
Terms for subject Horticulture containing | all forms
一年作物annual crops
不等长植株unequal growth plant
作物crop production
作物产信息化informatization of crop production
作物产信息系统crop production information system
作物产决策系统crop production decision system
作物产成分crop productive composition
作物产数据库crop production database
作物产数据库与信息系统crop production database and information system
作物产数据库系统database system of crop production
作物产环境crop production environment
作物产环境和状况crop productive environment and situation
作物产的智能决策与管理intelligent decision and management of crop production
作物产的智能化信息系统intellectualization information system of crop production
作物产的智能化信息网络intellectualization information network of crop production
作物产的高产量high yield of crop production
作物产的高效率high efficiency of crop production
作物产知识工程knowledge engineering of crop production
作物产科学化scientification of crop production
作物产规范化normalization of crop production
作物态生理学crop ecophysiology
作物态生理过程ecophysiological process of crop
作物态调查图示法crop log
作物态调查图示法crop logging
作物育指标crop index of growth and development
作物育规律regularity of crop growth and development
作物育过程process of crop growth and development
作物长与发育指标crop index of growth and development
作物长与发育过程process of crop growth and development
作物长发育动态dynamics of crop growth and development
作物长模型crop growth model
作物长状况crop growth state
作物长的动态过程dynamic process of crop growth
作物长的可视化visualization of crop growth
作物长系统crop growth system
作物长调控crop regulation and control of growth
作物长调节与控制crop regulation and control of growth
作物长预测与监测系统crop growth prediction and monitoring system
作物产量crop-yield physiology
作物形态发crop morphogenesis
作物智能intelligent crop production
作物智能产的决策系统decision system of intelligent crop production
作物智能化产的空间信息系统spatial information system of intellectualized crop production
信息化产系统数据管理data management of production system of informatization
性多种栽培指多种作物共生栽培commensalistic polyculture
农业产信息agricultural production information
农业产信息咨询服务inquiry service of agricultural production information
农业产信息的咨询服务consultant service of agricultural production information
农业产的在线指导in-line guide of agricultural production
农业产的精耕细作intensive cultivation of agricultural production
农业产知识agricultural production knowledge
农业产管理的应用系统application system of agricultural production management
农业产系统farming production system
农业产过程参数测量技术parameter measuring technique for agricultural production process
农业态环境agricultural eco-environment
农业物环境监测设施agrobiological environment monitoring installation
组织培养meristem culture
动态dynamic production
区域性农业产管理regional management of agricultural production
和植物检疫措施sanitary and phytosanitary measures
调查detection survey
发芽种子产商sprout producer
土地产力land productibility
夏季一年作物summer annuals
多样化mixed cropping system
多样化mixed cropping
多样化diversified production
群体closed population
带有几个侧枝的一年树木feathered maiden
当地粮食作物local food crop production
产性能total performance
指导作物产管理directing crop production management
智能化的农作制及产管理决策farming system and production management decision of intellectualization
最优化长调控措施optimizational measures of growth regulation and control
产成效的efficacious (efficacius)
长力的vegetal (vegetalis)
杂草丛倾向weedy tendency
标准产性能standard performance
植物plant production
植物有害物的传入plant pest entry
植物有害物风险plant pest risk
水解植物蛋白衍hydrolysed vegetable protein derivative
xanthan gum
活体转基因living modified organism
理论possible growth
指栽培上用的土壤水,仅为一小部分production water
产地区growing region
产技术规范化normalization of production technology
产技术量化quantization of production technology
产用氮效率nitrogen use efficiency of production
产管理技术production management technology
态生理研究ecophysiological research (investigatio ecophysiologica)
态生理适应性ecophysiological adaptability (adaptabilitas ecophysiologicus)
root production
殖一营养的转变指生殖期向营养期转变reproductive-vegetative switch
殖生长的动态模拟dynamic simulation of reproductive growth
活能力growing power
物保护契约biological protection contract
物灾害biological diaster
物防治物biological control agent
粒脱粒法raw crop threshing method
长介质growing medium
长力growing power
长季节growing season
长季节检查growing season inspection
长期植物物种的growing period of a plant species
长模型的预测功能forecast function of growth model
长模拟growth simulation
长法则law of growth
长过程模拟growing process simulation
监控作物monitoring crop growth
相对长法则rule of relative growth
种子产者seed producer
粮食产潜力potential of the grain production
综合温室作物integrated greenhouse crop production
综合衣业产信息系统comprehensive information system of agricultural production
综合评定土地产力land productibility of comprehensive evaluation
中耕groundnut cultivation
农业技术groundnut agrotechnique
出荚率种子peanut pod yield
出荚率groundnut pod yield
栽培groundnut growing
栽培groundnut cultivation
栽培学groundnut growing
栽培技术groundnut agrotechnique
耕作groundnut cultivation
荚果产量peanut pod yield
荚果产量groundnut pod yield
规定的管制有害specified regulated pest
过渡性有害transient pest
适用物技术appropriate biotechnologies
育期long duration
物胁迫abiotic stress
非共性多种种植amensalistic polyculture
非检疫性有害non-quarantine pest
非疫产点pest free production site