
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 生态 | all forms | in specified order only
亚北极生态系统初期开采与恢复协会Association of Primary Production and Recruitment in Subarctic Ecosystems
人居生态环境habitat ecological condition
人居生态环境ecological environment of human settlement
人类生态anthropogenic ecotype
人类生态学学会Society for Human Ecology
全球生态系统分析计划Programme for the Analysis of World Ecosystems
全球气候变迁与陆生生态系统global change and terrestrial ecosystems
全球环境和生态相互作用系统模拟global environmental and ecological simulation of interactive systems
内稳态生物homeostatic organism
农业生态分区 agro-ecological zoning
农业生态agro-ecological zone
农业生态单元 agro-ecological unit
农业生态单元 agro-ecological cell
农业、生态和地理信息系统agricultural, ecological and geographical information system
冰川湖泊生态系统试验场glacier lakes ecosystem experiment site
加勒比海珊瑚礁生态系统Caribbean Coral Reef Ecosystems
区域生态环境regional eco-environment
华盛顿州生态管理局Washington State Department of Ecology
南极冰缘区海洋生态系统研究计划Antarctic Marine Ecosystem Research at Ice Edge Zone
南极海岸生态系统评价研究Research on Antarctic Coastal Ecosystem Rates
国家生态学研究中心National Ecology Research Center
国家海岸生态系统小组National Coastal Ecosystem Team
国际生态学会议International Congress of Ecology
国际生态模拟学会International Society for Ecological Modeling
国际热带生态学学会International Society for Tropical Ecology
国际统计生态学计划International Statistical Ecology Programme
土地生态land ecology
土地生态建设land ecological construction
土地生态类型 type of land ecosystem
土地生态系统land ecosystem
土地生态经济分区eco-economic zoning
土地生态经济区划eco-economic regionalization
土地生态经济学land ecological economics
土地生态经济系统land eco-economic system
土地生态规划land ecological planning
土地生态设计land ecological designing
土地生态评价land ecological evaluation
土地利用生态效益ecological benefit of land use
土地-城市-生态系统模拟geo-urban-eco-system simulation
土壤生态soil ecology
土壤生态环境ecological environment of soil
土壤生态系统soil ecosystem
土壤生态系统功能function of soil ecosystem
土壤生态系统序列soil ecosystem sequence
圣迭戈生态学研究中心San Diego Ecology Center
城市生态urban ecology
城市生态平衡balance of city ecosystem
大西洋中部区域生态学实验站Central Atlantic Regional Ecological Test Site
实验性生态系统experimental ecosystem
封闭式生态系统closed ecological system
干旱地生态计划Arid Land Ecology Project
开放的生态系统open ecosystem
形态发生分类morphogenetic classification
微生物生态监测系统microbial ecological monitoring system
微生物生态评价装置microbial ecology evaluation device
新西兰生态学会New Zealand Ecology Society
最大容许生态排污量maximum allowable ecological discharges
林区生态动力学forest ecosystem dynamics
标准化生态系统品系normalized ecosystem strain
气候生态climatic ecotype
污染控制与生态pollution control and ecology
污染控制及生态委员会Pollution Control and Ecology Commission
流域生态模型basin-wide ecological model
流水生态系统lotic ecosystem
海岸涌升流区生态系统分析coastal upwelling ecosystem analysis
海岸涌升流区生态系统分析计划国际海洋调査十年计划coastal upwelling ecosystems analysis program IDOE
海底生态遥测系统remote ecological monitoring of the seafloor system
海洋生态研究所Marine Ecological Institute
海洋生态系统分析marine eco-systems analysis
海洋生态系统分析marine ecosystems analysis
海洋生态系统分析计划marine ecosystems analysis program
海洋生态系统研究实验室Marine Ecosystems Research Laboratory
海洋浅水生态系统研究investigations of marine shallow water ecosystems
海草生态系统研究seagrass ecosystem study
淡水生态freshwater ecology
淡水生态系统freshwater ecosystem
热带海域海洋生态系统研究计划marine ecosystem study in tropical areas
环保生态效益ecological benefit of environmental protection
环境生态化学environmental ecological chemistry
环境生态工程ecological engineering of environment
环境和生态研究所Environmental and Ecological Research Institute
现有湖泊酸化的古生态学调查研究paleoecological investigation of recent lake acidification
生态交错带假说ecotone hypothesis
生态优势ecological dominance
生态入侵ecological invasion
生态净化ecological cleanup
生态分布区ecological distribution area
生态ecological force
生态区域ecosystem regions
生态参照单位ecological reference unit
生态因子ecological factor
生态学与痕量污染物分析ecology and analysis of trace contaminants
生态学中心Ecology Center
生态学中心通信委员会Ecology Center Communications Council
生态密度ecological density
生态对策ecological strategy
生态Department of Ecology
生态工程地质填图ecologo-engineering-geological mapping
生态标准单位ecological reference unit
生态水文学系统模型ecohydrological systems model
生态活动ecology action
生态活动教育研究所Ecology Action Educational Institute
生态演化单位ecologic evolutionary units
生态环境ecology environment
生态环境变化eco-environmental change
生态环境综合分区integrated demarcation of ecological environment
生态环境问题eco-environmental issues
生态监测ecological monitoring
生态等值种ecological equivalent
生态等效物ecological equivalents
生态 发育ecosystem development
生态系统响应单位ecosystem response unit
生态系统污染控制实验controlled ecosystem pollution experiment
生态系统生态学ecosystem ecology
生态系统的公益ecosystem service
生态系统组分模拟模型ecosystem component simulation models
生态经济学ecological economics
生态能量系统eco-energy system
生态自净ecological self-purification
生态资源区ecological resource areas
生态释放ecological release
种群生态population ecology
简式湖泊生态系统simplified lake ecosystem
生态系统交换net ecosystem exchange
综合性湖泊生态系统分析器comprehensive lake ecosystem analyzer
美国生态学院American College of Ecology
美国职业生态学家学会American Society of Professional Ecologists
美洲国家生态学研究所Inter-American Institute of Ecology
群落生态community ecology
联合国生态计划United Nations Ecological Program
自然资源生态学实验室Natural Resources Ecology Laboratory
英国生态学会British Ecological Society
英联邦人类生态学理事会Commonwealth Human Ecology Council
蒙蒂塞洛生态研究站Monticello Ecological Research Station
近海生态调查offshore ecology investigation
进化生态evolution ecology
远景生态研究计划long term ecological research program
陆地生态学研究所Institute Terrestrial Ecology
静水生态系统lentic ecosystem