
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
一次循primary circulation
三相滑感应电动机3-phase slip-ring induction motor
三轮升压式空气循制冷系统three-wheel bootstrap cycle refrigeration system
上升闭路ascent closed loop
不可能建造这样一个循工作的机器,这机器除了从单一热源吸热和举起重物作功之外,而不引起其他的变化No cycle process is possible whose sole result is the flow of heat from a single heat reservoir and the performance of an equivalent amount of work on a work reservoir
不确定uncertain environment
专用境采样容器special environmental sample container
专用闭网络closed private network
业务创建service creation environment
业务测试service test environment
两轮升压式空气循制冷系统two-wheel bootstrap cycle refrigeration system
主循major loop
主循main recirculation
主要循区域main recirculation region
乘员境危险occupant environment hazards
乘员加速度occupant acceleration environment
低压除水三轮式空气循制冷系统three-wheel bootstrap-cycle refrigeration system with separate low-pressure water separator
低压除水升压式空气循制冷系统bootstrap-cycle refrigeration system with separate low-pressure water separator
低压除水简单式空气循制冷系统simple-cycle refrigeration system with separate low-pressure water separator
低循疲劳损伤low cyclic fatigue
低循疲劳损坏low cycle fatigue damage
低循疲劳计low cycle fatigue meter
低循疲劳计数器low cycle fatigue counter
体内温度37°C境压力和饱和水蒸气状态body temperature, pressure, saturated
使用境谱service environment spectrum
先进境控制系统advanced environment control system
光纤通道航空电子系统fiber channel avionics environment
境条件测试full environmental qualification testing
全向力空间omniforce spatial environment
全国境研究中心national environments research center
全国境研究委员会national environments research council
全国境研究理事会National Environmental Research Council (英国)
全国噪声保组织national organization to insure a sound-controlled environment
全国确保无噪声境组织national organization to insure a sound-controlled environment (美国)
全数字式锁相all digital phase locked loop
全流量高压除水三轮式空气循制冷系统three-wheel bootstrap-cycle refrigeration system with full-flow high-pressure water separator
全流量高压除水升压式空气循制冷系统bootstrap-cycle refrigeration system with full-flow high-pressure water separator
全球境监视网global network for environmental monitoring
共享shared environment
共享数据shared data environment
路控制inner loop control
内开/inboard open/loop
内部热境调节系统internal thermal environment management
再循空气recirculated air
再循过滤器filter recirculation
再循过滤器recirculation filter
再循recirculation valve
再循风扇fan recirculation
再循风扇recirculation fan
再生的境控制与生命支持系统regenerative environmental control and life support system
coronal loop
军事military environment
军用境微处理机military environment microprocessor
分离器extractor ring
分配distributor ring
初级primary circulation
刮刷循wiping stroke
制冷循heat pump cycle
制冷循reversed cycle
力学微mechanical environment
加速acceleration environment
动力dynamic environment
动力境测量系统dynamic environment measurement system
动力、境管理生命支援系统power, environmental control life support system
动力循heat engine cycle
动力循forward cycle
动力循power cycle
动态dynamic environment
动态不确定dynamic uncertain environment
动态电子境模拟器dynamic electronic environment simulator
半功率点half-power points rings (指雷达天线的辐射功率)
危险境电气防护系统dangerous environment electrical protection system
压力pressure ambient
同步循synchronous round robin
同相正交跟踪Costas loop
周围境照明传感器ambient light sensor
式膜片circular membrane
圆柱导电cylindrical slip ring
土跑道机场战斗soil airfield fighter environment
地换对流mantle convection cell
地球境传感器系统网络Earth environmental sensor systems
地球与境工程Earth and environmental engineering
地球静止境业务卫星数据分发系统GOES data distribution system
地球静止境业务卫星数据分布系统GOES data distribution system
地球静止轨道运行的境卫星geostationary operational environmental satellite
地-空-地载荷循ground-air-ground load cycle
地面ground environment (指地面设备周围的环境)
地面境模拟设备ground environment equipment
地面雷达ground radar environment
增强augmentation loop
外侧outer loop
外平衡out gimbals axis
外界境温度outside ambient temperature
外部状飞行outside loop
外部循outside loop
境系统multienvironment system
网络系统multiloop network system
多层形天线stacked loop antenna
多径multipath environment
多循控制multicyclic control
多循控制输入multicyclic control input
多循操作multicycle operation
多目标target rich environment
多重网格循multigrid cycle
大循large rotation
大气境高温试验high ambient air temperature
太平洋海洋境实验室Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
太阳境模拟器solar environmental simulator
夹持clamp ring
子午transit circle
宇航系统测试aerospace system test environment
安全、健康和境事务safety, health and environmental affairs
安全,健康和境事务safety, health and environmental affairs
安全、健康和境措施申请safety, health and environmental action request
安全带扣safety-belt buckle
安全软件工程security software engineering environment
安装installation ring
完全循complete round
定容加热循Otto cycle
实时real time environment
实际循non-ideal cycle
实验experiment environment
枪炮的射击循firing cycle
带套的螺纹抽钉thread smoke nail with lantern ring
干扰disturbance environment
干扰开disturbance open loop
干燥境温度和压力ambient temperature, ambient pressure, dry
干燥空气境地面试验dry air ground test
平均故障间隔循mean cycle between failures
平均疲劳破坏循mean cycles to failure
平均非预定拆卸间隔循mean cycles between unscheduled Removals
平衡式静电悬浮飞机导航系统gimballed electrostatic aircraft navigation system
平衡质量位置控制gimbal mass position control
应力循stress cycle (应力随时间变化的完整循环)
应急拉emergency rip-cord grip
应用信息处理application message processing environment
废气循gas recirculation
座舱境工程学软件系统crew human engineering software system
运动脐unlooped umbilical
开伞拉ripcord handle
开发open development environment
开放系统open systems environment
开放系统互连OSI environment
开放网络open network environment
引射jet induced circulation
弥散dispersion ring
弹体body link (在控制和干扰作用下,表示导弹运动参数变化规律的环节)
弹道境特征与测量计划ballistic environmental characterization and measurements program
circulate or circumference
停滞性缺氧circulatory stagnant hypoxia
冗余代码cyclic redundancy code
冗余检查cyclic redundancy checking
区域装置circular area unit
变动cyclic variability
变换转换器rotational variable transformer
周期cycle time
cycle diagram
对称cyclic symmetry
性能cycle performance
cyclic twist
振幅cycle amplitude
排列cyclic permutation
搜索cycler search
热力效率cycle efficiency
模式cyclic mode
测试circulation measurement
温度cycle temperature
结构periodic structure
荷载cyclic loading
轨迹cycler trajectory
进气点火系统breathe on recirculation ignition system
频率cycle frequency
风道circular duct
微型状激光陀螺仪miniature ring laser gyro
境设施total environment facility
总累积续循total accumulated cycle
恩克Encke division
恶劣adverse environment
恶劣境控制系统severe environment control system
恶性循vicious cycling
手提式境控制系统portable environmental control system
境应力断裂能力environmental stress cracking resistance
持续峰值低循疲劳sustained peak low cycle fatigue
持续的膨胀/收缩循sequential inflation/manifold
排气循venting cycle
探测雷达境显示detector radar environmental display
接口和转换器装置计算机境模拟interface and converter unit computer environment simulation
带多层密封件切槽的接合adapter ring
控制control loop
支承support ring
敌对hostile condition
数字锁相digital phase-locked loop
数据仓库data warehouse environment
斯特林循Stirling cycle
星历循ephemeris cycler
智能系统intelligent system environment
智能综合intelligent synthesis environment
最大maximum hoop
最大循maximum cycle
最大循压力maximum cycle pressure
最大循负荷maximum cyclic load
最小冲量极限minimum impulse limit cycle
本地回管理local loopback management
本地系统local system environment
机械mechanical environment
机载干扰境和雷达目标airborne countermeasures environment and radar target
机载支援airborne support environment
机载设备计算机境模拟器carrier aircraft equipment computer environmental simulator
极限振动limit-cycle oscillation
极限循振荡limit cycle oscillation
标称闭nominal closed-loop
标称闭系统nominal closed-loop system
椭圆密封件oval ring seal
模拟支援simulation support environment
模拟飞行境试验simulated flight environment test
正向循power cycle
正向循forward cycle
正向循heat engine cycle
武器分配weapons allocation ring
武器支援weapon support environment
武器效能与系统测试weapons effectiveness and system test environment
气体动力循gas power cycle
气体循氢化器gas recycle hydrogenator
气体热力学/弹性结构系统境试验aerothermodynamic/elastic structural system environments test
气体热力学结构系统境试验aerothermodynamic structural system environmental test
气流循air circulating
式真空泵/压缩机water ring vacuum pump/compressor
water ring vacuum pump
水冷却water coolant loop
汤恩Townend ring
活动光floating reticle (在瞄准具视场内活动的图像)
活动光disturbed reticle
活动光影象movable image reticle
测距ranging reticle
测距光ranging reticle
测量段或measuring segment
海洋境保护marine environmental protection
性能vortex ring
涡轮发动机可变循选择turbine engine variable cycle selection
涡轮喷嘴turbine nozzle
涡轮喷气发动机循turbojet cycle
涡轮泵系统循效率turbopump system cycle efficiency
清洗rinse ring
湍流空气的驾驶员境研究turbulent air pilot environment research
火箭支撑sabot (沿发射筒滑动,并与火箭一起射出)
牵引towing eye
牵引towing lug
列式满轮冲压发动机wrap-round engine
列折叠尾翼wrapped around folding fin
hoop direction
向应力分布hoop stress distribution
场分布circulation distribution
温度递减率environmental lapse rate
境与安全全球监测global monitoring for environment and security
境传感器装置environmental sensor unit
境健康实验室environmental health laboratory
境剂量计environmental dosemeter
境卫生服务处environmental health services
境噪声传感器ambient noise sensor
境态environmental state
境扩散environment dispersion
境扰动environmental perturbation
境振动试验environmental vibration test
境损伤等级environment damage rating
境损伤等级environmental damage rating
境支援系统environmental support system
境改善计划environmental improvement program
境敏感性指数environmental sensitivity index
境敏感装置environmental sensor unit
境数据库environmental data bank
境数据记录environmental data record
境数据资料服务处environmental data service
美国国家海洋和大气局的境数据资料服务处Environmental Data Service
境数据采集子系统environmental data acquisition subsystem
境模型environment model
境模装舱environmental mock-up (用来帮助设计环境控制系统的模装座舱)
境流体动力学模型environmental fluid dynamics code
境测绘与分析规划environmental mapping and analysis program
境测试environmental testing
境测试environmental test
境测量实验environmental measurement experimental
境温度压力干燥状态ambient temperature and pressure dry
境温度递减率environmental lapse rate (测量高度增加时温度降低的速率)
境照射量environmental exposure
境界面environmental interface
境研究中心Centre for Environmental Studies
境研究协会institute of environmental research
境研究协会institutes for environmental research
境研究实验室environmental research laboratories
境研究实验室一研究设施中心environmental research lab/research facilities center
境研究实验室/研究实施中心environmental research laboratories research facilities center
境研究配套件environmental research kit
境研究飞机与传感器技术environmental research aircraft and sensor technology
境耐力试验environmental proof test
境质量计划environmental quality program
境资料书environmental data book
境静压ambient static pressure
太平洋rim of the pacific
形低地walled plain
形切割circle cutting
形加热器annular heater
形喉部临界流文丘里喷嘴toroidal throat Venturi nozzle
形孔径circumferential aperture
炸弹形安定器shrouded fins
发动机或附件传动机匣的形安装凸台mounting pad
形导流片toroidal vanes
形导管ring pipe
形射界all-round field of fire
形弹头continuous rod warhead
形弹性吸能垫annular resilient shock absorber
形整流罩annular cowl
形涡轮喷气发动机燃烧室annular turbojet combustor
形激光陀螺ring laser gyro (一种不用任何机械旋转转子,测量角位置或角速度变化的高精度的方法。环形激光陀螺的原理基于在环形路径中两束沿相反方向运动的激光束所产生的微小频率差异。当陀螺仪转动时,频率差被测量出来,测量数据经处理后得到精度相当高的旋转速度及其变化率。激光陀螺仪的主要优点是它没有运动部件,不需要预热时间,具有很高的长期稳定性和高速率测量能力。它对直线加速度不敏感,能够在全动态范围提供良好的分辨率)
形激光陀螺惯性导航系统ring laser gyro inertial navigation system
形狭窄通道narrow annular gap
形电压hoop stress
形罩ring cowl
形转换活门annulus inverting valve
形转换阀annulus inverting valve
形间隙annular space
形飞行器circular bodied vehicle
形飞行路径circular flight-path
杂硝胺cyclic nitramine
zone plate
氧树脂epoxy panel
氧树脂喷涂器epoxy spray coater
氧树脂基体epoxy matrix
氧树脂复合材料epoxy composite
氧树脂纤维epoxy fabric (材料)
氧酚醛树脂epoxy phenolic resin
circumferential motion
流控制旋翼circulation controlled rotor
流控制翼缝circulation control slot
流模式circulation model
万国空中旅行计划universal air travel plan
球大气研究计划global atmospheric research programme
球弹道运输global ballistic transport
球航空公司trans world airlines
球航空旅游计划Universal Air Travel Plan
球航空旅行计划universal air travel plan
球陆军通信系统universal army communication system
air annulus
缝伞ring slot parachute
D 防冰腔D-ring spray manifold
生产境测试production environment tests
生命保障和境控制系统life support and environmental control system
由地面站造成的电子ground environment (用于防空目的)
电子境和通信electrical environmental and communication
电子境模拟器electronic environmental simulator
电子干扰electronic countermeasures environment
电气和electrical and environmental
电气、机械和境系统electrical, mechanicaL and environmental systems
电磁境实验electromagnetic environment experiment
电磁境效应electromagnetic environment effects
电磁境效应electromagnetic environmental effects
电磁测试electromagnetic test environment
畅行循drag-free loop
真实境试验live environment testing
真空vacuum condition
真空热thermal vacuum environment
瞄准光aiming sight
瞄准光aiming reticle
研究飞行器目视research aircraft visual environment
碎片debris environment
神经循性衰竭neuro-circulatory collapse
瞄准具按钮electrical cage switch
瞄准具时间settling time
时间reticle stabilizing time
空中预警与地面防空境一体化部门airborne early warning/ground environment integration segment
空战境测试和评估设施air combat environment test and evaluation facility
空气再循系统air recycle system
空气压缩制冷循air compression refrigeration cycle
空气循冷却系统air cycle cooling system
空气循制冷系统air-cycle refrigerating system
空气循控制器duty air controller
空气循cooling turbine unit
空气循空气调节系统air cycle air conditioning system
空气循空调系统air cycle air conditioning system
空气循系统air cycle system
空间境实验室数据采集与显示系统space environment laboratory data acquisition and display system
空间境容器space environmental chamber
空间境支援系统space environment support system
空间境潜在放射性危害potentially environmentally detrimental activities in space
空间境监控系统space environment monitor system
空间轨道再人试验综合space orbital reentry test integrated environment
等离子体plasma torus
简单式空气循制冷系统simple cycle refrigeration system
粒子境检测器particle environment monitor
美国空军境技术应用中心United States Air Force Environmental Technical Applications Center
考斯脱斯Costas loop
联合任务计划joint mission planning environment
联合军种软件joint service software environment
联合军种软件工程joint service software engineering environment
联合国境基金会United Nations Environment Fund
联合循发动机combined-cycle engine
联合性境负荷combined environmental stress
脆弱fail link
膨胀循expander cycle
航空电子冷却avionics cooling loop
航空航天业务境模拟装置aerospace business environmental simulator
航空航天结构境试验aerospace structure environmental test
节能和境友好航空发动机efficient and environmentally friendly aeroengine
虚拟境显示器virtual environment display
虚拟交互境工作站virtual informative environment workstation
虚拟攻击战争virtual strike warfare environment
虚拟服务器virtual server environment
虚拟系统virtual system environment
行星际extraterrestrial environment
提前角计算光computing reticle
计算机控制的模拟computer driven simulation environment
计算机辅助设计computer aided design environment
负荷循load cycle
起动start ambient condition
超临界supercritical environment
超临界郎肯循supercritical Rankine cycle
超低循疲劳ultralow cycle fatigue
超声境研究research in supersonic environment
超循发动机ultra-bypass engine
转动循计数rotating parts cycle count
软件寿命周期境构型索引software life cycle environment configuration index
软件寿命周期支持software life cycle support environment
软件操作software operating environments
软件测试software test environment
软件生存周期software engineering environment
软件生存周期境配置列表software life cycle environment configuration index
软件研制software development environment
载人境系统评估manned environmental system assessment
载波恢复carrier recovery loop
载波综合carrier to tracking loop
适合的空中favorable air situation
适应境控制系统adaptation controlled environment system
逆升压式空气循制冷系统reversed bootstrap air-cycle refrigeration system
逆卡诺循reversed Carnot cycle
逆向循heat pump cycle
逆向循refrigeration cycle
逆向循reversed cycle
逆布莱顿循reversed Brayton cycle
逆行状飞行loop of retrogression
瞄准具的manual caging lever
通用地面防空警备commercial and ground environment
通用威胁common threat environment
遥测介质telemetered medium environment
锁相phase lock loop
锁相phase locked loop
防空地面境系统air defence ground environment system
防空电子air defense electronic environment
阿波罗飞船生物境信息系统Appollo bioenvironmental information system
阿波罗飞船生物境信息系统Apollo bioenvironmental information system
陀螺gyro unit
降低境温度的冷却系统reduced ambient cooling system
降落伞开伞绳挂parachute lanyard anchor
非对称数字asymmetric digital subscriber line
非指挥仪式活动光瞄准系统non-director disturbed reticle sight system
非捆绑式本地unbundled local loop
非正常abnormal environment
非线性non-linear element
预防性循重发preventive cyclic retransmission
饮用水循系统the potable water recirculation system
马门夹箍一种专门用于导管连接处的环形夹的专利名称形夹Marman clamp
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