
Terms for subject Dentistry containing | all forms
你必须服用抗You have to take antibiotics
很快就会给您看了The doctor will see you soon
现在正在看病人The doctor is now with a patient
口腔物化学oral biochemistry
口腔理学oral physiology
口腔医助理dental assistant
口腔微物学oral microbiology
后牙上的深裂隙容易发龋坏The deep grooves on the back teeth are easy to be decayed
后牙殆面上的沟裂是龋病发的主要部位The grooves in the biting surface of molars are major sites for dental decay
在您的颌骨内有颗阻智齿You have an impacted wisdom tooth in the bone
supernumerary tooth
您是哪年出的?When were you born?
您现在看医了吗?Are you under a doctor's care now?
我将给您开三天的抗I will give you antibiotics for three days
我给您开些抗素,待炎症消退后,我们再拔牙I'll give you antibiotics, please take them, After getting a good condition, we will pull it out
有医告诉过您,您患有牙龈炎或牙周炎吗?Has a dentist ever told you that you have gingivitis or periodontitis?
氟化物能增加牙齿的硬度,降低酸溶解牙釉质的能力和抑制细菌Fluoride can increase the hardness of the tooth surface, decrease the acid solubility of the enamel and inhibit the growth of bacteria
第三磨牙阻是很常见的Impacted third molars are comm on
经过根管治疗的牙齿发折裂的可能性比较大A tooth after root canal treatment is more likely to fracture
请把您的姓名和出日写在这张卡上Please write your name and date of birth on this card
超声洗牙时会发出嗡嗡声,产水雾,并震碎牙结石It makes a buzzing noise, sprays a mist of water and breaks up the calculus
齿impacted tooth
饭后三十分钟用水服用抗素,每天三次,连续服用三天Take this antibiotic with a glass of water thirty minutes after every meal, three times a day, for three days