
Terms containing 港口 | all forms | in specified order only
avia.不同的港口divergent port
tech.不对外国船开放的港口closed port
tech.不开放港口non-open port
tech.不开放港口closed port
tech.不负担港口解冻之风险first open water
tech.专业港口specialized port
tech.世界港口指南World Port Index
shipb.世界主要港口main ports of the world
tech.中国港口China Ports (杂志名)
comp.name.中国港口协会China Ports and Harbors Association
shipb.中国海口港Haikou Harbor, China
shipb.中国营口港Yingkou Harbor, China
shipb.中国蛇口港Shekou Harbor, China
shipb.中国龙口港Longkou Harbor, China
tech.中立国港口neutral port
tech.港口房屋principal terminal building
tech.主要港口principal port
tech.主要港口primary port
tech.主要港口建筑main terminal building
shipb.交船港口port of delivery
ecol.人工港口man-made port
tech.人工开挖的港口artificially excavated port
shipb.停泊港口berth port
tech.入口港栈货价ex importation dock price
tech.入港河口ocean outfall
shipb.全国港口理事会National Ports Council
tech.全天候港口all-weather port
tech.公用港口public port
tech.公用港口设施public port facility
tech.内河港口barging port
tech.内河港口inland port
tech.内河港口barge port
tech.内河港口疏浚dredged inland port
ecol.内陆港口landlocked harbor
tech.内陆水道港口inland waterway port
nautic.英国军舰到外国港口进行正式访问show the flag
tech.加船用燃油港口oil fuel bunkering port
tech.区域性港口regional port
ecol.南北港分汉口bifurcation of southern and northern waterways
tech.卸货港口port of discharge
tech.卸货港口port of debarkation
shipb.卸货港口port of unloading
tech.厂矿自设港口private port
gen.去纽约一路上要停靠几个港口How many ports do I call at on our passage to New York?
tech.咸水港口saline port
comp.name.国际港口协会International Association of Ports and Harbors
nautic., tech.国际船舶和港口设施保安 ISPS 规则International Ship and Port Facility Security ISPS Code
tech.地区性港口regional port
tech.地方性港口subregional port
tech.多用途港口multiple-purpose port
tech.多用途港口all-round port
tech.大中型港口large and medium-sized port
tech.大型港口large-scale port
tech.大型港口big-scale port
tech.大湖区港口国际协会International Association of Great Lake Ports
tech.大西洋彼岸港口transatlantic port
tech.天然港口natural port
tech.季节性港口seasonal port
tech.宣布选择港口declare port option
tech.封口港池closed basin
tech.封锁港口blockade a port
tech.封闭式港口impounded port
tech.开往指定出口港火车上交货价free on board cars LCL (less than carload lot)
gen.我们明天要乘船游览港口We're going on a harbor cruise tomorrow
gen.我对你们的产品很满意。既然你是玻利维亚进出口公司的职员,能否帮忙找代理直接给我们运输到青岛港?将会产生的费用也请你告诉我I'm satisfied with your products. As you're from Bolivia Import and Export Corporation, could you help us find a forwarder to transport the goods to Qingdao Port directly and advise us the related fee?
tech.挖入式港口excavated-in port
tech.挖泥船港口dredger port
tech.挖泥船港口dredge port
tech.新建港口newly-built port
tech.有拦门沙的港口bar port
tech.有掩护港口sheltered arm of the sea
tech.有疫情的港口plaque-infested port
tech.未开放港口close port
nautic.标志港口航道口最外边的浮标farewell buoy
tech.欧洲港口European port
tech.欧洲主要港口European main ports
ecol.河口湖港lagoon labour
tech.沿港口道路harbour road
tech.沿海港口coastal port
tech.浅水河口港lagoon port
tech.浮式港口floating port
tech.海关港口customs port
tech.海军港口naval port
gen.海军港口管制局Naval Port Control Office
tech.海口港Port Haikou
tech.海外港口transmarine port
tech.海洋港口ocean port
port.facil.海港人口harbour entrance
tech.海港入口seaport entrance
tech.海港入口sea harbour entrance
shipb.海港入口harbour entrance
tech.海湾港口bay port
tech.港入口处或突码头端小灯塔port light
tech.港口engineering survey to navigation
tech.港口port sign
tech.港口业务发展组port promotion section
tech.港口业务发展组port promotion group
tech.港口业务手续port practices
tech.港口业务统计资料port commerce statistics
tech.港口主干道trunk road of port
tech.港口主干道trunk road
tech.港口主干道arterial road of port
tech.港口习惯port customs
tech.港口习惯port usage
tech.港口习惯custom of port
tech.港口习惯快速装卸customary quick despatch
shipb.港口交接试航harbour acceptance trial
tech.港口仓库port warehouse
tech.港口仓库transit shed
tech.港口作业longshore work
tech.港口作业区port operating district
tech.港口作业区cargo-handling district of port
tech.港口作业拖轮dock tug
shipb.港口作业拖轮harbor tug
shipb.港口作业顶推轮harbor pusher
tech.港口使用者port user
tech.港口使费port disbursement
tech.港口使费port charges
shipb.港口供应船harbor tender
tech.港口供电port power supply
nautic., tech.港口保安员port security officer
tech.港口信号approach signal
tech.港口信号port signal
shipb.港口信号harbor signal
tech.港口修理船port repair ship
tech.港口入口port entrance (处)
tech.港口公务联络艇administration launch
tech.港口公安处port police (force)
tech.港口公安局port police (force)
tech.港口公安所port police (force)
refrig.港口冷藏库port cold store
tech.港口劳动生产率port labour productivity
tech.港口劳动生产率port labor productivity
tech.港口port district
tech.港口harbour district
avia.港口port area
tech.港口区域port area
tech.港口医务人员port medical officer
shipb.港口医院船harbor hospital vessel
tech.港口卫生maritime hygiene
nautic., transp.港口卸货能力port discharge capacity
nautic., transp.港口卸货能力port discharge capability
tech.港口发展port development
tech.港口口门灯标port entrance light
tech.港口口门灯标pierhead light
tech.港口台架式起重机port pedestal crane
tech.港口号志port sign
tech.港口吞吐能力port throughput capacity
tech.港口吞吐量cargo-handling capacity of seaports
tech.港口吞吐量traffic through (port)
shipb.港口吞吐量harbour traffic
tech.港口吞吐量增长率growth rate of port traffic
fishery港口port country
nautic., tech.港口国当局port state authority
nautic., tech.港口国当局的应急策略application of port state' contingency strategies
fishery港口国措施port State measures
nautic., tech.港口国检查PSC
nautic., tech.港口国监督port state control
nautic., tech.港口国监督检验port state control survey
tech.港口国管理port state control
tech.港口国管理检验报告report on inspection of port state control
tech.港口port chart
tech.港口地区harbour district
tech.港口地区通信communication in port area
tech.港口坞池terminal dock
tech.港口城市harbour city
tech.港口城市port town
tech.港口城市port city
tech.港口堆场storage yard of port
tech.港口堆场stack yard
tech.港口堆存系统port storage system
tech.港口堵塞port congestion
tech.港口客货集疏运能力collecting and dispatching capacity of port for cargoes and passengers
tech.港口宽度entrance width
tech.港口属地tributary area of port
tech.港口工业port industry
tech.港口工业发展区maritime industrial development zone
tech.港口工业发展区maritime industrial development area
tech.港口工人waterside worker
tech.港口工作船port craft
tech.港口工程学port engineering
tech.港口工程师port engineer
tech.港口工程师dock engineer
tech.港口工程建筑物等级class of port engineering structure
tech.港口工程施工port construction
tech.港口工程的可行性研究feasibility study of port project
tech.港口工程预可行性研究prefeasibility study of port project
tech.港口布局layout of port
tech.港口布局规划planning of port distribution
tech.港口平面图port plan
tech.港口废物接收设施waste-reception facility of port
tech.港口建立establishment of a port
tech.港口建筑port construction
tech.港口建筑物port works
tech.港口建筑物terminal building
tech.港口建筑物port building
tech.港口建筑线pierhead line
gen.港口建筑线pier head line
tech.港口建设port construction
tech.港口开发orts and harbours development
tech.港口开发port development
nautic., tech.港口当局port administration
tech.港口循环泵port circulating pump
tech.港口总体布置overall layout of port
tech.港口总体布置general layout of port
tech.港口总体规划master plan of port
tech.港口总体规划general arrangement of port
tech.港口总体设计general design of port
tech.港口总图规划general plan of port
tech.港口总图规划general layout of port
tech.港口总平面设计general plan design of port
tech.港口总管理费general port overheads
tech.港口惯例custom of port
tech.港口托拉斯port trust
tech.港口扩建port extension (工程)
tech.港口护岸坡脚线bulkhead line
tech.港口拥塞port congestion
tech.港口拥塞附加费port congestion surcharge
nautic., transp.港口拥挤port congestion
tech.港口port bar (坝)
tech.港口排水port drainage
tech.港口排水系统port drainage system
tech.港口提升式起重机port hoisting crane
tech.港口效率port efficiency
shipb.港口救护艇harbor ambulance launch
tech.港口无线电台port radio station
shipb.港口无线电通信harbour radio
tech.港口最大月吞吐量port's maximum monthly tonnage of cargo transferred
tech.港口服务信号port service signal
shipb.港口服务船port service launch
shipb.港口服务船harbor service boat
port.facil.港口朔望月潮的两高潮之间的间隙establishment of the port
tech.港口朔望高潮间隙port establishment
tech.港口平均朔望高潮间隙establishment of port
tech.港口条款port clause
tech.港口构筑物port structure
tech.港口标志port mark
fishery港口检查方案port inspection scheme
tech.港口检疫port medical officer
tech.港口检疫port health officer
shipb.港口检疫船port quarantine hulk
shipb.港口检疫船harbor quarantine vessel
tech.港口次干道secondary trunk road of port
tech.港口水域port waters
ecol.港口水域port water area
tech.港口水域设施waterside facility
tech.港口水域设施waterside plant
tech.港口水域设施water area facilities of ports
tech.港口水工建筑物class of port engineering structure
tech.港口水工建筑物等级technical class of marine structure
tech.港口水工模型hydraulic model of port
tech.港口水工模型试验hydraulic model test of port
tech.港口水深water depth of port
tech.港口水深port water depth
tech.港口水闸码头wet dock
tech.港口污染port pollution
tech.港口沙洲port bar
tech.港口油库port bulk plant
tech.港口泊位port berth
tech.港口浮式起重机port floating crane
shipb.港口消防船harbor fire-fighting boat
tech.港口潮高系数semi-range of the tide at port on a day of mean equinoctial springs
tech.港口照明port lighting
tech.港口照明port illumination
tech.港口环境port environment
tech.港口环境影响报告书environmental impact statement of port
tech.港口环境条件调查port environment condition investigation
tech.港口生产不平衡系数unbalanced coefficient of cargo throughput
tech.港口生产建筑物buildings for port operation
tech.港口生产辅助建筑物auxiliary buildings for port operation
tech.港口生活辅助建筑物service buildings for port
tech.港口用户port user
shipb.港口用船ship for harbor use
tech.港口用集装箱装卸机port packer
tech.港口电话中心port telephone switching center
tech.港口电话所port telephone office
tech.港口疏运系统distributing system of port
tech.港口瞭望塔port tower
tech.港口短程助航仪器radar and television aid to navigation
tech.港口砂坝port bar
tech.港口积压port congestion
nautic., transp.港口harbour dues
tech.港口税率rate of port dues
tech.港口税率port rates
tech.港口立交桥estuarial crossing
tech.港口waterfront station
tech.港口port depot
tech.港口管理port administration
tech.港口管理port management
shipb.港口管理harbour management
tech.港口管理人员port warden
tech.港口管理人员port reeve
brit., busin.港口管理员traffic warden
tech.港口管理条例port rule
tech.港口管理条例port regulation
tech.港口给水port water supply
tech.港口给水系统port water supply system
tech.港口维修工程车port maintenance engineering vehicle
tech.港口综合通过能力comprehensive capacity of port
tech.港口吞吐能力port capacity
tech.港口腹地tributary area of port (使用港口的内陆)
tech.港口腹地port hinterland (使用港口的内陆)
tech.港口腹地port backland (使用港口的内陆)
gen.港口船上交货价格free on board in harbour
nautic., tech.港口船舶岸电供电技术green port power supply technology
tech.港口营运机构port operating organization
tech.港口装卸作业dockside service
tech.港口装卸作业cargo-handling operation of port
tech.港口装卸效率port efficiency
tech.港口装卸机械port handling machinery
tech.港口装卸机械生产率productivity of handling machinery
tech.港口装卸设备port equipment
shipb.港口装卸设备port's handling facilities
shipb.港口装卸设备和装卸工艺port loading-unloading equipment and technology
shipb.港口装卸起重船harbor loading-unloading floating crane
shipb.港口装卸量volume of loading and discharging of port
shipb.港口装卸量volume of loading and dis
shipb.港口装货区port's embarkation area
tech.港口规划port planning
tech.港口规划人员port planner
shipb.港口规章harbour regulations
shipb.港口警卫船port security boat
shipb.港口警卫艇port security boat
shipb.港口警卫艇harbor defense guard boat
tech.港口设备terminal facility
shipb.港口设备harbor equipment
nautic., tech.港口设备保安员port facility security officer
tech.港口设施port facility
tech.港口设施port installation
tech.港口设施terminal facility
tech.港口设施terminal facilities
tech.港口设施port accommodation
shipb.港口设施harbour installation
tech.港口设施dock accommodation
nautic., transp.港口设施port facilities
nautic., tech.港口设施保安计划port facility security plan
tech.港口设计port design
tech.港口设计和施工port design and construction
tech.港口设计和施工port engineering and construction
tech.港口设计和施工design and construction of port
tech.港口设计能力port design capacity
tech.港口调度port dispatching
tech.港口调度电话telephone system for port dispatching
tech.港口调度电话port dispatching telephone
tech.港口货物吞吐量port's volume of freight traffic
tech.港口货物吞吐量volume of cargo handled at port
tech.港口货物吞吐量port's cargo throughput
tech.港口货物吞吐量cargo throughput of port
tech.港口货物装卸机械cargo-handling appliance
nautic., transp.港口wharfage dues
tech.港口port charges (用)
tech.港口port dues (用)
tech.港口shore and terminal operating costs (用)
tech.港口terminal charges (用)
tech.港口disbursements (用)
nautic., transp.港口port charges
tech.港口费率port tariff
tech.港口资产port assets
tech.港口起重机port crane
tech.港口起重机portal crane
gen.港口超声波水下探测装置harbour echo ranging and listening device
tech.港口趸船起重机dock barge crane
tech.港口车站port railway station
tech.港口车站port station
tech.港口车站port railroad station
tech.港口轮胎式起重机port wheeled crane
tech.港口辅助生产建筑物building for port auxiliary operation
tech.港口运转储库storage terminal
tech.港口运输部门port traffic department
tech.港口运送长期系泊设备的小船chain boat
tech.港口运送长期系泊设备的小船mooring lighter
tech.港口运送长期系泊设备的小船anchor hoy
shipb.港口进人管制harbour entry control
tech.港口选址port siting
tech.港口选址port site selection
nautic., transp.港口选择port option
tech.港口通信port communication
tech.港口通信业务port operation service
tech.港口通信科port communication office
tech.港口通过能力throughput capacity of port
tech.港口通过能力port capacity for loading and unloading cargo
tech.港口通过能力port trafficability
tech.港口通过能力capacity of port
tech.港口道路port road
tech.港口铁路port railroad (美国)
tech.港口铁路port railway (英国)
tech.港口铁路dock railway (英国)
tech.港口铁路dock railroad (美国)
tech.港口铁路线长度length of port railway
tech.港口锚泊port anchorage
tech.港口entrance to harbour
tech.港口entrance to harbor
tech.港口entrance of port
gen.港口防御harbor defense
shipb.港口防御巡逻艇harbor defense patrol craft
shipb.港口附加费port additional fee
tech.港口陆上设备onshore marine terminal facility
tech.港口陆上设施onshore marine terminal facility
tech.港口陆域landside area of port
tech.港口陆域port land area
tech.港口陆域dock land
tech.港口陆域backup area of port
tech.港口陆域纵深width of port land area
tech.港口陆域纵深depth behind the port apron
tech.港口陆域纵深width of dock land
tech.港口陆域纵深depth behind apron
tech.港口port risks
tech.港口集疏运系统hinterland connections
tech.港口集疏运系统transportation system
tech.港口集疏运系统gathering and distributing system of port
tech.港口集疏运能力collecting and dispatching capacity of port for cargoes and passengers
tech.港口集运gathering cargo of port
tech.港口集运collecting cargo of port
tech.港口集运cargo consolidation of port
tech.港口集运系统gathering system of port
tech.港口集运系统collecting system of port
tech.港口雷达port radar
tech.港口雷达系统port radar system
tech.港口面貌port scene
shipb.港口领港员harbour pilot
shipb.港口领航员harbor pilot
tech.港池口门basin entrance
tech.港池进口船闸dock entrance lock
tech.港湾口门port mouth
tech.港湾进口entrance to harbour
tech.港湾进口entrance to harbor
tech.港的进口entrance of port
tech.港道口channel firth
shipb.澳大利亚港口与海运部Department of Harbors and Marine
shipb.澳大利亚港口与海运部Department of Harbors and Marine of Australia
tech.火车与货船联运的港口rail port
tech.由海关经营的港口customs port
gen.疏浚与港口建设Dredging + Port Construction
tech.私有港口private port
shipb.航线、航次、船期和停泊港口shipping line, voyage, schedule and berth port
tech.船只停靠港口fitting-out port
gen.船坞与港口管理Dock & Harbour Authority
shipb.船坞与港口管理协会dock and harbour authorities association
tech.舾装港口fitting-out port
tech.补给港口fitting-out port
tech.被选择港口picked port
shipb.装船港口loading port
port.facil.谷类港口码头grain port
shipb.货物港口未定的租船合同open charter
shipb.购买港口作业拖轮purchase harbor tug
shipb.购买港口消防船purchase harbor fire-fighting boat
shipb.购买港口消防船purchase harbor firefighting boat
gen.趁涨潮进出港口save the tide
tech.转口港port of reshipment
tech.转口港port of transshipment
tech.转口港transfer port
tech.转口港junction port
tech.转口货港entrepot port
tech.轮胎式港口运载工具rubber-tired port vehicle
shipb.进口港port import
tech.通用港口general purpose port
tech.铁路到港口的终点railroad connection
port.facil.闭口港closed harbour
comp.name.阿联酋阿布扎比石油港口作业公司Abu Dhabi Petroleum Ports Operating Co.
tech.除外港口excluded ports
gen.驶人港口sail in
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