
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
心理应psychological stress Strain or disequilibrium of the mind especially in its affective or cognitive functions, or the physical or mental stimulus, agent or experience that causes such an imbalance (应变或心灵的不平衡,特别指情感或认知功能,或受到身体上或精神上的刺激,导致这种不平衡。)
机载光扫描环境荧光传感器scanning laser environmental airborne fluorosensor
光大气旋流探测器laser atmospheric wind sounder
轻型光器构成laser Acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation; a device that produces a powerful, highly directional, monochromatic, coherent beam of light. Laser consist of a transparent cylinder with a reflecting surface at one end and a partially reflecting surface at the other. Light waves are reflected back and forth, some of them emerging at the partially reflecting end. The light source may be a ruby, whose chromium atoms are excited by a flash lamp so that they emit pulses of highly coherent light, or a mixture of inert gases that produce a continuos beam, or a cube of treated gallium arsenide which emits infrared radiation when an electric current passes through it (受激发射辐射引起的扩增;一种产生一个强大的、高度定向、单色相干光束的装置。激光器 包含一个透明的圆柱管,其一端是一个反射面,另一端是一个部分反射面。光波来回反射,其中有些光波在部分反射面端出现。光源可以是红宝石,其铬原子是由脉冲激发,使其产生高度相干光;或由惰性气体混合物激发产生一个连续光束;或由经过处理的砷化镓立方体通电时发射出红外射线。)