
Terms containing 炉口 | all forms | in specified order only
met.炉口fettling hole
tech.炉口cleaning door
met.修补炉口内衬nose reline
met.偏口炉帽pear (转炉的)
met.偏口转炉eccentric vessel
met.偏口转炉eccentric converter
tech.冲天炉出渣口成型砖cupola slag hole block
met.单铁口高炉single-taphole blast furnace
met.单铁口高炉single taphole blast furnace
met.双出铁口高炉two-taphole blast furnace
met.双出铁口高炉two taphole furnace
met.同心炉口concentric nozzle
met.同心炉口concentric nose section
met. 同心炉口concentric nose section
steel.同心炉口concentric nozzle
tech.回炉浇冒口runner scrap
tech.壁炉喉口chimney throat
tech.壁炉烟道口翼墙chimney wing
met.多铁口高炉multiple taphole blast furnace
tech.大口径炉large bore furnace
met.对称炉口concentric nose section (指转炉的)
tech.炉口框架framing of port mouth
tech.小炉下口燃烧器under port burner
tech.带风口大砖的转炉底tuyere block bottom
met.平炉喷口open-hearth port
met.底吹转炉风口tuyere plug
met.炉口用钢钎tapping rod
tech.强制通风炉口forced draft front
agric.敞口壁炉open hearth
agric.敞口壁炉open fireplace
met.敞口式电炉open electric furnace
met.敞口炉open furnace
met.敞口电弧炉open-top arc furnace
met.无渣口高炉blast furnace without cinder notch
met.更换炉口内衬nose reline
tech.正口转炉concentrical converter
tech.正口转炉concentric converter
met.氧气顶吹转炉出钢口BOF taphole (A BOF taphole is replaced when the inner diameter of the existing taphole sleeve becomes excessively large and tap time becomes short. 当氧气顶吹转炉的出钢口袖砖内径变得过大、出钢时间变短时,其出钢口就应更换。)
met.氧气顶吹转炉出钢口寿命BOF taphole life
met.水冷炉口water-cooled mouth
met.水冷炉口water-cooled furnace mouth
met.清理炉口vessel-mouth cleaning
met.清理转炉炉口vessel-mouth cleaning
met.渣口炉渣cinder-notch slag
tech.炉口hearth rug
tech.炉出口处热电偶heater outlet couple
tech.炉口glory hole
met.炉口furnace mouth
met.炉口hollow throat
met.炉口nozzle (转炉的)
met.炉口throat opening
met.炉口nose (转炉的)
met.炉口vessel mouth
met.炉口poke hole
met.炉口nose cone
met.炉口kiln entrance
tech.炉口fire hole
met.炉口凸缘shoulder of vessel
met.炉口lip ring (转炉的)
met.炉口nose lip ring (转炉的)
met.炉口topmost hood rings (转炉的)
met.炉口对称型 LD 氧气顶吹转炉symmetric LD furnace
met.炉口对称的转炉concentric nose vessel
met.炉口对称转炉concentric-nose vessel
met.炉口对称转炉concentric vessel
met.炉口挂渣furnace skulling
met.炉口渣壳bug (转炉的)
met.炉口漏气door leak
met.炉口喷出的火焰throat flame
met.炉口火焰throat flame
met.炉口直径diameter of furnace mouth
met.炉口直径throat diameter
met.炉口突出部shoulder of vessel
tech.炉口装料斗和盖bell and hopper
met.炉口部分top section (转炉的)
met.炉口部分nose section
tech.炉口钻机tap hole drilling machine
met.炉口面积nose area (转炉)
tech.炉壁烟道口chimney waist
tech.炉壁烟道口chimney throat
industr.放喷油器的炉头喷气口dog house
met.炉子出口温度furnace offtake temperature
met.炉子出口烟道furnace offtake
met.炉气出口furnace gas outlet
met.炉气出口furnace gas exit
met.炉渣溢流口slag overflow outlet
met.【铁】 炉缸出铁口侧breast
met.炉缸风口带炉墙tuyere-breast wall
met.炉腹风口bosh tuyere
tech.炉舱棚顶口fiddley hatch
tech.炉舱棚顶口fidley hatch
met.炉顶装料口top opening
met.炉顶风口roof tuyere
met.炼钢转炉炉口mouth of steelmaking vessel
tech.熔炉出铁口tap hole
met.突出炉内的风口tuyere with elongated outlet port
roll.窄口加热炉slot furnace
met.【压】窄口加热炉slot furnace
tech.窑炉出口烟道furnace offtake
met.竖炉顶部装料口top opening
tech.螺旋风口式化铁炉erps cupola
met.炉口vessel opening
met.转炉炉口vessel mouth
met.转炉炉口converter nose
met.转炉炉口converter mouth
met.转炉炉口凸缘shoulder of vessel
met.转炉炉口converter nose ring
met.转炉炉口突岀部shoulder of vessel
met.BOF 转炉出钢口寿命BOF taphole life
tech.转炉风口箱converter tuyere box
met.【铁】 铁口处炉墙厚度wall thickness at taphole (Hearth diameter refers to the diameter of the circle determined by the inside face of the refractory lining of the hearth, excluding any increase in the wall thickness at the tapholes. 炉缸直径指的是炉缸耐火衬内面圆的直径,铁口处炉墙厚度的增加部分不含其内。)
shipb.锅炉舱口boiler-room hatch
nautic., tech.锅炉舱安全出口stokehold escape
nautic., tech.锅炉舱舱口stokehold hatch
tech.顶部敞口电弧炉open-top arc furnace
met.风口区炉壳furnace shell at tuyere zone
met.风口区炉壳tuyere belt
met.风口带炉壳tuyere jacket
met.风口带炉壳breast plate
met.风口带炉缸外壳breast plate
tech.高炉开口机tap hole of blast furnace
met.高炉渣口水套BF slag notch cooler
met.高炉风口tuyere of blast furnace
met.高炉风口blast furnace tuyere
met.高炉风口BF tuyere (【技】设置在高炉炉缸部位用于将风鼓人高炉的设备。风口通常由大、中、小三个套组成。风口小套直径和它伸人炉内的长度对炉内煤气流速度和分布有重要影响。)
met.高炉风口喷吹天然气natural gas injection into BF tuyere
met.高炉风口喷吹天然气injection of natural gas through BF tuyeres
met.高炉风口喷煤coal injection through blast furnace tuyere
met.高炉风口喷煤coal injection into BF tuyere
met.高炉风口弦带blast furnace tuyere ring
met.高炉风口煤气BF tuyere gas
met.高炉风口表面强化surface strengthening of BF tuyere
met.高炉风口镜tuyere glass of BF
met.高炉风口镜BF tuyere glass
met.高炉风口风速blast velocity at tuyere of BF (【技】 在高炉冶炼期间,鼓风通过风口断面时的速度。风口风速可以由单位时间内通过一个风口的风量除以风口截面积计算出。用标准状态下的风量计算出的风速为标准风速;用实际状态下的风量计算出的风速为实际风速。)