
Terms for subject Construction containing | all forms
不易混汞法回收的自然金refractory gold
交换台private branch exchange switchboard
按用户要求制造的动力头custom-built power unit
条件字符additional character
条件particular conditions
橡胶special rubber
accommodation road
丝锥板牙两夹头tap die holder
元件部件dual component
中国工艺品铅锡黄铜锌10%,锡1%,铅15% -20%,其余铜Chinese art metal
中子互相作neutron event
中等使工作条件moderate operating conditions
互相作影响,制约,配合interact on each other
交直流两仪器设备,收音机all-electric set
交直流两双频道接收机two-way receiver
交织网结knitting action
仪表快速作speed of instrument
位置地址call by location
原理action principle
职能,框,简symbolic circuit
使中破坏service failure
使服务年限serviceable life
使性磨耗service wear
使系数occupation coefficient
使经营working cost
使楼面面积floor space
修整钻石刀头dressing bit
tumble card
停电转换继电器power-off relay
服务事业utility service
信号量global semaphore
存储器的多处理机memory shared multiprocessor
接收机public address receiver
资源common source
公寓可使面积公寓内除去结构面积的面积net apartment unit area
shared routine
通道shared subchannel
程序shared routine
养路平地机patrol grader
试件reusing sample
地图ordnance map
建筑材lumber for construction
建筑材construction wood
建筑材wood for rural construction and fences
冲力作效应momentum effect
冷却切削工具的糊状物paste cutting compound
减震缓冲,垫层cushioning effect
凹缺作notch effect
分程序动activation of block
雷达测定风速和风向radio wind sounding
制动杆U形叉brake rod crevice
制砖陶瓷repress oil
割玻璃金刚钻glazier's diamond
发动机开动时加油油枪dope can
包覆steel for cladding
配电盘auxiliary boards
熔化及保温熔炉dipout furnace
组合钻头combined drill
双重作的控制器double-response controller
发电站设备station plant factor
受重力作而下降gravity drop
只能使一次one-time operation
两种燃料的燃烧器dual burner
的主存储区free core pools
可自由使的主存储区free core pool
插头分接头table tap
电线party wire
同时最大功率coincident demand power
工业型铁commercial iron
土 的稳定作stabilization of soil
土地收eminent domain
前级backer pump
轮胎车轮extra wheel
安装备mounted spares
工作负载live load
实际费成本out-of-pocket cost
实际费即用现金付出的费用out-of-pocket cost
对准钉孔的销子drift pin
屋顶软质纤维板roof insulation board
废物料,品utilization of debris
座席占线继电器position busy relay
建筑杆材building poles
建筑construction wood
建筑lumber for construction
建筑wood for rural construction and fences
待议事件调agendum call card
微商作rate response
氧量total oxygen
悬链作catenary action
约定集料conventional aggregate
意外应急contingency cost
成套备零件set of spare units
成本加运费船方不负担卸货费cost and freight free out (C&F FO)
截断废料的刀scraping cutter
户外公面积广场等exterior common area
三锥third hand tap
技术通风机房、电梯间、水泵间、密闭水箱间等mechanical rooms
抗拔力试验试件pullout specimen
假定路线proposed alignment
拨一笔款供…之用make an appropriation for
的,圈arch action
探测接收机passive detector
接合器的应maker use
电接触面的接帚擦拭,滑触wiping action
搅拌碎石churning stone
daily necessaries
最大需瓦时计demand register
木材应timber uses
丝锥螺丝攻tapper tap
机场着陆信标指示器field localizer
机械双晶作mechanical twining
样品sample pan
桥梁钢筋steel for bridge wire
检査标准的试样control specimen
水利工程沥青材料bituminous materials for hydraulic works
水泥灰岩cement stone
水泥灰岩cement rock
油开关润滑油motor switch oil
消气剂黏结剂getter binder
涤气gas water
混凝土预应力钢丝prestressed concrete wire
热锻hot set
焊接的药水killed spirit
煤矿井低黏度油driver's oil
城市规化特殊special use area
特殊途钢steel for specific uses
现金费...out of pocket cost
串联法使频率特性的高频部分升高series peaking
于评定油性、油膜强度的摩擦机Deeley friction machine
十字形分光镜的分光装置dichroic cross
并联法使频率特性的高频部分升高shunt peaking
户引人线service entrance
最小二乘近似approximation by least squares
比重不同的方法分离gravitational separation
水冲洗strip with water
水泥浆加固consolidation grouting
短线接地short ground return
米制in metric
胎具焊接positioned welding
自动驾驶仪操纵gyrorudder control
计数器控制检验counter control
过的热量used heat
量指针demand pointer
量计量器demand register
量高峰consumption peak
高频扫描快速读出radio-frequency reading
电线保护铁管metal raceway
电路复channel compression
白色饰合金锡81%,铜10%,锑9%Dutch white metal
矿车车轴油black strap
碳弧灯直流发电机arc dynamo
磨光的晶体grinding crystal
非法字符forbidden digit
数字forbidden digit
积分作运算reset operation
空位-错位的互作vacancy-dislocation interaction
钻孔攻丝复合丝锥pipe tap (drill)
系统利可用性availability system
结构中碳钢structural carbon steel, medium
综合利工程multiple purpose project
翘曲弯翘warping effect
翻砂铸造,制造绳缆batch oil
涡轮机marine type turbine
船舶罗盘mariner's compass
装饰铜铝合金imitation gold
发电设备利利用系数plant factor
设备利利用因数equipment capacity factor
调査明信卡questionnaire post card
调速器电动机governor motor
available work
工作应力working stress
安全,工作,许用应力working stress
工作,有效长度working length
路肩平地机shoulder grader
涡轮vehicle turbine
车位占调查occupancy study
车库工厂大型千斤顶garage jack
车身擦工具body polisher
追加费索赔claim for additional payment
选通开闭,(闸)门gate action
十进制分类系统Brussels classification system
成形机versatile pulse shaper
组合斜角规universal bevel
条件general conditions
终接机combination connector
标准配件interchangeable parts
道砟清筛机应于铁路轨道路基的中、重型道砟清理作业The ballast cleaner is applicable for medium- and heavy-duty ballast cleaning operation of railway track bed
道路沥青材料bituminous materials for roads
对裂缝遮蔽作bridging effect
棋盘式道路系统的城镇gridiron town
重力作下向下移动gravitate downwards
金属研磨冷却油乳液grinding oil
铁路steel for railways
镀敷电镀plating action
镗车两机床boring-and-turning machine
间歇断续发生器chopping oscillator
防水涂层沥青材料bituminous materials for waterproof coatings
束作beaming effect
工人hiring of labour
非生产费overhead cost
预应力混凝土steel for prestressed concrete
飞机垂直支柱式天线strut antenna
高锌黄铜铜82% -87%, 其余锌rich low brass
高抗拉力螺栓steel for high tensile bolts
高级车机油汽油premium motor oil
高级车机油汽油premium engine oil