
Terms for subject Technology containing 波数 | all forms | in specified order only
不同波数变换conversion between different wave numbers
临界波数critical wave number
伴波函数adjoint wave functions
全波计数管long counter
共反射面元的混波道数mixing traces within common reflection area element
分布常数滤波器distributed constant filter
分布波函数distributed wave function
分数正弦波fractional sine wave
分数谐波fractional harmonic
初始波函数ab initio wave-function
削波器时间常数clipping constant
动量波函数momentum wave function
反对称波函数anti-symmetrical wave function
反对称波函数anti-symmetric wave function
反演滤波系数filter coefficient of inverse development
取样数据滤波器sampled-data filter
变分波函数variational wave function
含时波动函数time-dependent wave function
四波段光谱数据four-band multispectral data
固定波数fixed wave number
图像波函数image wave function
地物波谱数值ground spectral data value
地物波谱数据类别type of ground spectral data
基波功率因数phasor power factor
声波传输系数acoustical transmissivity
声波传输系数acoustic transmissivity
声波分析数据sound analysis data
声波振幅传输系数sound amplitude transmission coefficient
声波模数sonic modulus
声波测点数number of sonic logging test
声波视地层因数sonic apparent formation factor
声频波动因数audio-frequency variation factor
复数滤波器complex filter
复波函数complex wave function
外海波谱密度函数offshore spectral density function
多级数字滤波器multi rate digital filter
客流波动系数fluctuating coefficient of passenger flow
客运季度波动系数coefficient of seasonal fluctuation in passenger traffic
客运波动系数coefficient of fluctuation in passenger traffic
室温波动系数fluctuation factor of room temperature
对数示波器logarithmic oscilloscope
导波系数法method of guided wave factor
平均波动模数mean modulus of error (交通量)
平面波反射系数plane wave reflection coefficient
平面波散射系数plane wave scattering coefficient
循环数字滤波器recursive digital filter
循环波动支配月数month for cyclical dominance
循环波动支配月数month for cyclic dominance
微波噪声系数测试仪noise-figure measuring set for microwave equipment
指数曲线波形exponential waveform
指数波exponential wave
指数滤波器exponential filter
数位波形digit wave form
数字低通滤波digital low-pass filtering
数字地震检波器digital geophone
数字多波束基阵digital multibeam steering array
数字多波束扫描声呐digital multibeam scanning sonar
数字多波束扫描声呐digital multibeam scan sonar
数字式微波接力通信系统digital microwave relay system
数字微波中继系统digital microwave relay system
数字微波无线电digital microwave radio
数字微波电路digital microcircuit
数字波面测量干涉仪digital wavefront measuring interferometer
数字滤波法digital filter method
数字读出示波器digital readout oscilloscope
数据滤波网络data smoothing network
数据滤波网络data filtering network
数据通道滤波器data channel filter
整数倍谐波integer harmonics
斐波纳契函数Fibonacci function
斐波纳契数Fibonacci number
斐波纳契数分类Fibonacci series sorting
斐波纳契数列Fibonacci sequence
斐波纳契数生成函数Fibonacci generating function
斐波纳契数系Fibonacci number system
斐波纳契系数Fibonacci coefficient
斐波纳契级数Fibonacci series
斯莱特行列式波函数Slater-determinant wave function
方波对比传递函数square-wave contrast transfer function
无线电波透视法视吸收系数等值线图contour map of apparent absorption of radio wave penetration method
极限波数limiting wave number
栅极检波系数grid detection coefficient
检波传输系数transmission coefficient of detection
检波点总数total receiver point number
检波系数transrectification factor
检测波射性流体的计数器well counter
椭圆函数波conoidal wave
椭圆柱面波函数elliptical cylindrical wave function
椭圆柱面波函数elliptic cylindric wave function
正常波包函数normal packet function
正演滤波系数filter coefficient of direct development
沿层波形参数分析wave shape parameter analysis along layer
函数wave function
参数wave parameter
波像差函数wavefront aberration function
波函数wave function (ψ)
波函数对称性symmetry property of wave function
波函数归一化normalization of wave function
波函数扩展spread of wave function
波函数曲率curvature of wave function
波函数调制wave function modulation
波利亚计数定理Polya's enumeration theorem
波动光学调制传递函数wave optical modulation transfering function
波动系数coefficient of variation
波动系数coefficient of fluctuation
波参数surge parameter
波尔兹曼系数Boltzmann's factor
波峰因数crest factor
波峰系数crest factor
波常数wave constant
波形失真因数klirr factor
波形失真系数klirr factor
波形失真系数distortion factor of a wave
波形畸变系数waveform distortion factor
波形系数waveform factor
波形系数crest factor
波数偏移wave number migration
波数单位wave number unit
波数wave number domain
波数wave number difference
波数标度wave number scale
波数标识灯wave number marker lamp
波数校准曲线wave number calibration curve
波数滤波器wave number filter
波数矢量wave number vector
波数空间wave number space
波数算子wave number operator
波数范围wave number range
波数计数器wave number counter
波数记录wave number registration
波数wave number spectrum
波数频谱wave number frequency spectrum
波束压缩因数beam compression factor
波浪折射系数wave refraction coefficient
波浪推算参数wave prediction parameter
波浪放大系数amplification factor of wave
波浪砰击力系数slamming force coefficient
波浪破碎系数wave breaking coefficient
波浪绕射系数diffraction coefficient of wave
波特速率系数baud rate factor
波痕指数ripple mark index
波痕指数index of ripple
波的衰减系数damping factor of wave
波纹因数ripple factor
波纹系数ripple factor
波纹系数coefficient of rippling
波纹计数器ripple counter
波绕射强度系数wave diffraction intensity factor
波耳兹曼函数Boltzmann function
波能吸收系数absorbed wave energy coefficient
波谱密度函数spectral density function
波谱数据处理技术spectral data processing techniques
波谱数据来源spectral data sources
波谱数据输出方式spectral data output form
波道数number of channels
波长常数设波长为人, K= 2π/λwave length constant
波长系数wavelength coefficient
波长计数器wavelength counter
波长读数分光计wavelength reading spectrometer
波阻系数wave drag coefficient
波雷尔函数Borel function
波雷尔可测函数Borel measurable function
波高参数wave height parameter
波高折减系数wave height reduction factor
波高系数wave height coefficient
海上地震数据的空间滤波spatial filtering of marine seismic data
涟波因数ripple contain factor
混合波函数hybrid wave function
混波系数mixing wave coefficient
滤光片的波形系数coefficient of wave shape
滤波因数hum reduction factor
滤波权函数weighting function of filtration
滤波系数filter coefficient
狄拉克波函数Dirac wave function
球体波函数spheroidal wave function
球波函数spherical wave function
球波函数spheric wave function
球面波函数spherical function
球面波函数spheric function
瑞利波单一传递函数Rayleigh's wave singlet transfer function
电极装置转换滤波系数filter coefficient of electrode configuration transform
直达波衰减系数计算direct arrival wave attenuation factor computation
矢量波动函数vector wave function
矩形波传递函数square-wave transfer function
破波指数breaker index
碎波指数breaking index
碎波指数breaker index
碎波相似性参数surf similarity parameter
窄带数字滤波narrow band digital filtering
算子波函数operator wave function
级数谐波展开harmonic expansion
组合检波器数array geophone number
缩波系数shorted factor of wave length
脉冲波峰因数pulse crest factor
脉冲计数器一检波器pulse counter detector
自旋波函数spin wave function
自由波吸收系数free wave absorption coefficient
行列式波函数determination wave function
行波系数travelling-wave coefficient
行波系数traveling-wave coefficient
设计波参数design wave parameter
谐波函数harmonic function
谐波响应函数frequency response function
谐波因数harmonic wave factor
谐波失真因数harmonic distortion factor
谐波常数harmonic constant
谐波指数harmonic index
谐波次数order of harmonic
谐波系数harmonic wave factor
谐波系数harmonic constant
谐波系数harmonic coefficient
谐波级数harmonic progression
谐波阶数harmonic order number
货流波动系数fluctuating coefficient of goods flow
货运季节波动系数coefficient of seasonal fluctuation in freight traffic
货运季节波动系数coefficient of seasonal fluctuation in goods traffic
赛波特秒数Saybolt seconds
赛波特通用黏度秒数second Saybolt universal
赛波特通用黏度计秒数Saybolt universal seconds
赛波特重油黏度秒数second Saybolt furol
超声波数字水位计ultrasonic digital water level gauge
超声波数字水位计ultrasonic digital water level gage
超声波回波脉冲数字式测厚仪ultrasonic echo-impulse digital thickness meter
超声波常数ultrasonic grating constant
超声波延迟时间温度系数ultrasonic delay time-temperature coefficient
超声波计数器ultrasonic counter
跨零波数number of zero up-crossing
转矩波动系数ripple torque coefficient
速度波动系数speed fluctuation coefficient
锯齿波的非线性系数non-linear coefficient of saw-tooth wave
长球波函数prolate spheroidal wave function
波数threshold wave number
阻极检波系数transrectification factor
阿波罗数据库Apollo Data Bank
集总常数滤波器lumped constant filter
静振波节数nodal of seiche
非循环数字滤波non-recursive digital filter
非线性谐波失真系数non-linear harmonic distortion
频率波数分析frequency wave number analysis
驻波损耗因数standing-wave loss factor
驻波系数standing-wave ratio
驻波节数nodal of seiche