
Terms containing 生材 | all forms | in specified order only
expl.上游原材料供应和硝酸铵生产、以及炸药在矿区的最终用途、是考虑的内容Upstream raw material supply and ammonium nitrate manufacture are considered, together with the end-use of explosives on mine sites
org.name.东南亚木材生产者协会Southeast Asia Lumber Producers' Association
commer.印度尼西亚,马来西亚,菲律宾东南亚木材生产者协会South-East Asia Lumber Producers Association
UN, ecol.亚太木材生产和出口国合作论坛Cooperative Forum of Timber Producing and Exporting Countries of Asia and the Pacific
tech.产生噪声材料noise-producing material
met.仿生材bionic material
polym.仿生材biomimetic material
met.仿生纳米复合材料nano bionic composite
tech.充填材料产生的压力pressure exerted by the stowing material
avia.充气救生器材inflatable survival gear
wood.全树生材木片green whole tree chip
chem.生材breeder materials
tech.生材reprocessed material
tech.生材regrown material
polym.生材reworked material
tech.生材twice-laid stuff
tech.生材reclaimed material
auto.再生使用的原材料汽车方面主要是指塑料件再利用secondary raw material
busin.再生原材料reclaimable materials
tech.再生式滤材renewable filter media
tech.再生木材recycled wood
earth.sc.再生混合材料reclaimed aggregate material
bridg.constr.再生钢材rerolled steels
gen.冶金学与材料学汇刊,B辑: "生产冶金学与材料科学"Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, B :"Process Metallurgy and Materials Science"
agric.生材primary wood (lignum primarium)
tech.生材primary wood
med.appl.医用生物降解材料medical biodegradable material
tech.危险性生产材料hazardous production material
tech.生材virgin growth
tech.原材料生产率materials productivity
environ.可再生材renewable raw material Resources that have a natural rate of availability and yield a continual flow of services which may be consumed in any time period without endangering future consumption possibilities as long as current use does not exceed net renewal during the period under consideration (能以一定速度再生的资源,当前只要不过度使用,就不会影响到未来对该材料的使用。)
auto.可再生材recyclable material
auto.可再生隔音材料产品recycled sound protection product
polym.可吸收生物材料bioabsorbable materials
polym.可降解生物材料degradable biomaterial
forestr.商业木材生产commercial timber production
org.name.国际热带木材组织和自然保护联盟《热带木材生产林生物多样性保护和可持续利用准则》Guidelines for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in tropical timber production forests
org.name.国际热带木材组织和自然保护联盟《热带木材生产林生物多样性保护和可持续利用准则》ITTO/IUCN Guidelines for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in tropical timber production forests
comp.name.国际钢筋和线材出口商和生产商协会International Rebar and Rod Exporters and Producers Association
plast.型材挤塑生产线profile extrusion line
tech.堆积材料产生的压力pressure exerted by the stowing material
tech.生材bred material
space复合材料科学生产联合体NPO Kompozit (俄罗斯,俄文缩写英译)
space复合材料科研生产联合体联合股份公司Kompozit Scientific Production Association Joint Stock Company (俄罗斯)
polym.天然生物材料natural biomaterial
tech.定期木材生长率basic wood increment
nurs.家庭常备卫生器材standing domestic hygiene instruments
cryptogr.密钥生成材料key generation material
cables屏蔽电缆中的屏蔽材料能够使数据信号免受外来杂讯以及缆线内部电气讯号产生的杂讯的影响The shielding material of a shielded cable could protect the data signal from external sources of noise and from the noise generated by electrical signals within the cable
avia.工程材料先行发放生成和跟踪系统EAMR generation and tracking system
met.带材涂漆生产线strip lacquering line
plast.带材生产线〈膜带生产〉tape line
plast.带材生产装置tape-producing plant
met.带材轧机生产能力strip rolling mill capacity
met.带材轧机生产能力strip mill capacity
econ.建材生产manufacture of building materials
tech.建筑材料生产construction material production
tech.建筑材料生产structural material production
tech.建筑材料生产building material production
tech.建筑材料生产厂constructional material producer
tech.建筑材料生产厂building material producer (商)
tech.建筑材料生产厂building material manufacturer (商)
tech.建筑材料生产者building material producer
tech.建筑材料生产者constructional material producer
tech.建筑材料生产者structural material producer
tech.建筑材料生产者structural material manufacturer
tech.建筑材料生产者building material manufacturer
tech.建筑材料生产者建筑材料生产厂construction material producer
tech.建筑铝型材生产线architectural aluminium profile production line
tech.建筑铝型材生产线architectural aluminum profile production line
econ.当发生危及财产的紧急事故时,应提供必要的材料和安装必要的设备During an emergency endangering property, necessary materials and equipment should be furnished and installed
tech.成批生产材积收获volume produce
furn.我公司主要生产和销售曲木家具及配件,年产量20 000件,主要材料来自北方Our company mainly produces and sells bentwood furniture and spare parts with annual production capacity of 20000. Most of the wood are from North
met.扁平材钢铁联合生产厂integrated steel production plant for flat products
polym.抗凝血生物材料anti-thrombogenetic biomaterial
forestr.拯救伐生产的木材salvage wood
met.摩根高生产率线材轧机Morgan high-production wire rod mill
oil救生器材buoyant apparatus
tech.生材virgin material
polym.智能生物材料smart biomaterial
polym.智能生物材料intelligent biomaterial
ecol.最大限度地预防浪费和再生利用各种材料coupling maximum waste prevention with material recycling
tech.木材水解产生的污水wood hydrolysate effluent
agric.木材生产wood produce
econ., geogr.木材生产国timber producing country
environ.木材生产链timber producing chain All interrelated steps of the lumber manufacturing process including tree felling, the removal of tops, branches and bark, the piling and sawing of logs, and the transportation and loading of finished boards or other products (木材生产过程的相关步骤,包括砍伐树根、树枝和树皮,锯原木打桩以及运输和装载成品板或其他产品的负荷。)
ecol.木材生态解剖学ecological wood anatomy
construct.木材真菌生长侵害timber fungal growth infestation
wood.木材衍生固体生物燃料wood-derived solid biofuel
busin.材料生产material production
environ.材料生命周期material life cycle All the stages involved in the manufacturing, distribution and retail, use and re-use and maintenance, recycling and waste management of materials (涉及材料的制造、分发、零售、使用、再利用和维护、回收和废物管理等所有阶段。)
ecol.材料生命周期评价material life cycle assessment
ecol.材料生态设计material ecodesign
tech.材料的生物性霉病biological spoilage of material
tech.材料的生物性霉病biologic spoilage of material
agric.材积生产量volumetric yield
agric.材积生长growth in volume
forestr.材积生长increment due to quantity
tech.材积生长volume increment
agric.材积生长率quantity increment percent
agric.材积生长量quantity increment
met.板材生产能力plate production capacity
met.板材生产设备plate producing equipment
met.板材生产设备plate and sheet production equipment
forestr.树干材生物量stemwood biomass
agric.生材secondary wood (lignum secundarium)
tech.生材second growth
archit.次生木材second growth timber
tech.次生木材second-growth timber
agric.次生硬材secondary hardwood
plast.泡沫塑料片材生产线foam sheet line
met.活套轧制生产的带材strip by loop rolling
UN, polit.热带木材生产和出口发展中国家政府间协商论坛Intergovernmental Consultative Forum of Developing Tropical Timber Producing/Exporting Countries
plast.片材挤塑生产线sheet extrusion line
plast.片材生产线sheeting line
plast.片材生产线sheet train
tech.生产各种需要的木材the production of wood for various uses
tech.生产多功能的路面面层材料工厂multipurpose coating plant
manag.生产材料productive material
econ.生产材料production material
econ.生产材料production materials
busin.生产材料material of production
commer.生产材料成本cost of production materials
shipb.生产材料费cost of production materials
tech.生态建材ecological building materials
tech.生态建材ecologic building materials
corp.gov.生态板材商标ecological panel's trademark
corp.gov.生态板材商标ecological wood panel trade mark
wood.生材unseasoned lumber
wood.生材unseasoned timber
wood.生材green wood
wood.生材unseasoned wood
agric.生材green lumber
tech.生材green timber
tech.生材green material
tech.生材入口green end
tech.生材链条分类台green sorting deck
tech.生材堆场green lumber storage
tech.生材密度green density
wood.生材平衡raw wood balance
tech.生材比重specific gravity in green
tech.生材输送台green chain
busin.生材重量green weight
tech.生材green chain
sport., psychol.生活记录材料life-data
sport., psychol.生活记录材料L-data
logist.生物医学材料航运中专指致病的传染、病源制剂,属于联合国分类 6biomedical materials
polym.生物医学材料biomedical material
polym.生物医学高分子材料biomedical polymer material
tech.生物医用复合材料biological composite
tech.生物医用复合材料biologic composite
polym.生物医用材料biomedical material
tech.生物医用材料biological material
tech.生物医用材料biologic material
polym.生物医用金属材料biomedical metal material
polym.生物可降解医用金属材料biodegradable medical metal material
chem.生物吸收高分子材料bioabsorbable polymer
polym.生物惰性材料bioinert materials
tech.生物材料biological materials
agric.生物材料biological material
agric.生物材料biomaterial (b iomaterialis)
tech.生物材料biologic materials
plast.surg.生物材料alloplastic material
polym.生物材料快速成型rapid prototyping of biomaterial
anim.husb.生物材料检测examination of biological sample
tech.生物材料监测biological specimen monitoring
tech.生物材料监测biologic specimen monitoring
polym.生物活性材料bioactive materials
life.sc.生物相容性材料biocompatible materials
polym.生物相容性材料biocompatible material
tech.生物衍生材biological derived material
tech.生物衍生材biologic derived material
tech.生物降解材料biodegradable material
met.生白云石耐火材料raw refractory dolomite
ecol.生长及材性growth and lignum characteristic
telecom.研究生教材graduate text
polym.磁性生物材料magnetic biomaterial
UN禁止生产核武器或其他核爆炸装置所用裂变材料条约禁产公约cut-off treaty = non-discriminatory, multilateral and internationally and effectively verifiable treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices
space空间生物材料加工biological materials processing in space
met.管材生产making tube (The manufacturer has modestly described the two basic ways of making tubes as either wrapping an accurate hole in steel strip or pushing a very strong hole through a steel bar. 这家制造商简明扼要地描述了两种基本制管方法:一是用带钢卷出一个精确的孔,二是在钢棒上推轧出一个坚固的孔。)
met.管材生产tube making
met.纳米仿生材nano biomaterial
met.线材生产设备wire production unit
met.线材生产设备wire production equipment
met.线材轧制生产线wire rolling line
tech.结构材料生产者structural material producer
tech.结构材料生产者structural material manufacturer
met.耐火材料生产设备refractory production equipment
met.耐火材料生产设备equipment for refractory production
polym.聚合物一肝素复合生物材料polymer-heparin biomedical composite
tech.船用救生器材marine lift-saving apparatus
earth.sc.菱镁矿耐火材料生产magnesite refractory production
plast.薄膜和片材生产film and sheet production
el.裂变材料生产堆【核】fissile material production reactor
tech.裂变材料生产堆fissile material production reactor
tech.试生产材料pilot material
agric.贮材场卫生yard sanitation
tech.超导材料发生器super-conducting generator
busin.边缘材料生产marginal material production
ceram.过去几十年,生物陶瓷这种设计独特的材料已在维修、重建和替换患病或受损器官,特别是骨移植等领域得以成功使用Over the last several decades, bioceramics—the specially designed materials—have been successfully used for the repair, reconstruction, and replacement of diseased or damaged parts of the body, especially bone
sport.美国 运动器材生产商协会Athletic Goods Manufacturers Association
sport.美国运动器材生产商协会Athlete Goods Manufactures Association
genet.近亲野生材related wild material
sport.这是一家在生产、经销健身器材方面具有丰富经验的专业公司This is an experienced company specializing in producing and marketing sports facilities
med.appl.这种聚合物的主链含有不饱和双键和亲水性的链段,将会成为一种新的生物可降解材料The copolymer with unsaturated bond functional groups and hydrophilic chain will be a novel biodegradable material
genet.生材wild material
ecol.生材用植物wild woody use plant
tech.野生药材资源保护区reserve area of wild medical herbs resources
ecol.野生药材资源管理与保护Management and Protection of Wild Medicinal Material Resources
polym.高分子生物材料polymeric biomaterial
gen.黏土本是大地铺盖地面,供应植物生长的材料The original function of argil is to cover land to support plant growth