
Terms for subject China containing 活动法 | all forms
严厉打击各种偷骗税等违法活动aggressively combat all illegal acts such as tax evasion and tax fraud
为了规范立法活动with a view to standardizing legislation
以宪法为根本的活动准则take the Constitution as the basic standard of conduct
依法打击刑事犯罪活动crack down on crimes in accordance with the law
"台湾法理独立"等任何形式的分裂活动all forms of secessionist activities such as calls for Taiwan independence through legislation
对诉讼和非诉讼法律活动的程序作出规范的法律laws to standardize procedures for lawsuit and other legal actions
打击制假售假、虚假广告、商业欺诈、传销和变相传销、偷逃骗税、走私贩私等违法活动crack down on the production and sale of counterfeit goods, false advertising, commercial fraud, pyramid schemes, including pyramid schemes in disguised forms, tax evasion, tax fraud, smuggling and sale of smuggled goods
执法活动law enforcement
有关监督行政管理活动的法律laws related to oversight of administrative activities
有关经济活动规范化的法律laws for standardizing economic activities
立法活动lawmaking activity
贯穿要求于立法活动的整个过程satisfy the requirement throughout the legislation process
通过多种途径参与立法活动participate in legislative activities through various channels