
Terms for subject Securities containing 现出 | all forms
交易出现异常波动的公司债券corporate bonds with abnormal fluctuation
企业流出的自由现金流free cash flow from firm
净现金流出/流人net cash outflow/inflow
出口汇票贴现forfaiting (用进口商开具的汇票到银行兑现)
出现come out
出现影响公司债券还本付息的重大事件significant events that have influence on corporate bonds'repayment of principal and payment of interest
出现暴跌send into a tailspin
出现赤字in the red
即将出现的要约imminent offer
可能会出现的风险potential risk
售出现金担保看跌期权writing cash-secured puts
小额现金出纳账册petty cash book
少数的现金支出petty cash
已出现的损失realized loss
没有出现缓和迹象no signs of relief
现金出售sale by real cash
现金出售cash sale
现金出纳册cash book
现金出纳账户receipts and payments account
现金支出账册paid cash book
现金集中与支出cash concentration and disbursement
股市出现好转pick-up in share performance
防止出现意想不到的后果guard against unintended consequences
防止金融市场中出现恐慌情绪head off panic in financial markets
隨传闻出现的股价异动abnormal fluctuation of the stock prices with rumors