
Terms for subject Technology containing 燃料消耗 | all forms | in specified order only
保证燃料消耗warrant fuel consumption
工业燃料消耗industrial fuel consumption
最低燃料消耗best economy rating
机车每万总重吨公里平均燃料电力消耗average fuel electric power consumption of locomotive per 10000-gross weight-ton-kilometer
机车燃料实际消耗量actual fuel consumption of locomotive
机车燃料电力消耗定额fuel electrical power consumption quota of locomotive
机车燃料电力消耗定额fuel electric power consumption quota of locomotive
每万吨公里燃料消耗fuel consumption per ten thousand gross ton-kilometers
燃料消耗specific fuel consumption
燃料油消耗量fuel oil consumption
燃料消耗fuel discharge (量)
燃料消耗fuel exhaustion (量)
燃料消耗fuel consumption (量)
燃料消耗定额fuel consumption quota
燃料消耗曲线fuel consumption curve
燃料消耗测定仪electrical fuel gauge
燃料消耗测定仪electric fuel gage
燃料消耗fuel rate
燃料消耗系数fuel coefficient
燃料消耗试验fuel consumption trial
燃料消耗里程测试计mileage tester
燃料润滑油消耗比fuel oil consumption ratio
理想燃料消耗ideal propellant consumption