
Terms containing 活动法 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.不法活动unlawful activity
China, polit.严厉打击各种偷骗税等违法活动aggressively combat all illegal acts such as tax evasion and tax fraud
China, polit.为了规范立法活动with a view to standardizing legislation
expl.人类的活动无法超越时空的限制Man's activities cannot extend beyond the bounds of time and space
China, polit.以宪法为根本的活动准则take the Constitution as the basic standard of conduct
China, polit.依法打击刑事犯罪活动crack down on crimes in accordance with the law
dermat.光动力灭活法photodynamic inactivation
met.卡瓦诺活动炉箅直接炼铁法Cavanaugh process
met.卡瓦诺活动炉算直接炼铁法Cavanaugh process
China, polit."台湾法理独立"等任何形式的分裂活动all forms of secessionist activities such as calls for Taiwan independence through legislation
ecol.国际危险物质和活动管理法International Dangerous Substances and Activities Management Law
China, polit.对诉讼和非诉讼法律活动的程序作出规范的法律laws to standardize procedures for lawsuit and other legal actions
telecom.帧间活动画面补偿法interframe motion compensation
commer.我方无法开展经营活动We can't work at your limits
China, polit.打击制假售假、虚假广告、商业欺诈、传销和变相传销、偷逃骗税、走私贩私等违法活动crack down on the production and sale of counterfeit goods, false advertising, commercial fraud, pyramid schemes, including pyramid schemes in disguised forms, tax evasion, tax fraud, smuggling and sale of smuggled goods
ecol.打击非法投机活动crack down on speculation
China, law执法活动law enforcement
busin.按活动计算折旧法activity-based depreciation
busin.揭发非法活动disclose illegal activities
China, polit.有关监督行政管理活动的法律laws related to oversight of administrative activities
China, polit.有关经济活动规范化的法律laws for standardizing economic activities
consult.根据获得的资料制定活动的方法developing method of action based on available information
anim.husb.活动围栏放牧法break-feeding system
anim.husb.活动围栏放牧法草地用活动围栏划成小区放牧,每日或经常移动围栏,使畜群吃到新鲜牧草,现已多用电围栏代替hurdle system
anim.husb.活动围栏放牧法hurdle system
el.活动图像压缩标准-4句法描述语言MPEG-4 syntax description language
earth.sc.活动态金属离子法mobile metal ions
IT活动扫描法activity scanning
sport., med.活动时间记录法timed record of activity
tech.活动桩顶法adjustable pile head
tech.活动模板施工法travelling form construction method
tech.活动模板施工法traveling form construction method
railw.活动模架逐跨施工法segmental span by span construction using form traveler
sport., med.活动法mobilization
met.活动法loose flange
tech.活动法dismountable flange (盘)
met.活动胶片测量法moving film method
tech.活动脚手架设法erection by the use of a mobile gantry
tech.活动装入法activity loading
met.活动边界法moving boundary method
avia.活动集法active set method
dentist.牙列缺损和缺失的修复有两种修复缺失牙的方法,一种是可摘活动义齿,另一种是固定义齿There are two types of false teeth to replace the lost teeth, one is removable type and the other is fixed type
UN环境法和机构方案活动中心Environmental Law and Institutions Programme Activity Centre
China, law立法活动lawmaking activity
el.系统化活动模型设计法systematic activity modeling method
interntl.trade.计划评审法网络的活动分析activity analysis in PERT net work
China, polit.贯穿要求于立法活动的整个过程satisfy the requirement throughout the legislation process
fin.跨司法区招股活动multi-jurisdictional equity offering
logist.违法活动illegal activities
tech.违法活动illegal act
tech.连续流动升流式活性污泥法continuous flow system activated sludge process
water.res., ecol.连续流动系统活性污泥法continuous flow system activated sludge process
China, polit.通过多种途径参与立法活动participate in legislative activities through various channels
oil部门活动分析法method of sector activity analysis
securit.重大违法活动major illegal activity
earth.sc.金属活动态测量法mobile forms of metals in overburden
busin.非法交易活动non-licit transaction
securit.非法卖空活动illegal short selling
tech.非法活动unlawful activity
tech.非法活动illegal activity
busin.非法贸易活动unlawful trading
fin.非法金融业务活动illegal financial business operations