
Terms for subject Business containing 生产的 | all forms | in specified order only
不可再生的有形资产non-reproducible tangible assets
不经济的扩大生产规模导致原材料成本上升及管理不善,效率降低diseconomy of scale
不经济的生产sub-economic production
为生产设备向国外借款的减税relief for foreign loans for productive equipment
产品价格产生连锁提价的影响spillover effect onto prices of goods
产生收入的成本cost of producing income
产生效果的信托resulting trust
以获得收益的生产基础production basis of revenue realization
价值的生产成本论cost of production theory of value
作为生产因素的资本capital as factor of production
使合同产生影响的错误operative mistake
促进生产的采伐accretion thinning
具备的生产要素factor endowment
内部产生的现金internal cash generation
制造商生产的全部产品whole line of a manufacturer's product
制造生产资料的生产资料生产means of production as means of production
占国民生产总值的百分比as percentage of gross national product
厂房和设备的后备生产能力reserve capacity of plant and equipment
可能达到的国民生产总值potential gross national product
可能达到的正常工厂生产能力feasible normal plant capacity
可能达到的正常生产能力feasible normal capacity
因货物不符合同而产生的诉权claim based on lack of conformity of the goods
国民生产总值的估计estimation of GNP
国民生产总值的支出expenditure on gross national product
大学教育的生产性university productivity
对工业生产能力的所有权ownership of industrial productive capacity
就业机会的产生generation of employment opportunities
工业总产值的生产费用production expenses of gross industrial output
已拨款债务占国民生产总值的…%disbursed debt as a... % of GNP
建成投入生产的单项工程completed single project turned over for production
总的联机生产系统total online production system
按固定价格计算的国民生产总值at constant prices
按固定价格计算的国民生产总值gross national product at constant price
按市场价格计算的国民生产总值at market prices
按市场价格计算的国民生产总值gross national product at market price
按生产者价值计算的增值额value added at producers' value
按要素成本计算的国内生产总值gross domestic product at factor cost
按要素成本计算的国民生产总值at factor costs
按要素成本计算的国民生产总值gross national product at factor cost
按部门划分的世界生产sectors world production
收入的产生creation in income
教育的生产功能educational production functions
整套组装的生产流程工艺process technology as a system
本国生产的设备locally produced equipments
机器的三班生产能力three-shift productivity of machine
火花产生的噪声hash noise
现场外的生产检査off-site production inspection
理想的生产能力ideal capacity
生产中的人工因素labor factor of production
生产中的土地因素land factor of production
生产中的瓶颈现象production bottleneck
生产占用的流动资金current fund employed during production
生产各种品质的货物produce goods in various qualities
生产因素中的回收法则law of returns to factors of production
生产率的度量productivity measurement
生产的一般平衡general equilibrium of production
生产的内部有利因素internal economies of production
生产的国民收入national income produced
生产的复利式增长率compound rate of growth of output
生产的外在不经济external diseconomies of production
生产的外在经济external economies of production
生产的破坏disruption of production
生产的细致管理detailed control of production
生产的经济领域economic region of production
生产的边际成本marginal cost of production
生产目的多元性multiplicity of aim of production
生产能力的生产指数index of production for production capacity
生产能力的考虑capacity consideration
生产节拍时间的计算tact timing
生产要素的利用factor use
生产要素的最低成本least factor-costs for production
生产过程中的涌塞〔瓶颈〕现象production bottleneck
生产过程的连续性概念continuity concept of production process
由于生产成本上升,该产品的价格也有些调整The price of the commodity has recently been adjusted due to advance in cost
由于违约产生的债权claim arising from a breach of the contract
由合并而产生的商誉goodwill arising for consolidation
票据产生的义务obligation arising out of the instrument
粮食生产上的缺口缺额gap in food production
组成整套的生产流程package a whole process
综合账产生的溢价reserve arising on consolidation
能的生产量和消费量energy production and consumption
自由平等的生产者联合制度association of free and equal producers
航运的生产率productivity of shipping
获得营业收入的生产基础production basis of revenue realization
试验产生的故障test-produced failure
试验产生的故障test-induced failure
试验数据的产生test data generation
调整的国民生产总值adjusted GNP (gross national product)
货币价值的生产成本论cost of production theory of the value of money
货币金属的劳动生产率labor productivity of the currency metal
货物产生的汗潮sweat generated in cargo
这是产品目录,里面详细介绍了我们生产的产品This is a copy of catalog. It will give a good idea of the products we handle
进行中的生产活动carrying-on activity
追加的生产过程additional process of production
适应性强的自动生产系统Flexible Automated Production System
部分建成投入生产的建设项目partly completed construction project turned for production
附带生态平衡约束的投入产岀模型input-output model with additional restraint means of ecological balance
需求与生产之间的差距gap between demand and production
需要与生产力的矛盾contradiction between needs and production
非工业总产值的生产费用production expenses of gross nonindustrial output
非生产性目的投资investment for nonproductive purposes