
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一般分布后模型general distributed lag model
三角分布后模型triangular distributed lag model
下降后型declining lag-scheme
中间时intermediate lag
乔根森有理分布后模型Jorgenson rational distributed lag model
交通延traffic delay
价格调整时price adjustment lag
任意权数后形式arbitrary-weights lag scheme
估计无法征收的纳税款estimated uncollectible delinquent taxes
供应supply lag
倒V后分布inverted V-lag distribution
倒V后型inverted V lag scheme
倒V后模式inverted V-lag pattern
倒 W 后结构inverted W-lag structure
倒V后结构inverted V-lag structure
bog down
工业stagnant industry
的工业产业stagnant industry
theory of stagnation
充分复苏或停full recovery or stagnation
农业agricultural lag
决策时inside lag
决策时间差recognition lag
几何geometric lag
几何后分布geometric lag distribution
几何后参数geometric lag parameter
初始initial leg
前向后算子forward lag operator
单峰后分布unimodal lag distribution
反馈时间后影响feedback time lag effects
各种基金应收税款纳数合并明细表combined schedule of delinquent taxes receivable by fund
债券inactive bond
存货库存inactive stock
存货报告单inactive stock report
市场stale market
市场narrow market
库存报告单inactive stock report
流动资本tied up working capital
流动资金tied up working funds
的市场sluggish market
证券inactive security
账户inactive account
drug in the market
贷款dead loan
资产即短期难以变现的资产slow assets
资本tie up capital
银行账inactive bank account
增长迟growth retardant
复合几何后模型compound geometric lag model
外部时outside lag
多维分布后模式multidimensional distributed lag model
多项式后型式polynomial lag scheme
多项式后模型polynomial lag model
多项式仿样分布polynomial spline distributed lags
多项式分布后权数polynomial distributed lag weights
实施时间administration lag
期费而行使留置权lien for demurrage
工资wage lag
市场销商品drug in the market
帕斯卡Pascal lag
帕斯卡后分布Pascal lag distribution
帕斯卡后形式Pascal lag scheme
帕斯卡后模式Pascal lag model
平均mean lag
平均average leg
平衡延成本balance-delay cost
平衡延费用balance-delay expense
广义有理分布后函数generalized rational distribution lag function
库存销品资金融通finance for dead stock
日数demurrage day
执行时implementation lag
投资investment lag
支出expenditure lag
文化cultural lag
无限分布后模式infinite distributed lag model
有效沟通阻block to effective communication
有时线性系统linear system with time lag
有理后族rational lag family
有理分布rational distributed lag
有理分布后模型rational distributed lag model
有限后结构finite lag structure
有限分布finite distributed lag
有限分布后模型finite distributed lag model
有限长多项式finite length polynomial lag
海运期条款loss of time marine clause
港口卸费congestion surcharge
后供给调整lagged supply adjustment
后关系lagged relationship
后内生变量lagged endogenous variable
后准备金核算lagged reserve accounting
后分析lag analysis
后判定检验inspection with a delayed decision
后加权系数lag weight coefficient
后外生变量lagged exogenous variable
后应变量lagged dependent variable
后形式lagged form
后影响lagged effort
后权数lag weight
后模型lag patterns
后相关lagging correlation
后移动平均数lagged moving average
后算子lag operator
后结构lag structure
后统计假设lag statistical hypothesis
后调整lagged adjustment
后货币增长额lagged money growth
后长度length of lag
呆市场thin market
商品存某人手中lie on one's hand
延付款利息interest in arrears
延付款利息interest for delinquency
期天数days on demurrage
期天数day of demurrage
期损失费damages for demurrage
期留置权为获得滞期费,船主对货物的留置权demurrage lien
期费率demurrage rate
留费指对货主借用装运工具过期未还而收取的费用detention charge
纳税款overdue tax
纳税金arrear of tax
纳罚金fine for delayed
纳金delay charge
还债款重整troubled debt restructuring
stagnant sale
poor sale
dead sales
heavy selling
sluggish selling
销品unsalable product
销品carrying over
销品基金carrying over fund
销商品slow moving commodity
销存货unsalable stock
销季节slow season
销市场heavy market
商品等销的slow moving
销证券dead security
销货dead stock
销货drug on the market
销货slow goods
销货arrear of stock
销货carried over goods
销货arrears of stock
销货unsold goods
销货unsold inventory
销货物unsaleable goods
销货物arrear of stock
灵活分布后模型flexible distributed lag model
生产停productive intermission
生产要素呆immobility of factors of production
畅销转set back
知识转化knowledge transformation lag
矩形后型rectangular lag-scheme
码头期费wharf demurrage
科伊克后分布Koyck lagged distribution
科伊克分布Koyck distributed lag
税款纳金fine for tax overdue
简化阿尔蒙多项式后型simplified Almon polynomial log scheme
算术分布后模式arithmetic distribution lag model
线性分布后模型linear distributed lag model
识别recognition lag
资金呆lock up
起始start lag
超前后关系lead-lag relationship
超前/后法lead-lag method
超前/后法lead-lag approach
运费,期费及防护费保险freight, demurrage and defence insurance
速遣费与期费同等条款demurrage same despatch
速遣费/延费比率despatch/demurrage rate
销售呆不畅sluggishness of sale
销路呆narrow outlet
长期停theory of secular stagnation
阿尔蒙后模型Almon's lag scheme
阿尔蒙分布后模型Almon's distributed lag model
阿尔蒙多项式后模型Almon's scheme of polynomial lag
后内生变量unlagged endogenous variable
非连续计算的期日per leak day
非预期价格上涨中的后变量lagged variable of unanticipated inflation
驳船期费lighter demurrage