
Terms for subject Economy containing 港口 | all forms | in specified order only
三位检验员登上港口内的轮船Three inspectors boarded the ship in the harbour
上游港口an up river port
不同港口的运费差价port differential
不同港口运费差价port differential
不限港口及货物的租船合同open charter
世界主要港口外文名称中文译名所属国家或地区纬度经度The Worlds Major Seaports
中转港口a turnround port
冰封住的港口ice bound port
出入港口entrance and clearance
出口港port of exit
后天,该轮船将在贵方港口停靠The ship will call at your port the day after tomorrow
后方港口home port
太平洋沿岸各港口Pacific coast ports
工业港口industrial port
我们乘船从伦敦行驶到我方港口We took a run from London to our port on the vessel
报关港口交货价ex port of entry
指定港口named port
港口惯例发运with customary dispatch
日本主要港口main Japanese ports
有浅滩的内河港口a bar port
本保证书延长买方的保险期期限为从起运港口完成发货日算起的6个月This guarantee prolongs the period of insurance of the buyer for six months from date of completion of delivery from the port of origination
检疫港口quarantine harbor
次要港口附加费the minor port surcharge
欧洲港口Euro port
欧洲主要港口main European ports
用于运货合同欧洲主要港口European main port
此船在驶向我方港口途中遭飓风的袭击The steamer was hit by a hurricane when she was on route to our port
沿海港口coastal harbours
洪水对港口设施造成了严重损坏The flood caused serious damage to the harbour installations
港口主任harbor master
港口习惯快速装卸customary quick dispatch
装卸货物的港口习惯速度customary quick despatch
港口代理port agent
港口停泊再保险port risk reinsurance
港口劳工法附加税surcharge according to port labour law
港口危险保障单port risk policy
港口吞吐能力the harbour capacity
港口吞吐能力facility of the port
港口吞吐量handling capacity
港口货运 吞吐量volume of freight goods loaded and unloaded in a port
港口当局port authorities
港口挤塞port congestion
港口水位the water level at the port
港口的全部码头团地total quayage of the port
港口的全部码头用地total quayage of the port
港口监督harbor master
港口port duties
港口结构the harbour accommodation
港口 船边交货价free on board at harbor
港口装卸技术cargo handling technology of port
港口货运装卸量volume of freight goods loaded and unloaded in a port
港口装货租船合同berth charter port charter
港口规章the port regulation
港口规章port regulations
港口设备harbour installations
港口设备facility of the port
港口运输harbour transportation
港口运输代理商port agent
港口避风泊地harbour shelter
目的港码头交货,进口税由买方负担ex quay n., duties on buyer's account (named port of importation)
X船抵达Y港口时付款pay on the arrival of ship X in port Y
船舶港口使用费harbour dues on vessel
船舶免费使用港口设施时间free time of vessel
船舶在港口和自港口开航at and from a port
被封锁的港口a blockaded port
设防港口fortified port
货物港口harbour dues on goods
货物到海外港口after arrival of the goods in overseas port
载有出口退货的轮船仍将停泊本港The ship with the export rejects are still coming to anchor in this harbour
这些卡车正在港口附近卸货The trucks are unloading in the vicinity of the port
进口出口port of import (export)
进口港enter port
进口港栈交货价ex-importation dock price
进口港船边交货价free overside
除外港口excluded port
非主要港口a non-main port
非基本港口a non-basic port
非开放港口an unopened port