
Terms for subject Ecology containing | all forms
一次污指初沉池的污泥primary sludge
三次化学污指污水进行三级处理时,所产生的污泥tertiary sludge
上升污指沉淀rising sludge
专用污消化separate sludge digestion
二次污secondary sludge
传统活性污conventional activated sludge process
具多排除管的 V 形板刮V-blade scraper with multiple draw-off
内循环膨胀污反应器internal circulation
农用湖底agriculture utilization of lake sediment
净化污digested sludge
分离污消化separate sludge digestion
mud scraper
sludge scraper
剩余活性污excess activated sludge
加盖污干化床covered sludge dry bed
加砂水sanded grouts
化学污水污chemical sewage sludge
化学沉淀的污chemical precipitated sludge
化学法凝结的污chemically coagulated sludge
化学结垢的污chemical precipitated sludge
原污污水中的沉淀raw sludge
原污fresh sludge
反硝化污活化法denitrification activated sludge process
受污染contaminated mud
石流堆体复活old debris flow sediment relapse
可用酸降解的白垩acid degradable chalk mud
可用酸降解的聚合物acid degradable polymer mud
周期循环活性污cyclic activated sludge system
喷洒污装置manure gun
回流污amount of return sludge
固定桥用于辐流沉淀池fixed-bridge scraper
埃克曼采Ekman dredge
埃克曼采Ekman square foot bottom sampler
埃克曼采索抓斗式,供生态研究水下取样用Ekman dredge
城市污municipal sewage sludge
城镇石流debris flow in mountain urban area
多余污excess sludge
山坡石流mountain slope debris flow
常规活性污conventional activated sludge
序列间歇式活性污sequencing batch reactor activated sludge process
bottom silt
采样器bottom sampler
底质污substrate sludge
废水污wastewater sludge
废酸污指在炼油厂用硫酸洗去汽油、煤油、润滑油以及液化气中的烯烃,所产生半固体黑色污泥acid sludge from petroleum refinery
径向刮radial scraper arms
径流runoff and sediment
循环活性污系统cyclic activated sludge system
悬浮污floating sludge
戽斗式挖dipper dredge
pug mill
sludge discharge
排污sludge draw-off pipe
接种污seeding sludge
掺土水soil cement
fresh sludge
旋转半桥rotating half-bridge scraper
旋转式污rotating sludge rake
暴雨石流rainfall debris flow
暴雨洪水沙特性rainstorm flood and sediment characteristic
未净化的污raw sludge
未经处理的污水污raw sewage sludge
机械排mechanically cleaned
格网污screen sludge
厂粉尘dust from cement factory
水泥及土混合料soil cement
沙浆垫层cement and sand cushion
rapid setting cement
quick-setting cement
衬管指衬水泥的管cement lined pipe
自来水厂污water-work sludge
水库截留砂效率reservoir trap efficiency
水性污aqueous sludge
丝状菌膨胀sludge filamentation bulking
中固体物浓度solidcon in the sludge
再活化reactivation of sludge
冻结法sludge freezing process
区沉降速度zonal settling velocity of sludge
卫生填埋sludge sanitary landfill
卸置坑contaminated mud pit
压滤sludge pressing
压糕press cake
去除sludge removal
反循环sludge recycle
反循环sludge recirculation
回比sludge return ratio
固体物sludge solid
堆肥sludge compost
堆肥处理sludge composting
sludge lagoons
填埋sludge landfill
处理sludge handling
处理disposal of sludge
处理法sludge handling process
复氧reaeration sludge
干化场sludge drying bed
干化床脱水sludge drying bed dewatering
成分ingredient of sludge
振动过筛vibration screens for sludge
接种sludge seeding
撤离sludge evacuation
最终处置sludge ultimate disposal
机械脱水mechanical sludge dewatering
气回流gas recirculation
气泵指在污泥消化池旁的gas lift pump
氧化sludge oxidation
沉积堆sludge bank
沉积效应effect of sludge deposit
活化sludge activation
浓缩thickening of sludge
浓缩池sludge concentration digester
浓缩池sludge concentrator
浮游物sludge float
消化单元sludge digestion unit
淘洗elutriation of sludge
清洗sludge elutriation
sludge silt
sludge bank
热值sludge calorific value
焚化处理crematory system of sewage disposal
的化学调理chemical conditioning o£ sludge
的施肥价值fertilizing value of sludge
离心分离centrifugation of sludge
sludge worm
调节改善sludge conditioning
过剩sludge excess
部分sludge part
copper of sewage sludge
sludge trap
防护sludge proof
sludge age
污水污处置sewage sludge disposal
sewer catch basin
mud trap
沉积污settled sludge
河流river silt
河流沙近期变化current changing sediment yield
土移动shifting of earth
dirt band
沙再悬浮sediment resuspended
沙利用suspended sediment load use
沙取样sampling sediment
沙放射性示踪试验radioactive sediment tracer test
沙来源source of sediment
沙泵sand pump
沙输移比sedimentation delivery ratio
浆水earthy water
渣堆积sludge accumulation
石流危险度dangerous degree of debris flow
石流沟mud rock flow gully
石流流域catchment of debris flow
石流灾害disaster of debris flow
砂分析sedentary analysis
砂混合物sediment mixture
砂游移shifting of earth
砂率定曲线sediment-rating curve
mud pipe
质海岸silting coastal area
页岩低丘shale low hill
活性污丝状膨胀activated sludge filamentation bulking
活性污出水activated sludge effluent
活性污动力学activated sludge kinetics
活性污车间activated sludge plant
活性污培养activated sludge culture
活性污处理activated sludge treatment
活性污处理activated sludge disposal
活性污完全氧化法complete activated sludge oxidation
活性污曝气作用activated sludge aeration
活性污术语activated sludge nomenclature
活性污氧化作用activated sludge oxidation
活性污消化activated sludge digestion
活性污生物群activated sludge biota
活性污絮状物activated sludge floc
活性污膨胀bulking sludge
活性污膨胀bulking of activated sludge
活性污膨胀activated sludge bulking
活性污解体分解decomposition of activated sludge
活性污试验厂activated sludge pilot plant
活性污负荷activated sludge loading
浅淤shallow muck
thickened slurry
thick slurry
浓缩活性污thick activated sludge
浓缩的活性污concentration activated sludge
淘洗污elutriated sludge
淘洗污elutriation sludge
淘洗的污elutriated sludge
回流slurry return
slurry blanket
排泥管sludge discharge pipe
沉积silt deposit
沉积sludge bank
浓缩池slurry concentrator
质海岸silting coast
资源silt resource
湖泊沉积腐lacustrine muck
指糖厂press cake
指糖厂filter mud
滤池filter mud-ball
fire clay
烧污热水器gas-fired water heater
环链板刮用于平流式沉淀池flight scraper
生污fresh sludge
生物软abyssal ooze
白色硅酸盐水white Portland cement
石灰caustic mud
贮坑slime pit
矿渣水blast furnace slag cement
矿渣水blast furnace cement
矿渣硅酸盐水portland slag cement
砂粉水sand cement
移行桥式刮travelling-bridge scraper
thickened slurry
稠污thickened sludge
筛余污压碎机screen sludge crusher
筛选screen sludge
coarse sand
沙集中来源区coarse sand concentrated source region
粗颗粒coarse sediment
粪便污night soil sludge
索雷尔水Sorel cement
絮凝污flocculated sludge
膨胀板岩expanded shale
膨胀水expanding grout
自然沙输移比natural sediment delivery rate
藻类silt algae
蠕虫sludge worm
过筛的水sifted cement
过量污excess sludge
连续除 沉淀池continuous sludge removal tank
适温活性污thermophilic activated sludge process
酸性废污acid waste sludge
borrow area
锅炉给水污.boiler feedwater sludge
间歇式循环延时曝气活性污intermittent cyclic extended activated sludgeICEAS
防水水water-proof cement
防窜水anti-fluid-channeling cement
sludge-collecting mechanism
需氧污消化aerobic sludge digestion
青紫-水稻作物系统purplish clayey soil PCS-rice system
高速活性污high rate activated sludge
高速活性污high-rate activated sludge process
分离器slime separator
slime layer
形成菌slime-forming bacteria
黏性污pasty sludge