
Terms for subject Artificial intelligence containing | all forms
无级域间路Classless Inter Domain Routing
最小自能量原则principle of minimal free energy
光移恢复形状shape from light moving
内而外开发middle-out development
外而内开发middle-in development
左至右无跨越马尔可夫链left-to-right Markov chain with no skip
左至右有跨越马尔可夫链left-to-right Markov chain with skips
影调恢复形状shape from shading
X 得到恢复形状shape from X
动词未完成体得到的似是而非的结论imperfect paradox
纹理变化恢复朝向orientation from change of texture
纹理恢复形状shape from texture
语音输人到文本的转换STT conversion
轮廓恢复形状shape from contour
运动恢复形状shape from motion
回忆free recall
能量free energy