
Terms for subject Drilling containing 泥浆 | all forms | in specified order only
一小段重泥浆heavy slug
一种抗高温泥浆体系Thermal-Drill mud system
下入灌满泥浆的井中mud in
不分散泥浆non-dispersing mud
不分散增效低固相泥浆non-dispersed beneficiated low-solid mud
不喷泥浆接单跟make a dry connection
不返泥浆条件下钻进blind drilling
严重气侵泥浆very heavily gas-cut mud
严重气侵泥浆heavily gas-cut mud
严重气侵泥浆very highly gas-cut mud
严重气侵泥浆heavily highly gas-cut mud
严重油侵泥浆very highly oil-cut mud
严重油侵泥浆very heavily oil-cut mud
严重油侵泥浆highly oil-cut mud
严重油侵泥浆heavily oil-cut mud
严重油、气侵泥浆highly oil-and-gas cut mud
严重油气侵泥浆very heavily oil and gas-cut mud
严重油气侵泥浆heavily oil-and-gas-cut mud
严重油气侵泥浆very highly oil and gas-cut mud
严重油、气侵泥浆heavily oil-and-gas cut mud
严重的水侵泥浆highly water-cut mud
严重的水侵泥浆heavily water-cut mud
中性泥浆系统bland mud system
乙二醇强化泥浆glycol enhanced mud
乳胶水泥浆latex-cement slurry
井下泥浆脉冲遥测down hole mud pulse telemetry measurement
井下泥浆脉冲遥测down-hole mud pulse telemetry measurement
井下泥浆脉冲遥测downhole mud pulse telemetry measurement
井中泥浆温度 测量技术系统mud temperature in (of the hole)
井内灌满泥浆fill up
井内返出泥浆drill-hole return
井内返出的泥浆温度mud temperature out
井口泥浆返出管线mud discharge line (from the well)
井口混气泥浆kelly air mud
井口返出泥浆密度mud density out
井口返出泥浆密度传感器mud out sensor
井口返出泥浆流量outflow rate
井口返出的泥浆returning mud
井口返出的泥浆return of drilling mud
井口返出的泥浆returning fluid
井口返出的泥浆密度mud out density
井场泥浆工程设计程序包wellsite mud engineering package
井底口袋泥浆rat hole mud
估算的泥浆温度estimated mud temperature
估计泥浆密度estimated mud weight
低压泥浆low-pressure mud
低固相泥浆low solid mud
低固相不分散泥浆low solid non-dispersed mud
低固相不分散泥浆系统low solid non-dispersed mud system
低固相不分散的泥浆体系low solids non-dispersed mud system
低固相无黏土泥浆low solid clay-free mud system
低固相聚合物泥浆low solids polymer mud
低失水泥浆low fluid-loss mud
低失水泥浆low water-loss mud
低失水泥浆low water loss mud
低失水水泥浆low water-loss cement
低失水水泥浆low fluid-loss cement
低密度泥浆钻井reduced-pressure drilling
低密度水泥浆low density cement slurry
低密度水泥浆light weight cement slurry
低毒油基泥浆low-toxicity, oil-based muds
低比重泥浆light weight mud
低比重泥浆负压钻井under-balanced drilling
低比重泥浆负压钻井underbalance pressure drilling
低比重泥浆钻井under-balanced drilling
低水灰比水泥浆low-water-ratio cement
泥浆mud feed valve
侵入泥浆的天然气mud gas
侵入的泥浆滤液invaded mud filtrate
侵入的泥浆颗粒invaded mud particle
倒换用泥浆switch to mud pump
倾注水泥浆的筒dump bailer
储备泥浆stored mud
泥浆钻井aeration drilling
充气泥浆aerating mud
充气水泥浆air entrained cement
充满泥浆mud filled
入井泥浆相对密度mud weight in
再处理的泥浆reconditioned mud
冲洗管内残留物的水泥浆scavenger slurry
凝析油侵泥浆distillate-cut mud
凝析油侵泥浆condensate cut mud
初始泥浆密度initial mud weight
初期泥浆比重initial mud weight
注水泥前置水泥浆lead slurry
注水泥前置水泥浆lead cement
具有剪切稀释特性的泥浆体系shear-thinning mud system
加表面活性剂的泥浆surfactant mud
加重泥浆段塞weighted pill
压井泥浆kill mud
压井泥浆密度kill mud weight
压井泥浆管线mud kill line
压井重泥浆kill weight mud
压力泥浆比重计pressurized mud balance
原始加重泥浆original weight mud
双层泥浆振动筛double deck shale shaker
双缸双作用泥浆double-acting duplex mud pump
双缸双作用往复式泥浆duplex, double-acting reciprocating type mud pump
变向分流泥浆swing line
合成钻井泥浆synthetic drilling muds
合成基泥浆synthetic based mud
合成油基泥浆synthetic oil based mud
向钻杆中注入一段重泥浆slug pipe
含少量气泥浆very slightly gas cut mud
含少量油气的泥浆very slightly oil and gas-cut mud
含少量油的泥浆very slightly oil-cut mud
含气和泥浆的油gas & mud-cut oil
含水泥浆water-cut mud
含油和盐水的泥浆oil and salt water cut mud
含油斑泥浆oil flecked mud
含油气泥浆oil and gas cut mud
含油水泥浆oil and water cut mud
含馏分泥浆distillate-cut mud
泥浆泵吸入的泥浆incoming mud
泥浆边起钻pull a wet string
喷射冲洗泥浆罐/池底jetting the pit
泥浆槽或泥浆池周边的土坝earthen retaining wall
泥浆earthen pit for circulation
泥浆池周围的挡坝board siding
在充满泥浆的井中下入带回压阀的套管mudding in
在用泥浆active mud
在用泥浆active pit
在用泥浆active mud pit
在用泥浆系统active mud system
在用泥浆active tank
在用泥浆active mud tank
增效低固相泥浆beneficiated low solid mud
增稠水泥浆densified slurry
增稠水泥浆densified cement
处理泥浆treatment of mud
处理泥浆condition mud
处理泥浆用的泥浆罐treatment tank
备用泥浆stored mud
备用泥浆储存罐ready-reserve mud tank
复合抑制剂钻井泥浆complex inhibitor drilling mud
多个泥浆池内泥浆量累加器pit volume totalizer
多个泥浆罐内泥浆总量累计器pit volume totalizer instrument arrangement
多糖盐水泥浆polysaccharide salt mud
多级泥浆马达multistage motor
大循环泥浆earthen pit for circulation
天然气和泥浆侵油gas & mud-cut oil
封闭上部钻杆阻止泥浆进入的阀trip valve
封隔泥浆packer mud
泥浆dried mud
干粉泥浆dry mud
干粉泥浆处理设备dry mud handling facilities
泥浆waste fluid
泥浆储集池service pit
泥浆储集池reserve pit
泥浆储集池周土坝service pit retaining wall
泥浆slug pit
废弃泥浆储集池reserve mud pit
泥浆马达bent housing motor
当量泥浆密度equivalent mud weight
当量泥浆密度equivalent mud density
当量泥浆比重equivalent mud weight
往井中泵入一段稠泥浆slug the hole with viscous mud
循环并调节的泥浆circulated and conditioned mud
抑制页岩膨胀泥浆shale-control mud
拟油基泥浆pseudo-oil based mud
挖圆井和泥浆digging cellar and slush pit
挖方井或挖方井和泥浆digging cellar or digging cellar and slush pits
挤水泥浆squeeze slurry
挤水泥连续泵浆法continuous pumping method
携砂泥浆cuttings laden mud
撬装注水泥浆的泵cementing pump skid
改性膨润土泥浆improved bentonite mud
放宽失水要求的泥浆relaxed filtration mud
散装泥浆材料bulk mud
散装干粉泥浆bulk mud tank
散装干粉泥浆bulk mud bin
泥浆密度new mud weight
新配制的泥浆fresh mud
方井及泥浆cellar and pits
旋转式泥浆振动筛rotary vibrating shale shaker
无固相泥浆solids-free mud
无固相泥浆solid-free mud
无固相泥浆clay-free drilling fluid
无污染泥浆clean mud
无黏土泥浆clay-free drilling fluid
普通水-黏土泥浆conventional mud
有机泥浆稀释剂organic thinner
末段水泥浆tail slurry
极轻微气侵泥浆very slightly gas cut mud
极轻微油侵泥浆very slightly oil-cut mud
极轻微油气侵泥浆very slightly oil and gas-cut mud
架空泥浆flow line
桶装泥浆化学处理剂chemical barrel
检测泥浆中天然气侵入的传感器gas sniffer
正在向井内泵泥浆on the pump
正排量泥浆马达positive displacement mud motor
每次灌泥浆时泵冲数strokes per fill
气侵泥浆gas cut mud
气动水泥浆喷射枪air cement gun
氯化钙泥浆calcium chloride mud
氯化钾泥浆potassium chloride mud
泥浆cement milk
泥浆cement slurry
泥浆串槽cement channeling
泥浆倾倒筒cement dump bailer
泥浆喷枪gunite gun
泥浆密度计算机自动计算系统computer automated cement density system
泥浆搅拌器slurry agitator
泥浆污染cement contamination
泥浆液流cement flow
泥浆添加剂cement additive
泥浆滤液cement filtrate
泥浆稳定性slurry stability
泥浆slurry tank
泥浆防漏剂cement slurry lost-circulation retarder
水侵泥浆water-cut mud
水包油乳化泥浆oil-in-water emulsion mud
水基泥浆water-base mud
水基泥浆water-based mud
水基混油泥浆water-base oil emulsion mud
水油乳化泥浆water-base oil emulsion mud
水泥灰浆cement plaster
泥浆oil gas cut mud
油侵泥浆oil cut mud
油侵和盐水侵的泥浆oil and salt water cut mud
油包水泥浆残渣diesel invert mud residues
油包水乳化泥浆invert oil mud
油包水乳化泥浆water-in-oil mud
油包水乳化泥浆water-in-oil emulsion mud
油包水乳化泥浆钻井液invert oil-emulsion drilling fluid
油包水乳化泥浆invert mud
油包水乳化泥浆invert emulsion mud
油包水乳化油基泥浆invert emulsion oil mud
油和含硫水侵的泥浆oil and sulfur water-cut mud
油基泥浆oil mud
油基泥浆oil base mud
油基泥浆oil based mud
油基泥浆滤液oil-base mud filtrate
商品名油基泥浆Black Magic
油基乳化泥浆oil emulsion mud
油气侵泥浆oil and gas cut mud
油气侵泥浆gas and oil cut mud
油-气-水乳化泥浆water-gas oil mud
油水侵泥浆oil and water cut mud
油污泥浆oil flecked mud
沿金刚石钻头底面的泥浆流速face of velocity
泡沫水泥浆foam cement
泥浆drilling mud
泥浆drill mud
泥浆drilling fluid
泥浆一气体分离器mud/gas separator
泥浆不返出井口losing return
泥浆不返出井口lose circulation
泥浆不返出井口的井漏loss of circulation
泥浆中的固体mud solid
泥浆中的管重pipe weight in mud
泥浆井口溢流mud spillage
泥浆体积累加器mud volume totalizer
泥浆储备罐reserve mud tank
口语泥浆储备罐duck's nest
泥浆入侵造成堵塞地层mudding off
泥浆入口温度mud temperature in
泥浆公司mud company
泥浆分析mud analysis
泥浆加貝材料heavy weight additive
泥浆加重build mud weight
泥浆固井水泥浆包的泥浆mud pocket
泥浆压力指示mud pressure indicator
泥浆压力梯度mud pressure gradient
泥浆压力脉冲mud pressure pulse
泥浆增稠thickening of mud
泥浆处理mud process
泥浆处理mud conditioning
泥浆处理剂储存罐storage mud additives
泥浆处理干粉材料dry mud material
泥浆处理系统mud treatment system
泥浆处理设备mud treating equipment
泥浆处理设备mud conditioning equipment
泥浆-天然气分离器mud-gas separator
泥浆失水仪的储浆杯mud filter cell
泥浆失水量fluid loss
泥浆住油层mud up
泥浆屈服值mud yield point
泥浆干垢皮crusted mud
泥浆录井drill returns log
泥浆录井mud log
泥浆录井曲线mud log
泥浆录井drilling fluid log
泥浆录井工mud logger
泥浆录井工具mud logging tool
泥浆录井设备mud logging unit
泥浆录井车mud logging trailor
泥浆循环mud circulation
泥浆循环一周时间cycle time
泥浆循环泵mud cycle pump
泥浆循环系统mud system
泥浆性能drilling fluid property
泥浆性能控制mud control
泥浆性能调整mud correction
泥浆总体积total volume of mud
泥浆挡板mud buffle
泥浆搅拌机mud mixing unit
泥浆搅拌池mixing mud pit
泥浆携砂能力cuttings-carrying capacity of mud
泥浆材料mud material
泥浆极压润滑试验仪EP mud tester
液面上泥浆mud gun (surface)
液面下泥浆mud gun (submerged)
泥浆jetting gun
泥浆样品mud sample
泥浆样品来源mud sample source
泥浆样品温度temperature of mud sample
泥浆样品温度mud sample temperature
泥浆样品电阻率resistivity of mud sample
泥浆气侵cutting of mud by gas
泥浆working pit
泥浆surface pit
泥浆mud storage
泥浆池与泥浆槽之间的挡板board siding
泥浆池增量pit gain
泥浆池容积加法器pit volume totalizer
泥浆池容量pit volume
泥浆池容量累计pit volume totalizing
泥浆池总容量total pit volume
泥浆池总容量pit volume, total
泥浆池液面上的彩色油晕rainbow on the flush pit
泥浆沉淀池mud sump
泥浆沉淀池mud settling sump
泥浆沉砂池sand settling mud pit
泥浆流动性系数mud mobility factor
泥浆流动环路mud flow loop
泥浆流度系数mud mobility factor
泥浆流量传感器mud flow transmitter
泥浆流量传感器mud flow sensor
泥浆流量指示器mud flow indicator
泥浆流量监测器mud flow monitor
泥浆流量计mud flow meter
泥浆润滑剂drilling lubricant
泥浆润滑性试验仪mud lubricity tester
泥浆温度mud temperature
泥浆温度传感器drilling fluid temperature sensor
泥浆的流动特性flow characteristics of mud
泥浆的碱性或碱度alkalinity Pm
泥浆真空回收mud vacuum recovery
泥浆稳定性测定仪测破乳电压stability meter
泥浆稳定性测定仪mud stability meter
泥浆窜槽mud channelling
泥浆震动mud screen
水龙头泥浆wash pipe
泥浆管线悬挂装置mud line suspension unit
泥浆类型mud type
泥浆粘附性测定仪mud sticking tester
泥浆缓流沉砂池slug pit
泥浆缓流沉砂罐slug tank
泥浆storage liquid mud
泥浆mud storage
泥浆 钻井液罐实际容量actual mud tank volume
泥浆罐有效容量active mud tank content
泥浆脉冲mud pulse
泥浆脉冲发送器mud pulse transmitter
泥浆脉冲遥测随钻测量mud pulse telemetry
泥浆脉冲遥测仪mud pulse telemetry
泥浆脉冲遥测技术mud pulse telemetry
泥浆脱气器mud deaerator
泥浆表面活性剂drilling mud surfactant
泥浆费用mud cost
泥浆速度velocity of mud
泥浆造壁mud sheath
泥浆配制房mud-mixing plant
泥浆酚酞碱度phenolphthalein alkalinity of mud
井口泥浆防喷盒mud bucket
泥浆防喷盒spray arrester
井口泥浆防喷盒mud box
泥浆防喷盒crew saver wet box
方钻杆泥浆防溅下旋塞lower kelly valve
方钻杆泥浆防溅下旋塞lower kelly saver
方钻杆泥浆防溅下旋塞lower saver sub
方钻杆泥浆防溅下旋塞lower kelly cock
泥浆防溅接头mud saver
泥浆防溅盒mud saver bucket
泥浆除泥器mud desilter
泥浆静切力gel of mud
泥浆马达定向角mud motor orientation angle
泥浆马达-弯接头mud motor-bent sub
泥浆驱动的涡轮mud propelled turbine
海水泥浆sea water mud
涡轮泥浆马达turbine mud motor
淡水泥浆fresh water mud
淡水泥浆fresh mud
淡水泥浆滤液fresh water mud filtrate
淡水胶质泥浆系统fresh water gel mud system
清洗泥浆cleaning to pits
清理泥浆cut ditch
泥浆hole fill
泥浆fill the hole
起钻泥浆冲数strokes to fill
泥浆时泵的冲数fill stroks
泥浆管线fill-up line
泥浆fill-up volume
灌注水泥浆grout in
向井内灌注水泥浆压力feed pressure
灌注水泥浆的筒cement dump
环空泥浆密度mud weight in annuals
环空泥浆流速annular mud velocity
泥浆枪冲搅泥浆gun rolling
用单宁酸处理的黏土泥浆red mud
用油基泥浆钻取的岩心oil base core
电子式泥浆测试器electronic mud tester
盐水泥浆salt water base mud
盐水泥浆salty mud
盐水泥浆salt mud
盐水泥浆brine mud
盐水侵泥浆saltwater-cut mud
硬固的泥浆hardened mud
离心式泥浆净化器centrifugal mud machine
稀水泥浆lean cement
稀释泥浆dilute mud
泥浆high viscosity sweep
筛布的泥浆通过能力screen flow capacity
管柱内灌水泥浆装置inner-string cementer
泥浆red mud
纯水泥浆neat cement slurry
经循环和调节的泥浆circulated and conditioned mud
结块泥浆dry mud
缓速泥浆溶液retarded mud sol
膨润土泥浆bentonite mud
膨润土淡水泥浆bentonite water mud
袋装泥浆材料房mud house for sacked material
袋装泥浆材料房mud house
袋装干粉泥浆材料dry sacked material
设置的泥浆挡板gate and trough arrangement
调节泥浆性能condition mud
赤铁矿粉加重泥浆hematite mud
起下钻时井口泥浆外溢mud flow on trip
起完钻灌泥浆fill after trip
起钻喷泥浆pull a wet string
起钻时向井内灌泥浆用的泥浆补给罐trip tank
超低密度水泥浆ultra-low density cement slurry
超低密度水泥浆extra-low density cement slurry
转筒旋转泥浆分离器rotary mud separator
轻微气侵泥浆very slight gas-cut mud
轻微气侵泥浆slightly gas-cut mud
轻微油侵泥浆slight oil cut mud
轻微油侵泥浆slight oil-cut mud
轻微油气侵泥浆slightly oil&gas-cut mud
轻微油气侵泥浆slightly oil and gas-cut mud
边喷泥浆边接单跟make a wet connection
边喷泥浆边接单跟make a muddy connection
过去的或目前的泥浆密度old or current mud weight
返出泥浆poor returns
返出泥浆无岩屑clean circulation
返出井口的泥浆比重flow line specific weight
返出井口的泥浆温度flow line temperature
泥浆mix mud
泥浆make up mud
口语配制优质泥浆mud's college education
泥浆slug tank
重晶石加重泥浆barite weighted mud
重晶石加重泥浆barite mud
钙基泥浆lime mud
钙基泥浆lime base mud
钙基泥浆calcium mud
钙处理泥浆lime treated mud
钙处理泥浆calcium-treated mud
钙处理泥浆calcium mud
钻井泥浆bore mud
钻井泥浆drill mud
钻井泥浆drilling mud
钻井泥浆drilling pump
钻台泥浆管汇rig floor mud manifold
起钻前钻柱中泵入一段重泥浆slug the pipe
钾一镁泥浆potassium-magnesium mud
钾基泥浆potassium mud
钾-钙基泥浆potassium-lime mud
降低泥浆比重bring down mud weight
非加重泥浆unweighted mud
预配置泥浆ready made mud
饱和盐水泥浆saturated salt-water mud
驱替泥浆displace mud
高含气泥浆very highly gas-cut mud
高含气泥浆very heavily gas-cut mud
高含水油基泥浆体系high water oil mud system
高含油泥浆very highly oil-cut mud
高含油泥浆very heavily oil-cut mud
高含油气泥浆very highly oil and gas-cut mud
高含油气泥浆very heavily oil and gas-cut mud
高密度水泥浆weighted cement
高密度水泥浆high gravity slurry
高比重泥浆heavy mud
高比重泥浆钻井heavy weight drilling
高黏度泥浆Hi-Vis pill
高黏度泥浆段塞high viscosity pill
黏土-水泥浆clay-water mud
黏土过多的泥浆shale laden mud
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