
Terms for subject Business containing 物价指数 | all forms | in specified order only
一般零售物价指数general index of retail price
东京消费物价指数Tokyo consumer price index
产业部门投入产出物价指数input-output price indexes of industrial sector
全国物价指数nationwide price index
制造业分部门投入产岀物价指数input-output price indexes of manufacturing industry by sector
固定加权物价指数fixed weighting price index
国民产值物价折算指数national product deflators
国民生产总值消除物价波动指数gross national product implicit price deflator
国际物价指数international price index
国际货币基金组织研究部市场物价指数IMF research department index of market prices
物价指数general price index number
总批发物价指数general wholesale price index
批发物价指数level of commodity prices at wholesale
批发物价指数wholesale commodity price index
批发物价指数即生产物价指数wholesale price index
投入产出物价指数input-output price index
拉斯贝尔物价指数Laspeyres price index
按消费物价指数计算的通货膨胀率rate of consumer price inflation
消费物价指数index number of consumer price
消费物价指数index of consumer price
物价指数公债index government bonds
物价指数函数研究法functional approach to price indices
物价指数price indexation
物价指数本位币制monetary system with the price index as the standard
物价指数的食品类项目food component of the price index
物价指数计算标准multiple standard
物价指数近似值理论approximation theory of price index number
穆迪物价指数Moody index of commodity prices
穆迪物价指数Moody's Index
《金融时报》物价指数Financial Times Index
《金融时报》物价指数Financial Time Index
零售物价指数index of retail prices
零售物价总指数General Index of Retail Prices