
Terms containing 物价指数 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.一般物价指数general price index
tech.一般消费物价指数general index of retail price
securit.一般消费物价指数general consumer price index
fin.一般物价水平指数general price-level index
busin.一般零售物价指数general index of retail price
busin.东京消费物价指数Tokyo consumer price index
interntl.trade.个别物价指数specific price index
busin.产业部门投入产出物价指数input-output price indexes of industrial sector
proj.manag.住宅物业价格指数domestic property price index
busin.全国物价指数nationwide price index
fin.全社会零售物价总指数society-wide general retail price index
proj.manag.内含平减物价指数implicit price deflator
agric.冻结物价指数tied to a price index
tech.出口物价指数index number of export prices
busin.制造业分部门投入产岀物价指数input-output price indexes of manufacturing industry by sector
econ.单个的物价指数individual price index
interntl.trade.各国消费者物价指数index numbers of consumer prices in selected countries
interntl.trade.各国消费者物价指数index number of consumer prices in selected countries
tech.物价指数相联系的index linking
busin.固定加权物价指数fixed weighting price index
busin.国民产值物价折算指数national product deflators
econ.国民收入物价折算指数national income deflator
earth.sc.国民生产总值内含物价减缩指数gross national product implicit price deflator
econ.国民生产总值消除物价波动指数gross national product deflator
busin.国民生产总值消除物价波动指数gross national product implicit price deflator
fin.国营商业零售物价指数retail price index of state commercial enterprises
busin.国际物价指数international price index
busin.国际货币基金组织研究部市场物价指数IMF research department index of market prices
commer.地区性物价指数index of spot price
econ.城市消费品物价指数urban consumer price index
proj.manag.平减物价指数price deflator
tech.建筑物价格指数building price index
tech.物价指数index number of all commodities
busin.物价指数general price index number
tech.物价指数general price index
proj.manag.总体消费物价指数overall Consumer Price Index
busin.总批发物价指数general wholesale price index
securit.恒生消费物价指数Hang Seng Consumer Price Index
busin.批发物价指数wholesale commodity price index
busin.批发物价指数level of commodity prices at wholesale
interntl.trade.批发物价指数index number of wholesale prices
busin.批发物价指数即生产物价指数wholesale price index
econ.批发物价指数whole sale price index number
econ.批发物价指数index number of whole-sale price
interntl.trade.批发物价指数wholesale price index
tech.批发物价指数index of wholesale prices
busin.投入产出物价指数input-output price index
busin.拉斯贝尔物价指数Laspeyres price index
busin.按消费物价指数计算的通货膨胀率rate of consumer price inflation
tech.敏感物价指数index number of sensitive prices
proj.manag.本地内部需求平减物价指数domestic demand deflator
proj.manag.本地生产总值平减物价指数gross domestic product deflator
earth.sc.污染物评价指数assessment index of pollutant
tech.消费物价指数consumer price index
busin.消费物价指数index number of consumer price
interntl.trade.消费物价指数consumer's price index
interntl.trade.消费物价指数consumer price index
oil消费物价指数consumer price index
exhib.消费物价指数capital protected instrument
el.消费物价指数consumer price index
busin.消费物价指数index of consumer price
securit.消费物价指数consumption price index
econ.消费物价指数计划的通货膨胀率rate of consumer price inflation
interntl.trade.消费物价指数计算的通货膨胀率rate of consumer price inflation
econ.消费品物价指数consumer price index
proj.manag.消费品物价指数consume price index
securit.消费品物价指数consumer price index (CPI)
IMF.消费物价调和指数harmonized index of consumer prices
securit.消费者物价指数consumer price index (CPI)
math.消费者物价指数cost-of-living index
math.消费者物价指数consumption price index
fin.消费者物价指数consumer price index (是世界各国普遍编制的一种指数,它可以用于分析市场价格的基本动态,是政府制定物价政策和工资政策的重要依据)
fin.消费者物价指数consumer price index (CPI 是世界各国普遍编制的一种指数,它可以用于分析市场价格的基本动态,是政府制定物价政策和工资政策的重要依据)
math.消费者物价指数consumer price index
econ.消费者物价指数consumer's price index number
econ.消费者物价指数consumer’s price index
gen.消费者物价指数consumer's price index
proj.manag.物价上涨指数escalation index
econ., construct.物价上涨指数计算方法fluctuation formulae examples
proj.manag.物价加权指数price-weighted index
tech.物价总指数general price index
oil物价折算指数implicit price deflator
tech.物价折算指数price converting index
tech.物价指数index number of price
earth.sc.商品物价指数commodity price index
econ.物价指数commodity index
hydroel.st.物价指数price index
econ.物价指数commodity price index
interntl.trade.物价指数price index number
textile物价指数index of price
textile物价指数price indices
textile物价指数index number of prices
interntl.trade.物价指数price indexes
interntl.trade.物价指数index number of price
econ.物价指数price indices
tech.物价指数cost of-living index
tech.物价指数债券indexed bond
fin.物价指数公债indexed government bonds
busin.物价指数公债index government bonds
busin.物价指数函数研究法functional approach to price indices
interntl.trade.物价指数indexation of prices
busin.物价指数price indexation
tech.物价指数indexation of price
fin.物价指数化退休金indexed pension
fin.物价指数国民生产总值gross national product implicit price deflator
econ.物价指数增长率rate of increase in the price index
econ., construct.物价指数月报monthly bulletin of indices
busin.物价指数本位币制monetary system with the price index as the standard
fin.物价指数price index number method
econ.物价指数, 生产者producer price index
stat.物价指数的要素倒转测定factor reversal test
busin.物价指数的食品类项目food component of the price index
econ.物价指数tabular standard
busin.物价指数计算标准multiple standard
fin.物价指数theory of price index
econ.物价指数调整规则a formula based on indices of cost
busin.物价指数近似值理论approximation theory of price index number
fin.物价水平指数price-level index
econ.物价膨胀指数price inflator
fin.特定物价指数specific price index
IMF.特征物价指数hedonic index
IMF.特征物价指数hedonic price index
fin.环比物价指数ring price index
IMF.生产物价指数producer price index
fin.生产者物价指数producer price index
econ.生产者物价指数index of producer prices
tech.生物指数评价biological index assessment
tech.生物指数评价biologic index assessment
busin.穆迪物价指数Moody index of commodity prices
busin.穆迪物价指数Moody's Index
commer.粮农组织物价指数FAO price index
commer."经济学家"物价指数Economist Indicator (计算基期为1963年 (= 100))
textile综合物价指数overall price index
textile综合物价指数combined price index
econ.综合物价指数the synthesis of the price indices
interntl.trade.综合进口物价指数composite import price index
earth.sc.联合物价指数combined price index
econ.该协会已公布了一份物价指数的调查报告The association has published a survey report of prices indices
math.输出入物价指数export and import price index
econ.近似值物价指数理论approximate theory of price index number
econ.近似值物价指数理论the approximation theory of price index number
econ.近似值物价指数理论approximation theory of price index number
tech.进出口物价指数export and import price index
tech.进口物价指数index number of import prices
interntl.trade.都市消费者物价指数urban consumer prices
commer."金融时报"物价指数Financial Time Index
busin.《金融时报》物价指数Financial Times Index
busin.《金融时报》物价指数Financial Time Index
tech.销售物价指数consumer price index
agric.限制物价指数tied to a price index
commer.零售物价指数index number of retail prices
econ.零售物价指数index number of retail price
IMF.零售物价指数retail price index
econ.零售物价指数index of retail price
busin.零售物价指数index of retail prices
commer.零售物价总指数general retail price index
busin.零售物价总指数General Index of Retail Prices