
Terms for subject Securities containing 活的 | all forms | in specified order only
不活跃的债券交易商inactive bond crowd
不活跃的债券交易商cabinet crowd
不活跃的证券cabinet security
与证券上市有关的非经营性活动non-operating activities related to the securities listing
交投最活跃的股票most active issues
交投活跃的专柜active post
交投活跃的市场active market
交易不活跃的市场depressed market
交易机制的灵活性flexibility of trading mechanism
交易活跃的债券active bond
交易活跃的证券actively traded security
你死我活的竞争cut throat competition
停止以当事人身份进行的活动cease to act as principal
共同买卖证券的活动joint securities trading activity
创新交易的灵活性与方便性flexibility and convenience of creation trading
创新、灵活、敢冒风险的管理文化指投资银行文化innovative, nimble, risk-taking management culture
制造交易活跃的虚假creating a false appearance of active trading
受监管的卖空活动regulated short selling
受监管的活动regulated activity
对小企业实行更灵活的政策adopt a flexible policy towards small ones
对监管中的营业活动进行限制restriction on carrying on business in regulated activity
已禁止的活动grandfathered activity
抢购……的投机活动speculate on
指数的活力index vitality
按交易金额比较最活跃的股票most active stocks by value
按换手率比较最活跃的股票most active stocks by turnover rate
收支大体平衡的营业活动marginal activity
更灵活的交易政策more flexible trading limit
有关恐怖主义活动资金的行政命令Terrorism Finance United States Executive Order
活泼有生气的市场swimming market
活跃交易的假象false appearance of active trading
活跃的债券交易商群体active bond crowd
活跃的国际资本mobile international capital
活跃的市场liquid market
活跃的生意合伙人active business partner
活跃的管理团队active management
活跃的股东active participant
活跃的股票市场active market
活跃的董事active director
活跃的行情brisk trade/trading
活跃的账户active bank account
活跃的资产active assets
活跃的风险active risk
监管证券的管销活动regulating the public marketing of securities
稳妥和灵活的结算基础设施robust and resilient clearing infrastructure
管理的灵活性managerial flexibility
规模灵活的技术结构scalable technology structure
解除监管的活动regulated activity removal
证券投机中抬高股价的活动bull operation
过度活跃的经济over-employed economy