)